What are some scientifically valid ways to increase your life expectancy?

In summary, scientists are investigating ways to increase life expectancy and some of those ways are through diet, exercise, and a healthy lifestyle.
  • #1
As the title says, what are some scientifically valid ways to increase your life expectancy? That is, which practices (ex: diet, exercise, etc.) have been shown to increase the average life expectancy in experimental studies?
Biology news on Phys.org
  • #2
Did you do a search for studies before asking?
  • #3
Evo said:
Did you do a search for studies before asking?

Yes, and I found some, namely on the effects of jogging. However, I thought that asking here could not only benefit me, but also other people; and it could also bring in answers from those who have accumulated big amounts of knowledge on the topic. It could also expand my searching domains.
  • #4

A lot of studies being done on this. We need to relax, keep mentally and physically active, have lots of friends and family around. I think this video mentioned how exercise for the sake of exercise wasn't very helpful, that for example running a mile after a long day at work can actually be harmful unless you're doing it because you love running. Walking to see a friend who lives far away and then relaxing with them and having a cup of tea is beneficial. We need to find ways of exercising that we enjoy and that help us relax.

It's a while since I watched the video!
  • #5
there is that aubrey degray guy who wants to be immortal
  • #6
mazinse said:
there is that aubrey degray guy who wants to be immortal

I've seen a documentary about him. He seems like a crackpot.
  • #7
Don't smoke. Get 8 hours of sleep per night. Get some exercise but not too much. Eat a variety of foods and don't overeat. Avoid stress. Stay social. Live long.
  • #8
mazinse said:
there is that aubrey degray guy who wants to be immortal

Cinitiator said:
I've seen a documentary about him. He seems like a crackpot.
He *is* a crackpot.
  • #9
Calorie restriction (starvation) to the point of constant hunger is known to dramatically extend the lifespan of a wide variety of animals. It is being tested in humans as well.
  • #10
marcusl said:
Calorie restriction (starvation) to the point of constant hunger is known to dramatically extend the lifespan of a wide variety of animals. It is being tested in humans as well.
A fairly recent paper argues that at least in rhesus monkeys, this may not be the case:
The verdict, from a 25-year study in rhesus monkeys fed 30% less than control animals, represents another setback for the notion that a simple, diet-triggered switch can slow ageing. Instead, the findings, published this week in Nature, suggest that genetics and dietary composition matter more for longevity than a simple calorie count.
Calorie restriction falters in the long run: Genetics and healthy diets matter more for longevity.

Impact of caloric restriction on health and survival in rhesus monkeys from the NIA study
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  • #11
Cinitiator said:
As the title says, what are some scientifically valid ways to increase your life expectancy? That is, which practices (ex: diet, exercise, etc.) have been shown to increase the average life expectancy in experimental studies?
Besides having good genes - diet and exercise, and a healthy lifestyle help. There a number of books on proper foods to eat - e.g., fresh fruit, vegetables and whole grains. Exercise could be simply walking for 1/2 to 1 hour per day, running, swimming, or some activity that gets the heart rate up for at least 20 to 30 minutes. Stress reducing activities are helpful, as is good relationships with close friends or companions.

Coincidentally, I just came across this article
  • #12
Astronuc said:
Besides having good genes - diet and exercise, and a healthy lifestyle help. There a number of books on proper foods to eat - e.g., fresh fruit, vegetables and whole grains. Exercise could be simply walking for 1/2 to 1 hour per day, running, swimming, or some activity that gets the heart rate up for at least 20 to 30 minutes. Stress reducing activities are helpful, as is good relationships with close friends or companions.

Coincidentally, I just came across this article
Reading the article, gee, you think?

More than half the participants ages 76 to 80 failed the tests, scoring 0 to 3.

People who scored 0 to 3 were 6.5 times more likely to die during the course of the 6.3 year study, compared to people who scored from 8 to 10.
I could have guessed that without a test. :rolleyes: The oldest people in the test were more likely to die. I'm shocked.
  • #13
We just had a presentation for insurance plans at work. I can't remember the exact info but recall a few points that were interesting. They said if you live to age 80 you've got a better chance of living to 86 and if you make it to 90 you've got a better chance to make it to 93. They also said smokers and skydivers can expect to pay a lot more for the same coverage.
  • #14
This tends to support my last post. http://life-span.findthedata.org/d/d/86
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  • #15
enosis_ said:
We just had a presentation for insurance plans at work. I can't remember the exact info but recall a few points that were interesting. They said if you live to age 80 you've got a better chance of living to 86 and if you make it to 90 you've got a better chance to make it to 93. They also said smokers and skydivers can expect to pay a lot more for the same coverage.
Better than what?

If you calculate the probability to live up to age 86 (based on the current mortality rates), a person of age 80 will get a higher probability than a child. Of course, the child has to survive some decades just to reach 80 (~48% (male) or 62% (female) probability according to this website).
  • #16
mfb said:
Better than what?

If you calculate the probability to live up to age 86 (based on the current mortality rates), a person of age 80 will get a higher probability than a child. Of course, the child has to survive some decades just to reach 80 (~48% (male) or 62% (female) probability according to this website).

From the http://life-span.findthedata.org/d/d/86 link, a male infant expectancy is 75.38 and female is 80.43. The answer to your question of "better than what?" would be an extension of these. If the male lives past 75.38 and makes it to 80 - he has a good chance to make it 7.9 additional years and the female 9.43 years http://life-span.findthedata.org/d/d/86 . (I'm finding this link cumbersome to use).
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  • #17
Actually, if you change the number corresponding to the age at the tail end of this link - it will tale you to the age you want... http://life-span.findthedata.org/d/d/86 = 86 http://life-span.findthedata.org/d/d/80 = 80.
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  • #18
That is just the effect I described. Those males survived all the dangers of the first 80 years, so their total life expectancy is longer. The remaining life expectancy drops all the time (this is different for many other animals, by the way).
  • #19
mfb said:
That is just the effect I described. Those males survived all the dangers of the first 80 years, so their total life expectancy is longer. The remaining life expectancy drops all the time (this is different for many other animals, by the way).

Back to the OP, I'm not sure we can call it scientific but, apparently avoiding all of the dangers in life does help increase life expectancy.
  • #20
What baby boomers need to live to 100

Your chances of reaching age 100 could be better than you think — especially if you get some additional sleep and improve your diet.

U.S. seniors who make it to their 100th birthdays tend to credit social connections, exercise and spiritual activity as keys to successful aging.

. . . .
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FAQ: What are some scientifically valid ways to increase your life expectancy?

1. What is the average life expectancy and how can it be increased?

The current global average life expectancy is around 72 years. To increase your life expectancy, it is important to maintain a healthy lifestyle. This includes eating a balanced diet, exercising regularly, avoiding harmful substances like tobacco and excessive alcohol consumption, and managing stress levels.

2. Can genetics play a role in life expectancy?

Yes, genetics can have an impact on an individual's life expectancy. However, lifestyle factors still play a significant role in overall life expectancy. It is important to understand your family medical history and make lifestyle choices accordingly.

3. Are there any specific foods or supplements that can increase life expectancy?

While there is no magic food or supplement that can guarantee an increase in life expectancy, a healthy and balanced diet can certainly help. Fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins are all important for maintaining good health and potentially increasing life expectancy.

4. Is exercise important for increasing life expectancy?

Yes, regular physical activity has been linked to an increase in life expectancy. It can help prevent chronic diseases, improve overall health and well-being, and increase longevity.

5. Can mental health and social connections affect life expectancy?

Yes, mental health and social connections have been shown to play a role in life expectancy. Maintaining strong social connections and managing stress and mental health can lead to a longer and healthier life.
