Local Conformal Transformation: Coord or Metrical?

In summary, the conversation is about the definition of conformal transformations in the context of Shape Dynamics. These transformations are important in Shape Dynamics because time is viewed as a global parameter and is invariant under spatial coordinate transformations. However, this leads to a problem as these transformations should already be part of the diffeomorphism symmetry of space. The conversation then discusses the interpretation of these transformations and their relation to the metric. It also mentions that conformal algebra can be used to obtain General Relativity and construct matter couplings in supergravity.
  • #1

I was wondering what the exact definition of conformal transformations is.

This is a question in the context of Shape Dynamics. In Shape dynamics, time is viewed as a global parameter of the universe, and as such is invariant under spatial coordinate transformation. Part of the diffeomorphism invariance of General Relativity (the diffeomorphisms that mix space and time), is thus not present in the theory, but instead traded for invariance under local spatial conformal transformations (LSCT's).

Interpreting these LCTS's as coordinate transformation ([itex]\vec{x} \mapsto C(x^{\mu})\vec{x}[/itex]) leads to a problem:
They should already be part of the diffeomorphism symmetry (of space), giving empty trading.

Are these LCTS's to be interpreted as transformations of the metric, leaving coordinates invariant?

I assume [itex]C(x^{\mu})[/itex] to be positive and differentiable.
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
I'm sorry you are not finding help at the moment. Is there any additional information you can share with us?
  • #3
I'm confused by the word " local" ; usually the generators are defined by the conformal Killing eqn. Making the generators local again would just give gct's, but I guess you already know that.

I do know that one can obtain GR by gauging the conformal algebra. The " extra" generators (wrt Poincare), generating special conformal transfos and dilatations, give gauge fields which can be solved and gauged away (Stuckelberg) respectively. The action of a conformal scalar then gives the Hilbert action after gaugefixing this scalar field. In the superconformal case this is used to construct matter couplings in supergravity.

Do you have a reference? I'm not so familar with shape dynamics, but am curious :)

FAQ: Local Conformal Transformation: Coord or Metrical?

What is a local conformal transformation?

A local conformal transformation is a mathematical operation that changes the coordinates or metrics of a space in a way that preserves angles but allows for changes in scale. In other words, it is a transformation that preserves the shape of an object but allows for changes in size.

What is the difference between a coordinate transformation and a metrical transformation?

A coordinate transformation only changes the coordinates of a space, while a metrical transformation changes both the coordinates and the metric (distance measurements) of the space. In other words, a coordinate transformation affects the position of points in a space, while a metrical transformation affects the distances between points.

Why is local conformal transformation important?

Local conformal transformation is important in many areas of science, including physics, mathematics, and engineering. It is often used to simplify complex equations or to study the behavior of objects at different scales. It also has applications in fields such as computer graphics and image processing.

Can a local conformal transformation change the shape of an object?

No, a local conformal transformation only changes the scale of an object, not its shape. This is because it preserves angles, which are important for determining the shape of an object.

What are some real-world examples of local conformal transformations?

Some examples of local conformal transformations include map projections, where the curved surface of the earth is transformed into a flat map, and conformal mapping, which is used in engineering and physics to study the behavior of objects at different scales. It is also used in computer graphics to create realistic 3D models of objects.

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