[Engineering advice] What field is right for me?

  • Thread starter sphericow
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In summary, the person is a second year university student who is trying to decide between majoring in electronic or mechanical engineering. They initially planned on studying physics or math, but have decided against it due to a lack of passion and concerns about job opportunities. They are interested in cars and F1, but have little practical experience with mechanical tools. They also enjoy the more mathematical and rigorous approach of electronic engineering, but did not enjoy their intro to electronics class. They have also considered other options such as applied mathematics and CFD modelling. Ultimately, they are advised to choose the major that aligns with their interests and career goals.
  • #1
I'm a student coming into my second year of university. My first year course was the general engineering/science program (maths/physics/programming/electronics/materials/intro engineering).

Now I need to chose my major, I'm looking at either electronic or mechanical engineering.

Background info:
I had planned on studying physics/and or math but have decided against it because I don't really have a deep drive that would be necessary. When I try to balance my interest in physics/math vs. the possibility of not actually working in my desired field/not even having a decent job, physics loses. I'm really afraid of finishing my degree, walking away with debt and having to teach high school physics to survive.

So I guess I'm looking the (almost) default career path for mathematically and scientifically able students: engineering.

This is how I perceive my choice:
I'm really interested in cars and mainly F1 - I guess you could call it a passion. But I have basically zero practical experience with mechanical tools/processes. I know mechanical engineering is a VERY broad field and the automotive/aerodynamic side is small.
I didn't mind the metallurgy and materials classes I did this year but I do not enjoy the statics/dynamics section of the physics paper (this is not to say I did poorly, I received the highest overall grade in the class), I just find the statics problems tiresome and boring.

Electronic engineering would allow me to take more physics and maths classes (compared to mechanical) this does excite me. My favourite section of the physics I have studied so far has always been E&M.
But I did not enjoy my intro to electronics class very much this semester. I can't exactly say why but I think it may be because we did not use a textbook and relied on the professors brief powerpoint presentations, in the labs I had no idea what I was doing half the time but again that could be because we had no pre-reading assigned before each lab. I know I was not alone in feeling lost during that class. I guess I like to have a more thorough/rigorus presentation and explanation of concepts rather than "this magical box does this so we do this etc etc". Maybe the more mathematically rigours second year electronics classes (analogue electronics and digital electronics) will enlighten me further.
I don't really have any non academic interests in electronics, but this is probably my own fault - I should buy some small project kits (we did play around with a boe-bot in high school, it was a lot of fun). I don't really enjoy the programming I have been introduced to either (forms based c#).

Other choices
I have thought about applied mathematics, but I don't know if the career prospects are very good where I live (New Zealand). CFD modelling (and related) seems very interesting - but I guess this falls under mechanical engineering also.

Wow that is really TL:DR, if anyone has actually read this far - thank you.
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
My advice to you is to think about what you really enjoy and have a passion for. You should also consider what kind of career you want to pursue after university, and whether or not your chosen major will help you to achieve that goal. If you are passionate about cars and F1, then mechanical engineering could be the right choice for you. On the other hand, if you prefer the more mathematical and rigorous approach to problem solving that electronic engineering provides, then that might be the better choice. Ultimately, you should pick the major that best suits your interests and career aspirations.

FAQ: [Engineering advice] What field is right for me?

1. What are the different fields of engineering?

The main fields of engineering include mechanical, electrical, civil, chemical, and computer engineering. There are also many subfields within each of these main categories.

2. How do I determine which field of engineering is right for me?

The best way to determine which field of engineering is right for you is to research and explore the different fields, their job responsibilities, and the types of projects they work on. You can also talk to professionals in each field and consider your personal interests and strengths.

3. Is it possible to switch fields of engineering after graduation?

Yes, it is possible to switch fields of engineering after graduation. Many engineers choose to do this in order to pursue new career opportunities or explore different interests. However, it may require additional education or experience in the new field.

4. What are some important skills needed for success in engineering?

Some important skills needed for success in engineering include problem-solving, critical thinking, communication, teamwork, attention to detail, and technical knowledge. These skills are important for any field of engineering.

5. Are there any resources available to help me make a decision about which field of engineering to pursue?

Yes, there are many resources available to help you make a decision about which field of engineering to pursue. These include career counseling services, online assessments, informational interviews with professionals, and university career centers. It is also helpful to attend career fairs and networking events to learn more about different fields of engineering.

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