Would the outer planets in our solar system survive a supernova event?

In summary: StatusPlanets orbiting massive stars (> 9 M☉) are likely to survive supernovae events, for two reasons. First, the supernovae blast is 360°, and planets form along the ecliptic which means only 3% to 5% of the blast will be along the ecliptic. Second, stars that are about to go supernovae are not very dense, typically less than 1.4 g/cm3.
  • #1
Now I know the sun can't go supernova ever, but let's say the sun somehow acquires enough mass to eventually undergo a supernova with an energy output of one foe, what would happen to the solar system? Would the outer planets such as the gas giants and pluto survive?
Astronomy news on Phys.org
  • #2
I do not mean to belittle your question, but, first you must suggest a way the sun could acquire so much mass without unforeseen circumstances. A star is not much of a supernova threat unless it achieves about 8 solar masses. I fail to see how that much mass could enter the solar system without seriously messing with all the planetary orbits.
  • #3
kuartus4 said:
Now I know the sun can't go supernova ever, but let's say the sun somehow acquires enough mass to eventually undergo a supernova with an energy output of one foe, what would happen to the solar system? Would the outer planets such as the gas giants and pluto survive?

I'm not sure. It takes a LOT of energy applied in a specific way to destroy a planet. I'm not sure a shockwave from a supernova is enough to destroy them unless they are very close to the star. I'd expect significant erosion of the atmospheres of any planets, along with possible orbital changes that may result in the ejection of said planets from the system, but they might survive.
  • #4
what would happen to the solar system?.. Would the outer planets such as the gas giants and pluto survive?.

Seems like the solar system would cease to exist...at least as we know it. As radiation reduces the 'mass' [gravity] of the sun, orbits must surely change...

Similar is going to happen when the sun ends it's life and becomes a red giant...at least for earth.

Hard for me to imagine a low density gas giant surviving.

Some tidbit insights here.


Seems like there may be some hope for continued habitability, but I'm, pretty sure we are too close...I'd rather not be here to observe it.
  • #5
A general way to look at this:

The heat and energy of a supernova, or even the red giant our sun will one day become, would surely convert some mass of some of the planets to 'energy'. So some mass will most likely be converted to energy in the form of radiation...photons, alpha particles and so forth. Other mass would likely change orbit and still other be accelerated beyond the 'solar system'.
  • #6
So let's say that our entire solar system is brought to size so that the sun is big enough to produce a supernova.
For one, it would die out faster. and most likely not be able to exist to see it.
And if it did go supernova, the inner planets would be either annihilated by the blast, or thrown out of orbit. the outer planets would probably lose its atmosphere and possibly its core. it still sustained, however, the gas giants would be in luck! They would start collecting material from mutual gravity. and BAM! you got a giant Jupiter. with a little (But millions of kilometers in diameter) white dwarf star. However, this is my own theory of it.
  • #7
Nova said:
They would start collecting material from mutual gravity. and BAM! you got a giant Jupiter. with a little (But millions of kilometers in diameter) white dwarf star. However, this is my own theory of it.

A solar mass white dwarf is around 14,000 km in diameter and increasing the mass decreases the diameter.
  • #8
kuartus4 said:
Now I know the sun can't go supernova ever, but let's say the sun somehow acquires enough mass to eventually undergo a supernova with an energy output of one foe, what would happen to the solar system? Would the outer planets such as the gas giants and pluto survive?
Planets orbiting massive stars (> 9 M☉) are likely to survive supernovae events, for two reasons. First, the supernovae blast is 360°, and planets form along the ecliptic which means only 3% to 5% of the blast will be along the ecliptic. Second, stars that are about to go supernovae are not very dense, typically less than 1.4 g/cm3.

While the supernovae may be sufficient to strip off the atmospheres of rocky type planets, it would not destroy them. It would, however, most certainly change the orbits of every planet in the solar system, as the supernovae blows off a considerable amount of its mass.

Planets around neutron/pulsar stars have already been discovered. In fact, the very first exoplanet found was orbiting around a pulsar.


FAQ: Would the outer planets in our solar system survive a supernova event?

1. What is a supernova?

A supernova is an extremely powerful explosion that occurs when a massive star runs out of nuclear fuel and collapses under its own gravity. This explosion releases an enormous amount of energy, making it one of the brightest events in space.

2. Can the sun really go supernova?

No, the sun is not massive enough to go supernova. It is considered a medium-sized star and will eventually evolve into a red giant before eventually becoming a white dwarf. Only stars that are at least 8 times more massive than the sun have the potential to go supernova.

3. How long would it take for the sun to go supernova?

If the sun could go supernova (which it can't), it would take about 50,000 years for it to happen. This is because the sun is relatively stable and is not close to running out of nuclear fuel.

4. What would happen to Earth if the sun went supernova?

If the sun could go supernova (which, once again, it can't), Earth would be completely destroyed. The energy released from the explosion would be powerful enough to completely obliterate our planet.

5. Is there any evidence of a supernova occurring in our galaxy?

Yes, there is evidence of supernovas occurring in our galaxy. The most recent was in 1604, observed by astronomer Johannes Kepler. However, the supernova was not from our own sun, but from a star much farther away. It is estimated that a supernova occurs in our galaxy every 50 years or so.
