Groups, Normalizer, Abstract Algebra, Dihedral Groups help?

In summary, the normalizer of a subgroup H of a group G is the set NG(H)= the set of g in G such that gHg-1=H.
  • #1
1. Let G be a Group, and let H be a subgroup of G. Define the normalizer of H in G to be the set NG(H)= the set of g in G such that gHg-1=H.

a) Prove Ng(H) is a subgroup of G

b) In each of the part (i) to (ii) show that the specified group G and subgroup H of G, CG(H)=H, and NG(H)=G

(i) G = D4 and H = {1, s, r2, sr2}

(ii) G = D5 and H = {1, r, r2, r3, r4}

Homework Equations

Notice that if g is an element of CG(H), then ghg-1 = h for all h elements of H so, CG(H) is a sub group of NG(H).

The Attempt at a Solution

a) Using the 1 step subgroup test.
If a and b are elements in NG(H) then show ab-1 is an element
Let a and b be elements in NG(H), further let a = g= b meaning gHg-1=H=gHg-1. So (gHg-1)(gHg-1)-1=(gHg-1)(g-1H-1g), which by associativity and definition of inverses and closed under inverses, = e which is an element in NG(H), therefor ab-1 is an element of NG(H) for every a,b elements of NG(H) and by the one step subgroup test, NG(H) is a subgroup of G.

b) I'm not sure where to begin, or if part a is even right...
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  • #2
The proof is not very good. You can't assume a=b! You take a and b in NG(H). So aHa^(-1)=H and bHb^(-1)=H. You want to show c=ab^(-1) is in NG(H). Which means cHc^(-1)=H. First off, what is c^(-1)?
  • #3
Would c^(-1)=(ab^(-1))^(-1)=a^(-1)b?
  • #4
could i say let a, b be elements of NG(H), and let a = aHa^-1 and b = bHb^(-1), and since a and b are elements in NG(H) aHa^(-1)=bHb^(-1), then use the division algorithm for right cancellation to say aHa^(-1)b=bHb^(-1)b which goes to aHc^(-1)=bHe and then similarly by the division algorithm for left cancellation, a^(-1)aHc^(-1)=a^(-1)bHe, which simplifies to eHc^(-1)=c^(-1)He...would that let's us say c^(-1) is and element in NG(H), getting us to c^(-1)H(c^(-1))=c^(-1)Hc...but can i claim commutativity and say cHc^(-1)?
  • #5
nobody56 said:
Would c^(-1)=(ab^(-1))^(-1)=a^(-1)b?

Mind the ordering. (ab^(-1))^(-1)=ba^(-1). To prove it multiply that by ab^(-1). Do you see how that works?
  • #6
nobody56 said:
could i say let a, b be elements of NG(H), and let a = aHa^-1 and b = bHb^(-1), and since a and b are elements in NG(H) aHa^(-1)=bHb^(-1), then use the division algorithm for right cancellation to say aHa^(-1)b=bHb^(-1)b which goes to aHc^(-1)=bHe and then similarly by the division algorithm for left cancellation, a^(-1)aHc^(-1)=a^(-1)bHe, which simplifies to eHc^(-1)=c^(-1)He...would that let's us say c^(-1) is and element in NG(H), getting us to c^(-1)H(c^(-1))=c^(-1)Hc...but can i claim commutativity and say cHc^(-1)?

You cannot say a=aHa^-1 for a start. H=aHa^-1. Not a. The rest of it is sort of ok, If you can get to c^(-1)Hc=H that's fine, you don't need any commutativity to turn that into cHc^(-1)=H. Do you see why?
  • #7
yeah, i forgot the for c^(-1)Hc=(c^(-1)Hc)^(-1)=cHc^(-1) by the same ordering property right?
  • #8
Ok, since H^(-1)=H.
  • #9
right, so for b could I take the definition of a Centralizer CG(H)={g element of G, such that ga=ag} and just plug in the elements to show CG(H)=H? and do the same for the normalizer?
  • #10
Yes, now you just have to do some calculations in the dihedral groups to try and figure out what the normalizer and centralizer are.
  • #11
So then would i just be able to say that since CD4(r2)={1, r2, s, sr2},and CD4(s)={1, r2, s, sr2}, and CD4(sr2)={1, r2, s, sr2}, then CD4(1, s, r2, sr2)={1, r2, s, sr2}...or should i try and show each part, as in 1*r=r*1, which seems kinda tidious
  • #12
I would think you could just state the answers without showing every calculation you did. But that's just my opinion.
  • #13
i decided to play it safe, and just wrote it all out, thank you for your time and help!

FAQ: Groups, Normalizer, Abstract Algebra, Dihedral Groups help?

1. What is a group in abstract algebra?

In abstract algebra, a group is a set of elements together with an operation that combines any two elements to form a third element. The operation must also satisfy four specific properties: closure, associativity, identity, and inverse.

2. What is the normalizer of a subgroup?

The normalizer of a subgroup is the largest subgroup of the original group that contains the subgroup as a normal subgroup. This means that the normalizer contains all the elements that commute with the elements of the subgroup.

3. How do I determine if a group is abelian?

A group is considered abelian if its elements commute with each other under the group operation. This means that for any two elements a and b in the group, a * b = b * a. To determine if a group is abelian, you can check if all the elements in the group commute with each other.

4. What is a dihedral group?

A dihedral group is a group of symmetries of a regular polygon. It consists of rotations and reflections that preserve the shape of the polygon. The dihedral group is denoted by Dn, where n represents the number of sides of the polygon.

5. How can I use dihedral groups to solve problems?

Dihedral groups have many applications in mathematics, physics, and other fields. In abstract algebra, they are used to study the symmetries of geometric objects. They can also be used to solve problems related to rotations and reflections, such as finding the number of possible arrangements of objects in a certain shape.

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