How can I use variation of parameters to solve this differential equation?

In summary: Just use substitution and elimination to get:u'= -v' cos(x)+ w sin(x)v'= -v sin(x)+ w cos(x)w'= w sin(x)+ w cos(x)
  • #1
Damascus Road
Hey all,

this is a little confusing, because the "variation of parameters" that I have been taught in class is different then what I find in most texts...

I have y''' + y' = tan(x)

Most textbooks use the wronskian and work from there,
what I was taught to do is set it up as the characteristic eqn, and then factoring it I get solutions

r = 0, -i , + i

(Side question, may I set up my solution as:

y= C1 + C2sin(x) + C3cos(x) + C4 e^ix + C5 e^ - ix ?

or must it be something like...

y= C1 +C2 e^ix + C3 e^ - ix + C4 xe^ix + C5 xe^ - ix ? )


then when we take the derivatives, we end up with a system of equations, where the sum of each term with a derivative of a constant = 0,
and the last expression = tan x

But solving these is difficult...

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  • #2
First of all [tex]e^{ix}[/tex] will simplify to sin and cos in each case to make life easier. And you should show us what you have done so far that we may help you. My way of doing it may be slightly different from yours.
  • #3
well simplifying I get these 4 expressions::

C1' cos(x) + C2' sin(x) + C3' xcos(x) + C4' xsin(x) = 0

-C1' sin(x) + C2' cos(x) + C3' xcos(x) - C4' xsin(x) = 0

-C1' cos(x) - C2' sin(x) - C3' xcos(x) - C4' xsin(x) = tan(x)

Now I need to solve this system, and integrate for the constants...
  • #4
I have no idea what you are doing! Yes, the characteristic equation is r3+r= 0 and has roots 0, i, and -i. That tells you that the general solution to the associated homogeneous equation would be y= C0+ C1 cos(x)+ C2 sin(x). There is no reason for complex exponentials (those would reduce to the cosine and sine functions) nor for multiplying by x.

Now, to use "variation of parameters", look for a solution to the entire equation of the form y= u(x)+ v(x)cos(x)+ w(x)sin(x). y'= u'+ v' cos(x)- v sin(x)+ w' sin(x)+ w cos(x). There are, in fact, an infinite number of choices for u, v, and w and we can simplify by narrowing the search to only those that satisfy u'+ v' cos(x)+ w' sin(x)= 0. That leaves y'= -v sin(x)+ w cos(x) so now y"= -v' sin(x)- v cos(x)+ w' cos(x)- w sin(x). Again, we narrow to those u, v, w satisfying -v' sin(x)+ w' cos(x)= 0 and have y"= -v cos(x)- w sin(x). Differentiating one more time y"'= -v' cos(x)+ v sin(x)- w'sin(x)- w cos(x). Putting that and y'= -vsin(x)+ w cos(x) into the eqation, v' cos(x)+ v sin(x)- w' sin(x)- w cos(x)- vsin(x)+ wcos(x)= v' cos(x)- w'sin(x)= tan(x). We now have three equations:

u'+ v' cos(x)+ w' sin(x)= 0
-v' sin(x)+ w' cos(x)= 0
v' cos(x)- w' sin(x)= tan(x)
To solve for u', v' and w'.

FAQ: How can I use variation of parameters to solve this differential equation?

1. What is the concept of "Variation of Parameters" in mathematics?

The variation of parameters is a method used to solve differential equations. It involves finding a particular solution by assuming that the solution is a linear combination of a set of fundamental solutions of the homogeneous equation.

2. How is the variation of parameters method different from other methods of solving differential equations?

The variation of parameters method is different from other methods, such as the method of undetermined coefficients, because it does not require the coefficients of the particular solution to be predetermined. Instead, the coefficients are determined through integration.

3. When should the variation of parameters method be used to solve a differential equation?

The variation of parameters method should be used when the differential equation is in the form of a linear, nonhomogeneous equation. It is particularly useful when the nonhomogeneous term is in the form of a polynomial, sine, cosine, or exponential function.

4. What are the necessary steps to solve a differential equation using the variation of parameters method?

The necessary steps are: (1) Find the fundamental solutions of the homogeneous equation; (2) Form a set of fundamental solutions by multiplying each fundamental solution by a parameter; (3) Substitute the set of fundamental solutions into the nonhomogeneous equation; (4) Solve for the parameters by equating the coefficients of each fundamental solution; (5) Combine the particular solution with the general solution of the homogeneous equation to get the complete solution.

5. Are there any limitations to using the variation of parameters method?

Yes, the variation of parameters method can only be used for linear, nonhomogeneous differential equations. It also requires the fundamental solutions of the homogeneous equation to be known, which can sometimes be difficult to find. In addition, the method can become complicated and time-consuming for higher order differential equations.
