Academic fresh start advice needed

  • Thread starter skintchicken
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In summary, the individual is planning to return to college in January to study physics. They have 39 credit hours from their previous college experience, but did not do well in some classes due to not trying hard enough because of a relationship at the time. They can use 30 of those hours towards their physics degree. However, their wife found out about an academic fresh start program that would essentially erase their previous college experience and they would have to start over. The individual is unsure if they should take advantage of this program or not, as it would remove any bad grades from their record. They also want to know if having a few bad grades on their transcript would negatively impact their chances of getting into a master's or PhD program. They now
  • #1
i am going back to college in january to study physics. from my first college experience i earned 39 credit hours, but didn't do too well in some classes b/c i wasn't trying hardly at all b/c of a girl i was seeing at the time, but it's my fault. i can use about 30 of those hours towards my physics degree. my wife found out about a program called academic fresh start that i can take part in which would pretty much make it as if i'd never been to college before and i'd have to start all over again. part of me wants to do this, but another part thinks that 30 hours is a pretty good headstart. btw, if i chose not to do the fresh start thing, my gpa will be 2.6.

my question is: what would you do in this situation? is it worth having those Fs and Ds taken off my record along with all of the As, Bs, and Cs? i also want to know if you think having a transcript with a few really bad grades would negatively effect my chances of getting into a masters or phd program, which is my ultimate goal.

when i first went to college i wasn't focused and didn't really know what i wanted to do, but now i have settled down quite a bit and have a reason to do well. i want my wife and i to be financially stable, i want my future kids to have good academic role models, and i want to have a job for the rest of my working days that i actually like and find pleasure from. thanks in advance to everyone who offers their advice, support, knowledge, or any other input; it's greatly appreciated.
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  • #2
"but didn't do too well in some classes b/c i wasn't trying hardly at all b/c of a girl i was seeing at the time, but it's my fault."

Lesson number 1. Chicks who don't digg you being serious with your education goes into the bin. REPEAT AFTER ME... The last girl I dated hated that I had insane hours at school. But her loss, as I see it. You should pick up the skills to actually actively communicate to chicks what you want in life to see if you are a match. If you are not, too bad, move over to the next one...

Do the fresh start thing. Do not convert those lousy credits.

"i want to have a job for the rest of my working days that i actually like and find pleasure from."

There is no job, which you will occasionally get tired from doing, that is when you switch jobs. Every job in the world sucks eventually, it's like entropy it always increases whatever you try to do about it.
  • #3

First of all, congratulations on your decision to go back to college and pursue a degree in physics. It takes a lot of courage and determination to make a fresh start and I commend you for that.

In terms of the academic fresh start program, I would recommend that you carefully weigh the pros and cons before making a decision. On one hand, starting with a clean slate may seem appealing and give you the opportunity to prove yourself academically. However, it is important to consider the amount of time and effort you have already invested in those 39 credit hours and whether or not you are willing to start over completely.

Furthermore, as you mentioned, having a transcript with a mix of good and bad grades may raise questions for admissions committees when applying to graduate programs. However, it is important to keep in mind that admissions committees also take into consideration factors such as personal growth and improvement over time. If you are able to demonstrate your dedication and passion for physics through your coursework and other experiences, the few bad grades may not have a significant impact on your chances of being accepted into a master's or PhD program.

Ultimately, the decision is yours and you should choose the option that you feel is best for you. My advice would be to speak with an academic advisor or counselor at your college to discuss your options and get their perspective on the matter. They can provide you with more personalized advice based on your individual situation.

In terms of your future goals and aspirations, it is clear that you have a strong motivation and desire to succeed. My advice would be to stay focused, work hard, and don't let your past mistakes hold you back. Use your experiences as a learning opportunity and continue to strive towards your goals. With determination and perseverance, I have no doubt that you will achieve success in your academic and professional endeavors. Best of luck to you.

FAQ: Academic fresh start advice needed

What is an academic fresh start?

An academic fresh start is a program offered by some colleges and universities that allows students to start over with a clean academic record. This typically involves erasing previous grades and coursework from a student's transcript and starting with a blank slate.

Who is eligible for an academic fresh start?

The eligibility requirements vary by institution, but in general, students who have not been enrolled in college for a certain period of time (usually a few years) and have a low GPA may be eligible for an academic fresh start.

How do I apply for an academic fresh start?

You will need to contact your school's admissions or registrar's office to inquire about their academic fresh start program. They will provide you with the necessary information and application process.

What are the benefits of an academic fresh start?

An academic fresh start can give students a second chance to improve their academic record and potentially graduate with a higher GPA. It can also be helpful for students who have faced personal or academic challenges in the past and want to start fresh.

Are there any drawbacks to an academic fresh start?

One potential drawback is that all previous coursework and grades will be erased, so students may have to retake classes they have already completed. Additionally, not all schools offer this program, so it may not be an option for some students.

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