Mankind: Have We Been Here Before?

  • Thread starter cam875
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In summary, a theory has been proposed that suggests the possibility of humans being on Earth before and being wiped out, only to reemerge in a similar fashion. Some users question the validity of this theory and ask for evidence. The book "Fingerprints of the Gods" is mentioned as a source of evidence, but it is dismissed as pseudoscience. The conversation then shifts to discussing the idea of a higher civilization that may have existed in the past and was wiped out by natural disasters. The existence of the city of Cambay is brought up as a possible example of this. The conversation also touches on the topic of the lost city of Atlantis and its possible connection to the Minoan civilization on the island of Crete. There is
  • #1
someone told me today about a theory of how we might have been here before and wiped out and came about again. I haven't delved into it too much yet but I am wondering what some of the users here think about this.
Physics news on
  • #2
cam875 said:
someone told me today about a theory of how we might have been here before and wiped out and came about again. I haven't delved into it too much yet but I am wondering what some of the users here think about this.
If it's a theory, there's got to be evidence.

Any evidence? That's what users will address.
  • #3
well i just borrowed a book called finger prints of the god's and its supposed to be about that. So I am going to be reading that to see if there is any good evidence within it. But i was wondering about what other people on the board here thought about this theory, meaning that they had already heard and saw evidence for themselves. Maybe someone here has already read that book or something.
  • #4
As a rule of thumb anything with "... of the Gods" is a pile of pooh
  • #5
mgb_phys said:
As a rule of thumb anything with "... of the Gods" is a pile of pooh

Oh, man... you are so right. 'Chariots of the Gods' was one of the biggest piles that I've ever read. :rolleyes:
And you can add anything that addresses pyramids or crystals as something special.
  • #6
lol that's what I have been thinking, according to the net this book has a lot of pseudoscience, i thought it was an actual science/history book but I guess not. It also says it uses the Earth crustal displacement theory to back itself up which is against the main theory of plate tectonics. Is it really a bad theory?
  • #7
The Earth is around 4.5Gyr old but the oldest rocks were around 1Gyr younger than this because the crust remelted soon after the Earth formed due to the heat of radioactive decay.
Since life was found in these earliest rocks there was a legitimate theory that if life appeared so quickly, perhaps it had also appeared before and traces of it had been wiped out by the remelt. This wasn't really testable and was more a philosophical discussion.

The oldest rocks have now been pushed back a lot further, which suggests that the remelt wasn't as complete as thought or happened sooner and that life took a bit longer to get going. Either way this would have been very simple blue-green algae type life.
  • #8
cam875 said:
someone told me today about a theory of how we might have been here before and wiped out and came about again. I haven't delved into it too much yet but I am wondering what some of the users here think about this.

What this may refer to is the idea that civilization has reached a point of "higher" technological prowess at some point, then natural disasters and climate changes have beaten it back to levels of somewhat lower standards. There is a city in the bay of Cambay that is in 120 feet of water and is 2 miles deep and 5 miles wide. It has the markings of a higher civilization such as Mesopotamian cities are noted for. However, it is about 3-4 thousand years older than Mesopotamia.
  • #9
baywax said:
It has the markings of a higher civilization such as Mesopotamian cities are noted for. However, it is about 3-4 thousand years older than Mesopotamia.

But did they have space shuttles and internet porn (the true markers of an advanced civilization)?
  • #10
Danger said:
But did they have space shuttles and internet porn (the true markers of an advanced civilization)?

That is up for interpretation which is something a lot of websites have done regarding the level of sophistication of the "ancients". If you look at some of the myths that have passed down from those times, we can assume they were well versed in genetic engineering when we read about Pegasus, Minotars, Medusa, Centars, etc... :rolleyes:
  • #11
  • #12
People often point to the various "Atlantis myths" as an example of a more advanced civilization that was wiped out.

When last I talked to anyone about this I was told that the academic consensus was that Atlantis was probably Minoan Crete. They were much more advanced than the early Greeks in the area at the time. They lived on an Island (like Atlantis). There's supposedly a fair bit of archaeological evidence that their economy was destroyed by natural disasters. So it seems fitting with most Atlantis myths. The location doesn't fit with what Plato said though... but he was writing hundreds of years later anyway so it's not so clear where he got that information...
  • #13
Cincinnatus said:
People often point to the various "Atlantis myths" as an example of a more advanced civilization that was wiped out.

When last I talked to anyone about this I was told that the academic consensus was that Atlantis was probably Minoan Crete. They were much more advanced than the early Greeks in the area at the time. They lived on an Island (like Atlantis). There's supposedly a fair bit of archaeological evidence that their economy was destroyed by natural disasters. So it seems fitting with most Atlantis myths. The location doesn't fit with what Plato said though... but he was writing hundreds of years later anyway so it's not so clear where he got that information...

Atlantis may be an analogy for a high level of civilization that was reached and shared by many different nations around the world... but mostly in the areas you're talking about. Santorini is the island you're thinking of rather than Minoan Crete. Santorini was almost completely obliterated by the volcano at the centre of the island.

The various imported objects found in the buildings indicate the wide network of its external relations. Akrotiri was in contact with Crete but also communicated with the Greek Mainland, the Dodecanese, Cyprus, Syria and Egypt.

The town's life came to an abrupt end in the last quarter of the 17th century BC when the inhabitants were obliged to abandon it as a result of severe earthquakes. The eruption followed. The volcanic materials covered the entire island and the town itself. These materials, however, have protected up to date the buildings and their contents, similar to Pompeii.

Check out the incredibly detailed frescos and other artwork and architecture of this "pre-historic" civilization.

Many do associate Santorini with "Atlantis"

However, it was Plato in ~400 BC that started the story of the "Lost Continent of Atlantis". Atlantis was described as larger than Asia Minor and Libya combined. It was supposed to have been at its height 10,000 years BC, and was a culture that had conquered all Mediterranean people except, of course, the Greeks and their fore bearers. The lost island was supposed to have been in the middle of a great ocean - the name of the Atlantic Ocean has its origin in Atlantic. Then, a huge catastrophic wiped out Atlantis.

Is Santorini Atlantis? It is the closest match we know of.
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FAQ: Mankind: Have We Been Here Before?

1. What evidence supports the idea that mankind has existed before?

There are several pieces of evidence that suggest the existence of advanced civilizations before recorded history. These include ancient structures like the pyramids of Egypt and Stonehenge, which demonstrate sophisticated engineering and astronomical knowledge. Additionally, artifacts such as the Antikythera mechanism, a 2,000-year-old analog computer, suggest advanced technological capabilities. Finally, genetic studies have shown that modern humans share a common ancestor from around 200,000 years ago, indicating the possibility of earlier civilizations.

2. How does the concept of reincarnation tie into the idea of mankind existing before?

Many proponents of the idea that mankind has existed before believe in the concept of reincarnation. This belief holds that the soul is reborn into different bodies, potentially spanning many lifetimes. Some believe that memories and knowledge from past lives can be accessed through hypnosis or meditation, providing insight into past civilizations. However, this is a controversial topic and not widely accepted in the scientific community.

3. What are the main theories that support the idea of mankind's cyclical existence?

One theory is that advanced civilizations rise and fall due to natural disasters, war, or other catastrophic events. This could explain why evidence of past civilizations is difficult to find. Another theory is that advanced civilizations may have reached a high level of technological development, but eventually destroyed themselves through environmental degradation or misuse of technology. Finally, some believe that there is a cosmic cycle in which the universe goes through periods of expansion and contraction, and advanced civilizations may arise during certain phases.

4. How does the concept of lost or ancient knowledge tie into the idea of mankind existing before?

Many ancient texts and religious traditions speak of advanced knowledge or technologies that have been lost over time. Proponents of the idea that mankind has existed before believe that these texts and traditions may be referencing previous civilizations with advanced knowledge that has since been lost. Some also believe that ancient structures and artifacts may hold secrets or knowledge that we have yet to fully uncover or understand.

5. What are some criticisms of the idea that mankind has existed before?

One major criticism is the lack of concrete evidence to support this idea. While there are some intriguing pieces of evidence, such as ancient structures and artifacts, there is no definitive proof that these were created by advanced civilizations. Additionally, the concept of reincarnation and accessing past memories is not widely accepted in the scientific community. Some also argue that the idea of cyclical existence is not supported by current scientific understanding of the universe. Ultimately, the idea that mankind has existed before remains a controversial and unproven theory.

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