Money makes people act less nice?

  • Thread starter Greg Bernhardt
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    Act Money
In summary, both ends of the economic spectrum feel a sense of entitlement. Science can explain why some people who have a lot more money than others seem to be less nice and more evil to everyone around them.
  • #1
It's clear that both ends of the economic spectrum feel a sense of entitlement.

Science can explain a lot of things that I've always wondered about (go, science!). In this case, it explains what I've known for a long time but been unable to quite understand: Why do some folks who have a lot more money than others seem to be less nice and more evil to everyone around them?

At 0:50, someone actually takes candy from babies. No, really. At 3:00, we start to see the science unfold before our eyes. Entire management courses could — and should — be taught with the bit starting at 4:40.
Physics news on
  • #2
Oh I don't know - I find that some people become extremely nice when they have just received a lotof money from me :D
  • #3
I wonder if rich vs poor is a red herring. I think they should investigate happy vs unhappy.
  • #5
I know a lot of very nice rich people and very nasty poor people, I agree with micro.
  • #6
LOL. I have noticed that BMW drivers are pretty aggressive. However, I personally find that women don't stop as often when I'm trying to cross the street in a crosswalk. I'll have to note what they're driving now.
  • #7
Evo said:
I know a lot of very nice rich people and very nasty poor people, I agree with micro.

Hmmm... Me too.

Here are the results of my life's research:

I have found that the rich people I know that started from the ground up are very nice.
Those that inherited all their money are generally jerks.

Poor nice people, like myself, are just your average Joes and Josephines, as far as I can tell.
Poor jerks, strike me as sociopaths.

Someone should make a poll of famous rich people, asking if each one is nice, or a jerk.

Here's my list, picked from some list of the top 100 richest people, of the people I have an opinion on:

Bill Gates, self made: Nice guy, but I hate Microsoft. (I'm a Mac guy now)
Warren Buffet, self made: Not sure why I love this guy, but I do
Charles and David Koch, inherited: Total Jerks!
[STRIKE]Michael Bloomberg, self made?: meh. His first employer, straight out of college, gave him a $10,000,000 severance package? Where do I get a job like that?[/STRIKE](financial anomaly)
George Soros*, self made: I love this guy to death
Mark Zuckerberg, self made: Seems like a nice guy​

* His counterpart, Thomas Peterffy, I just want to strangle! :redface:
  • #8
Borg said:
LOL. I have noticed that BMW drivers are pretty aggressive. ...

I noticed the same thing for the last 30+ years. They were always tailgating me!

I always thought it had to do with the resonance of the engine and gearbox. There is a speed, where the engine and manual transmission, become harmonious, in a beautiful chord. I always assumed Beemers were tuned for Bavarian and German roads. Hence, speed up young Om...

But it's been quite a few years since I've noticed a Beemer tailgating me. I suppose they are all automatics now. :frown:

Mentors, feel free to move my post over to the geriatric automotive behavioral neuroscience section.
  • #9
Hey, I owned a BMW when I was rich and I used to be super nice, now that I'm poor, not so nice. :devil:

If I had more money, I'd definitely be in a better mood.
  • #10
Well, I didn't know you when you were rich, and now that you're poor, I find you very agreeable.

btw, was it a stick, or an auto?

ps. One of the vice presidents at my company started out with me at the bottom about 27 years ago. He is not a jerk.
  • #11
OmCheeto said:
I noticed the same thing for the last 30+ years. They were always tailgating me!
I didn't want to complain about it but yes, a significant fraction of the time when I see someone weaving in and out of traffic and tailgating, it's a BMW.
  • #13
I have long believed those fancy brand automobiles are more brandished for a power symbol than enjoyed for their comfort.

A fellow from Palm Beach once told me "It's New money drives Cadillacs. Old money drives Oldsmobiles."

I'd be interested to hear from somebody in law enforcement as to whether there's a brand preference among punks.
  • #14
I think wealthy people get sick and tired of being begged and preyed upon by the 'underclass'. Of course, an ostentatious life style does not help matters. I would live quietly in the privacy of a gated home surrounded by undocumented eastern european guards, a safe room with a wine cellar and two years of supplies, and a modest, armored chauffeured limousine. Did I forget to mention the French maids and gunship escort with a SWAT team?

FAQ: Money makes people act less nice?

1. What is the connection between money and behavior?

There is a growing body of research that suggests that there is a link between money and behavior. Studies have shown that the presence or even just the thought of money can lead to changes in behavior, such as increased risk-taking, decreased empathy, and more selfish decision-making.

2. Does having more money make people less nice?

The answer to this question is not as straightforward as it may seem. While some studies have found that having more money can lead to less prosocial behavior, there are also studies that have found no significant correlation between wealth and kindness. It is important to note that the relationship between money and behavior can vary depending on individual factors and societal norms.

3. Can money change a person's values or morals?

There is evidence to suggest that the presence of money can indeed influence a person's values and morals. For example, studies have shown that individuals who are reminded of money tend to place more importance on materialistic values, such as wealth, status, and image, compared to those who are not reminded of money. However, it is important to note that a person's values and morals are shaped by a variety of factors, and money is just one of them.

4. Are there any positive effects of money on behavior?

While most research focuses on the negative effects of money on behavior, there are also some positive effects that have been observed. For example, studies have found that having more financial resources can lead to increased happiness and life satisfaction. Additionally, money can also be used to help others and contribute to society in a positive way.

5. Can money make people act less ethically?

Some studies have found a link between money and unethical behavior. For example, individuals who are reminded of money have been shown to be more likely to engage in dishonest behavior. However, it is important to note that this is not true for everyone and there are many other factors that can influence a person's ethical behavior. Ultimately, it is up to the individual to make ethical decisions regardless of their financial situation.

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