Simple Sturm-Liouville system resembling Associated-Legendre equation?

  • Thread starter omyojj
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In summary, the conversation discusses a Sturm-Liouville system with a given interval and boundary conditions. The goal is to find the ground state solution and corresponding eigenvalue. The equation can be solved using the Frobenius method or associated Legendre functions.
  • #1
I'm trying to solve the following Sturm-Liouville system
\frac{d}{dx}\left((1-x^2)^2\frac{d}{dx}y\right) + (\lambda - k^2)y=0

defined in an interval -a<x<a (or 0<x<a) with 0<a<=1.
Here, k is a real number and λ is the eigenvalue of the system.
y satisfies boundary conditions
[tex]y^{\prime}(a) = y^{\prime}(-a) = 0[/tex]
plus the parity condition
[tex]y(x) = y(-x)[/tex].
(or y'(a) = 0 and y'(0) = 0)

Can anybody give me any hint on how to obtain ground state(Lower-bound eigenvalue and the corresponding eigenfunction) solution, say y_0 and λ_0?

Of course being able to obtain general solution would be much better.

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  • #2
One thing I tried is to integrate the above equation from x=0 to x=a to get
[tex] \lambda_n \int_0^a y_n dx = k^2 \int_0^a y_n dx [/tex]
(The first term on the left-hand side vanished from the given boundary conditions.
[tex] \lambda_n = k^2 [/tex]
which is strange because all the eigenvalues are given as λ_n = k^2.
Where have I been wrong?
  • #3
I don't think you got it wrong.

It's [tex]\lambda_k[/tex]
  • #4
Maybe I should explain the background to this problem.
I encountered the above equation while solving the p-mode(acoustic wave) dispersion relation in an horizontally infinite isothermal disk with vertical stratification in the z direction.
Boundary conditions are chosen so that vertical displacement at the disk boundaries become zero.

Vertical density distribution given by
[tex] \rho(z) = \rm{sech}^2(z) [/tex]
[tex] \rho(x) = (1-x^2) [/tex]
when we make use of a Lagrangian variable z = tanh(x)

y here is perturbation variable
[tex]y = \rho_1(x)/\rho(x) [/tex]

λ_n is the square of frequency ω_n for horizontal Fourier wavenumber k>0.

Physically, for each horizontal wavenumber k, there would be corresponding infinite number of p-modes, each with increasing frequency ω_n and eigenfunction y_n having n zeros between z=-a and z=a.
I want to find the solution to the fundamental mode (ω_0^2 = λ_0).

Anyway, k should be regarded as a given number (like ν(nu), the index representing the order of Bessel's equation)).
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  • #5
If you have not already solved your problem, use the Frobenius method with y(x) as an infinite series polynomial in x. This method is used in Math World's internet info for solving the Legendre differential equation. Also there are many other references available on the net or literature. Best wishes.
  • #6
This particular Sturm-Liouville equation can be solved in terms of associeted Legendre functions (see attachment)


  • LegendreODE.JPG
    44.3 KB · Views: 488

FAQ: Simple Sturm-Liouville system resembling Associated-Legendre equation?

What is a Simple Sturm-Liouville System Resembling Associated-Legendre Equation?

A Simple Sturm-Liouville system resembling Associated-Legendre equation is a mathematical model used to describe the behavior of a physical system. It is based on the Sturm-Liouville theory, which deals with second-order differential equations. The associated-Legendre equation is a specific type of second-order differential equation that frequently arises in quantum mechanics and electromagnetism.

What are the Applications of Simple Sturm-Liouville Systems?

Simple Sturm-Liouville systems have a wide range of applications in various fields of science and engineering. They are commonly used to model physical systems such as vibrating strings, quantum systems, and fluid dynamics. They also have applications in signal processing, image analysis, and data compression.

What is the Significance of the Associated-Legendre Equation?

The associated-Legendre equation is significant because it describes the behavior of systems with rotational symmetry. This is important in physics, as many physical systems exhibit rotational symmetry, such as planets, atoms, and molecules. The associated-Legendre equation helps us understand the behavior of these systems and make predictions about their properties.

How is the Simple Sturm-Liouville System Resembling Associated-Legendre Equation Solved?

The solution to the simple Sturm-Liouville system resembling associated-Legendre equation involves finding the eigenvalues and eigenfunctions of the equation. This is done through a process called separation of variables, where the equation is split into simpler equations that can be solved individually. The eigenvalues and eigenfunctions are then used to construct the general solution to the equation.

What are the Limitations of the Simple Sturm-Liouville System Resembling Associated-Legendre Equation?

One limitation of this system is that it is only applicable to linear, second-order differential equations. It also assumes that the system is homogeneous, meaning that the coefficients in the equation do not depend on the independent variable. Additionally, the solution to the equation may not always be an accurate representation of the physical system, as it is based on simplifying assumptions.

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