Quotients of Mapping Class Group Iso. to Symplectic Group.

In summary: This is an isomorphism since it is invertible, and it preserves both the group structure and the intersection form.
  • #1
Hi, Again:

I am a bit confused about this result:

Mg/Mg^(2) ~ Sp(2g,Z) (group iso.)


i) Mg is the mapping class group of the genus-g surface, i.e., the collection of diffeomorphisms: f:Sg-->Sg , up to isotopy.

ii)Mg^(2) is the subgroup
of Mg of maps that induce the identity in H_1(Sg,Z/2), and

iii)Sp(2g,Z) is the symplectic
group associated with the intersection form over Z, i.e., we consider the pair (Z-module,
Symplectic form) given by: (H_1(Sg,Z), (a,b)_2), where (a,b)_2 is the intersection form
in in H_1(Sg,Z/2), so that Sp(2g,Z) is the subgroup of Gl( H_1(Sg,Z)) that preserves
(, )_2.

For one thing, the mapping class group is in a different "category" (used in the informal
sense) than Sp(2g,Z) ; Mg and Mg^2 are maps f,g :Sg-->Sg , and h in Sp(2g,Z) is a linear
map m: H_1(Sg,Z)-->H_1(Sg,Z) (with (x,y)_2 =(m(x),m(y))_2.

I understand being in different categories does not make an iso. impossible, but I
don't see what the isomorphism would be.

I don't know if these are Lie group isos. or just standard group isos. Any ideas?

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  • #2
The isomorphism in question is between the mapping class group of the genus-g surface and the symplectic group associated with the intersection form over Z. This means that there is an isomorphism between the groups of diffeomorphisms of the surface (Mg) and linear maps of the first homology group (Sp(2g,Z)) which preserve the intersection form (, )_2. This isomorphism is a standard group isomorphism and not a Lie group isomorphism, as it does not involve any Lie algebra structures. It is an example of an algebraic group isomorphism, as it involves an algebraic structure (in this case, the intersection form). The isomorphism itself is given by the composition of two maps: one from Mg to Mg^2, and the other from Mg^2 to Sp(2g,Z). The first map is the natural inclusion, i.e., all diffeomorphisms of the surface are mapped to those which induce the identity on homology. The second map maps the elements of the mapping class group to linear maps which preserve the intersection form: if f is an element of Mg^2, then its image in Sp(2g,Z) is the linear map h_f which maps x to f*x, where f* is the induced homomorphism on homology. In other words, the isomorphism is given by mapping each element f of Mg^2 to its induced homomorphism f* on homology, and then mapping f* to the corresponding linear map h_f in Sp(2g,Z).

FAQ: Quotients of Mapping Class Group Iso. to Symplectic Group.

What is the mapping class group?

The mapping class group is a mathematical concept that represents the symmetries of a surface. It consists of all the ways in which a surface can be deformed while preserving its overall structure.

What is the symplectic group?

The symplectic group is a mathematical concept that represents the symmetries of a symplectic manifold. It consists of all the linear transformations that preserve the symplectic form on the manifold.

What is a quotient of mapping class group isomorphic to symplectic group?

A quotient of mapping class group isomorphic to symplectic group refers to a mathematical relationship between the mapping class group and the symplectic group. Specifically, it means that there exists a homomorphism (a structure-preserving map) between the two groups that preserves their key properties and structure.

What does it mean for a mapping class group to be isomorphic to a symplectic group?

For a mapping class group to be isomorphic to a symplectic group means that the two groups are essentially the same, just represented in different ways. They have the same structure and properties, and can be thought of as different descriptions of the same underlying mathematical concept.

Why is the quotient of mapping class group isomorphic to symplectic group important?

The quotient of mapping class group isomorphic to symplectic group is important in mathematical research and applications because it allows for connections and relationships to be made between these two distinct mathematical objects. This can lead to further insights and discoveries in both fields.
