Exploring the Possibility of a Light-Transmitting Antenna

In summary, it is not possible to build a normal radio transmission antenna that can produce light frequencies due to the inefficiency of the technique of jiggling electrons in a wire at such high frequencies. Light is generated using different technologies from microwaves, and no single technology can produce all types of radiation. The antenna for light is called a light bulb, and it must be coherent for two-way transmission and reception, unlike a regular antenna. However, there are technologies such as laser diodes that can produce coherent light for specific purposes.
  • #1
If light is just an EM phenomena like radio waves (with more energy) would it be possible to build a transmitter that transmits in the light range? If you were to do this, would you see light that just seems to propagating from the antenna?
Science news on Phys.org
  • #2
If you could see in radio light, you'd look up at an antenna and see an odd fuzzy, pulsing light.

Radio waves do not behave like optical light however, due to their longer wavelength -- radio waves bend around things, diffract through large openings, and generally don't behave in the straight-line fashion you're used to light behaving in. It would be weird indeed to have radio eyes.

To answer your question, it is impossible to build a normal radio transmission antenna that can produce light frequencies. The technique of jiggling electrons in a wire (an antenna) becomes very inefficient in the microwave region. People use different technologies to generate each of microwaves, light, ultraviolet, x-ray, and gamma radiation. No one technology can produce them all. (Not yet, anyway.)

- Warren
  • #3
Somewhere I read:
"The antenna for light is called an atom".
  • #4
It's called a light bulb.

  • #5
Nonono - radiation must be coherent from an antenna

Plus it must work 2-way. Ever seen a lightbulb convert light into electricity?
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  • #6
Originally posted by arcnets
Nonono - radiation must be coherent from an antenna

Plus it must work 2-way. Ever seen a lightbulb convert light into electricity?

Well no, but it can via the Photoelectric effect. The filament coil won't be as efficient as a large plate but it should work. But here's the interesting part - I think antennas are said to be reciprocal devices.

An antenna good for 1 meter wavelenght is good for both transmission and reception. The light bulb clearly won't be. Is this related to coherence as an assumption in a working antenna?
  • #7
It's called a light bulb.

anybody heard of laser-diodes? The ones used in CD-players...
  • #8
Originally posted by mmwave
Is this related to coherence as an assumption in a working antenna?
Yes. Antenna theory has to do with the Fourier-transform of the e.m. field. You can transform only pure (coherent) states, not mixed states.

FAQ: Exploring the Possibility of a Light-Transmitting Antenna

1. What is a light-transmitting antenna?

A light-transmitting antenna is a type of antenna that uses visible light to transmit and receive data. It works similarly to a traditional radio antenna, but instead of using radio waves, it uses light waves.

2. How does a light-transmitting antenna work?

A light-transmitting antenna uses a combination of photodiodes and light-emitting diodes (LEDs) to transmit and receive data. The photodiodes receive the light signals and convert them into electrical signals, which are then sent to the LEDs to be transmitted to the receiving antenna.

3. What are the potential applications of a light-transmitting antenna?

A light-transmitting antenna has the potential to revolutionize wireless communication systems, particularly in areas where traditional radio waves are not feasible. It could also be used for high-speed data transmission in data centers or for indoor wireless communication.

4. Are there any limitations to a light-transmitting antenna?

One limitation of a light-transmitting antenna is its range. Light waves have a shorter range compared to radio waves, so the distance between the transmitting and receiving antennas would need to be closer. Additionally, light waves can be easily disrupted by physical obstacles, which could affect the quality of the transmission.

5. Is a light-transmitting antenna currently being used?

While the concept of a light-transmitting antenna has been explored for several years, it is not yet widely used in commercial applications. However, research and development are ongoing, and it may become more prevalent in the future as technology advances.
