Masters degree with no experience

In summary, the conversation discusses concerns about finding a job with too much academia and not enough experience, and whether getting a master's degree would be beneficial or detrimental to employment opportunities. There is also mention of potentially taking a pay cut or omitting the master's degree from the resume in order to secure a job. The conversation concludes with a reminder to never falsify a resume and the value of education in the job market.
  • #1
I'm currently in my senior year of EE and still can't find an internship. I am set to graduate next fall with no issues. I really (really really) want to get a masters in furthur EE courses but have heard of people having problems finding a job with too much academia and not enought experience. I also am not to keen on finding a job and then going back to school if I don't have to. I was also thinking that if this is a problem I wouldn't mind taking a pay cut or even void my masters from my resume for the sake of getting a job. Then when I go to find a new job I could say I have experience and masters.

Does anyone have any input or ideas? Thanks
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  • #2
Lying, or misrepresenting yourself on a resume or CV is a bad idea. If you were to omit the ~2 years you took while getting your master's degree, the question of what you did during those years would inevitably come up.

I don't think this is as big a problem as people make it out to be. Once finished your master's degree, you would still be targeting entry-level positions - only perhaps those of a more technical nature than those you might consider with a bachelor's degree alone. You also have the option of getting a part-time job during graduate school, if that's really a concern.

The down side, specific to engineering, might be that in giving up two years of work experience in favour of further education, you won't be able to use that time towards the PEng designation - if that applies where you want to work.
  • #3
Where I work engineers with undergrad and master's degrees are hired to the same positions initially, with the graduate degree holders making a few thousand dollars extra. I certainly can't see how having a master's would be a disadvantage. Staying in school could also give you more time to find an internship, which will be important when finding a full time job.

The question of getting a master's immediately as an engineer is just one of "is it worth my time?" The only potential downside is that the time may (or may not) have been better spent on something else. If you know that you want to continue to study and aren't in any sort of rush then I can't see any downside to doing so.

If you are still worried, it might also be helpful to ask about the placement record at the graduate school(s) you are interested in.
  • #4
bassplayer142 said:
I am set to graduate next fall with no issues. I really (really really) want to get a masters in furthur EE courses but have heard of people having problems finding a job with too much academia and not enought experience.

I haven't really *seen* this happen. I don't think this is much of a concern for masters degrees since I can't really think of a situation in which a EE Masters will leave you worse off.

I was also thinking that if this is a problem I wouldn't mind taking a pay cut or even void my masters from my resume for the sake of getting a job. Then when I go to find a new job I could say I have experience and masters.

This won't work since you'll have a huge unexplained gap in your resume. It's also pretty unnecessary, since a EE masters will qualify you for a whole bunch of jobs that you wouldn't otherwise be eligible for. One of the first things that a hiring manager will do when they get a stack of resumes is to cut out the people that don't have the minimum educational requirements for a job, and there are tons of jobs out there in which a masters is a minimum requirement.

Where I work some sort of masters degree is the bare minimum requirement for even getting your resume looked at.
  • #5
Thanks for the replies. I think I'll still look into getting the masters. I figure with those extra 2 years I can most likely find a job or internship to get some experience.
  • #6
You could also concentrate on finding out an entry level job to start up your career and gain some industry experience. Afterwards; you can plan for masters through distance education with the help of which is a platform to online degree seekers to earn their degree from renowned institutions.
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  • #7
bassplayer142 said:
I'm currently in my senior year of EE and still can't find an internship. I am set to graduate next fall with no issues. I really (really really) want to get a masters in furthur EE courses but have heard of people having problems finding a job with too much academia and not enought experience. I also am not to keen on finding a job and then going back to school if I don't have to. I was also thinking that if this is a problem I wouldn't mind taking a pay cut or even void my masters from my resume for the sake of getting a job. Then when I go to find a new job I could say I have experience and masters.

Does anyone have any input or ideas? Thanks

Lack of experience is always a problem for graduates (with and without a master's degree). Employers value education, regardless of what people might be telling you.

If I had to choose between two people both who had no experience and one with a masters and the other without, I would select the person with the master's degree.

Also, never falsify your resume.


FAQ: Masters degree with no experience

What is a Masters degree with no experience?

A Masters degree with no experience refers to a graduate degree program that does not require any prior work experience in the field. This means that individuals can apply for and enroll in the program immediately after completing their undergraduate degree without having to gain any work experience first.

What are the benefits of pursuing a Masters degree with no experience?

One benefit of pursuing a Masters degree with no experience is that it allows individuals to enter the workforce at a higher level than those with just an undergraduate degree. This can lead to higher-paying job opportunities and faster career advancement. Additionally, it can also provide individuals with a more specialized education and deeper understanding of their field, making them more competitive in the job market.

Are there any drawbacks to pursuing a Masters degree with no experience?

One potential drawback is that individuals may lack practical or real-world experience in their field, which could make it more challenging to apply their knowledge in a work setting. Additionally, some employers may prefer candidates with both a Masters degree and work experience, so it's important to research the job market and industry before deciding to pursue a degree with no experience.

What types of programs offer a Masters degree with no experience?

Many different types of graduate programs offer a Masters degree with no experience, including business, education, humanities, and social sciences. These programs typically require applicants to have a strong academic background and may have specific prerequisites or admissions requirements. It's important to carefully research and compare different programs to find the best fit for your academic and career goals.

Can I still get a job with a Masters degree and no experience?

Yes, having a Masters degree can still make you a competitive job candidate even without prior work experience. However, it's important to highlight other relevant skills and experiences you may have, such as internships, research projects, or volunteer work. Networking and building connections within your field can also help you secure job opportunities. Additionally, some industries may require or prefer candidates with work experience, so it's important to research the job market and industry expectations before pursuing a degree with no experience.

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