Eigenstates of General Spin Matrix for Spin-1 Particles?

Keep up the good work! In summary, the conversation is about a student struggling with problem 3.18 in A Modern Approach to Quantum Mechanics. They are having trouble understanding how eigenvalues relate to matrix mechanics, specifically when dealing with spin operators. The student attempted to solve the problem by taking the dot product of n and S, but encountered issues with the resulting matrices not matching the given matrix in equation 3.19. They have also found eigenvalues of -1, 0, and 1, but are unsure if they are correct and are having difficulty finding the corresponding eigenvectors. The expert advises the student to keep in mind that S is a vector operator and to use the eigenvalue equation to find the correct eigenvalues
  • #1
I'm having a terrible difficulty solving problem 3.18 in A Modern Approach to Quantum Mechanics by John Townsend. I have done literally hours of work and am beginning to think I don't understand how eigenvalues relate to matrix mechanics as well as I thought. Please excuse my TeX it is my first time :redface:

Homework Statement

Determine the eigenstates of [tex]S{n}[/tex] = S [tex]\bullet[/tex] n for a spin-1 particle, where the spin operator S = [tex]S{x}[/tex]i + [tex]S{y}[/tex]j + [tex]S{z}[/tex]k and n = sin[tex]\theta[/tex]cos[tex]\phi[/tex]i + sin[tex]\theta[/tex]sin[tex]\phi[/tex]j + cos[tex]\theta[/tex]k. Use the matrix representation of the rotation operator in 3.19 to check your result when [tex]\phi[/tex] = 0.

Homework Equations

3.19: (3x3 matrix)

R([tex]\theta[/tex]j) =

.5(1 + cos[tex]\theta[/tex]) -(1/Sqrt(2))sin[tex]\theta[/tex] .5(1-cos[tex]\theta[/tex])
(1/Sqrt(2))(sin[tex]\theta[/tex]) cos[tex]\theta[/tex] -(1/Sqrt(2))sin[tex]\theta[/tex]
.5(1 - cos[tex]\theta[/tex]) (1/Sqrt(2))sin[tex]\theta[/tex] .5(1+cos[tex]\theta[/tex])

The Attempt at a Solution

I thought I could solve this by simple taking the dot product of n and S as described in the problem and adding the three resulting matrices. However it is impossible for this to reduce to 3.19 when phi = 0 because Sx Sy and Sz for spin-1 particles do not have entries in the upper right, middle, and lower left corners (among other problems). Even so, using this matrix I followed through and was able to get eigenvalues -1,0 and 1 (despite some very ridiculous algebra) which seemed reasonable to me. I attempted to plug eigenvalue 1 into the eigenvalue equation but the resulting eigenvector is very complicated (which makes me think it is wrong). Anyway I can't reduce my matrix so I think I'm doing something wrong at the very beginning but I can't figure out what.

Any help would be much appreciated :smile:
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  • #2

Hi there,

I can understand your frustration with this problem. It can be quite tricky to understand how eigenvalues relate to matrix mechanics, especially when dealing with spin operators. However, I believe there are a few key things that you may be overlooking in your approach.

Firstly, when taking the dot product of n and S, you need to remember that S is a vector operator, meaning it operates on a vector (in this case, n) to produce another vector. So the resulting matrices from your dot product will also be vectors, not just numbers. This is where the entries in the upper right, middle, and lower left corners come into play.

Secondly, remember that the eigenvalues of a matrix are the values that satisfy the eigenvalue equation (Av = λv), where A is the matrix, v is the eigenvector, and λ is the eigenvalue. So in this case, you need to find the values of λ that satisfy the equation S{n} = λn, where n is the eigenvector. This will give you the eigenvalues for S{n}.

Finally, to find the corresponding eigenvectors, you can plug in the eigenvalues you found into the eigenvalue equation and solve for the eigenvector. This may result in complicated expressions, but as long as you have the correct eigenvalues, you should be on the right track.

I hope this helps and good luck with your problem! If you need any further clarification, please don't hesitate to ask.

FAQ: Eigenstates of General Spin Matrix for Spin-1 Particles?

1. What are eigenstates of general spin matrix?

Eigenstates of general spin matrix refer to the possible states that a quantum object with spin can be in. These states are described by the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the general spin matrix.

2. How are eigenstates of general spin matrix related to quantum mechanics?

Eigenstates of general spin matrix are an important concept in quantum mechanics as they describe the possible states of a quantum object with spin. They play a crucial role in understanding the behavior of particles at the quantum level.

3. How can one calculate the eigenstates of general spin matrix?

The eigenstates of general spin matrix can be calculated by solving the Schrödinger equation, which describes the evolution of quantum states over time. This involves finding the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the general spin matrix.

4. What is the significance of eigenstates of general spin matrix?

Eigenstates of general spin matrix have several important applications in quantum mechanics. They help in predicting the outcomes of measurements of spin, understanding the behavior of particles in magnetic fields, and developing quantum technologies.

5. Can there be multiple eigenstates of general spin matrix for a single particle?

Yes, a single particle can have multiple eigenstates of general spin matrix. This is because the spin of a particle can have different values, and each value corresponds to a different eigenstate. Therefore, a particle can be in any one of these eigenstates at a given time.
