Parity of Pi0 and Its Photon Decays

In summary, the decay of a neutral pion to two photons follows from the axial anomaly in the presence of a static electric field. This anomaly arises because the pion's spin is aligned along the field vector, causing its decay to be very fast.
  • #1

I thought pions were assigned parity of -1, but how then can the Pi0 decay into two photons with parity -1?? What am I missing?

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  • #2
intresting, violation of parity??
But this decay as far as I know is due to the electromagnetic force, there should be no parity violation..
can someone explain this?
  • #3
Neutral pions decay quickly by electromagnetic means. You can think of it as a single quark having two electromagnetic interactions that send off gamma rays, and then goes backwards in time (and is the antiquark).

The total parity for the two photons is still negative. Each photon contributes -1, and their wave function gives a third -1. (-1)^3 = -1.

[edit]Here's a short link:[/edit]
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  • #4
The pi0--> two photon decay was actually used by Yang to determine the parity of the pi0 to be negative.
If the parity is positive, the linear polarization of the two photons would be in the same direction, corresponding to the scalar E.E.
For negative parity, the polarizations would be perpendicular, corresponding to the pseudoscalar E.B.
Yang actually did it in terms of the corresponding circular polarization correlations, relating them to the zero spin of the pi0.
It is also of interest to note that the experiment is an example of EPR, since measuring one photon polarization determines the other. How could such a simple experiment confuse Einstein is the real EPR paradox.
  • #5
Meir Achuz said:
The pi0--> two photon decay was actually used by Yang to determine the parity of the pi0 to be negative.
If the parity is positive, the linear polarization of the two photons would be in the same direction, corresponding to the scalar E.E.
For negative parity, the polarizations would be perpendicular, corresponding to the pseudoscalar E.B.
Yang actually did it in terms of the corresponding circular polarization correlations, relating them to the zero spin of the pi0.
It is also of interest to note that the experiment is an example of EPR, since measuring one photon polarization determines the other. How could such a simple experiment confuse Einstein is the real EPR paradox.

It should also be noted that the pion decay to two photons cannot be treated in the standard VMD method, but instead follows from the axial anomaly because of the orientation of polarizations. Hence, the only calculation that gives the proper decay width of the pion is derived solely from the axial anomaly.
  • #6
Thanks everyone!

FAQ: Parity of Pi0 and Its Photon Decays

1. What is the Parity of Pi0 and how is it related to its photon decays?

The parity of Pi0 is a measure of its symmetry under spatial inversion. It is related to its photon decays because the conservation of parity is a fundamental principle in particle physics, and the parity of the Pi0 must be conserved in its decay processes.

2. How is the Parity of Pi0 experimentally determined?

The parity of Pi0 can be experimentally determined by studying the angular distribution of its decay products. If the distribution is symmetric, the parity is even (positive), and if it is asymmetric, the parity is odd (negative).

3. Can the Parity of Pi0 change during its lifetime?

No, the parity of Pi0 is a conserved quantity and cannot change during its lifetime. This is due to the symmetry of the strong nuclear force, which governs the decay of the Pi0.

4. What are the implications of the Parity of Pi0 on our understanding of the Standard Model?

The conservation of parity in the decay of the Pi0 is a crucial test of the Standard Model of particle physics. Any violation of parity conservation would indicate the need for a new theory to explain the behavior of subatomic particles.

5. Are there any ongoing research or experiments related to the Parity of Pi0 and its photon decays?

Yes, researchers are continually studying the parity of the Pi0 and its photon decays to further understand the fundamental laws of physics. Several experiments, such as the NA62 experiment at CERN, are specifically designed to measure the parity of the Pi0 with high precision.

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