Help me understand Math by studying on my own without a lecturer

  • Thread starter grand666
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In summary, the conversation is about a student seeking help with various topics related to their studies in telecommunication through distance education, including complex analysis, Laurent Expansion, finding transfer functions, state space models, and solving equations using z-transforms and inverse matrix. The student is seeking advice and resources to better understand these topics.
  • #1
Hi guys,

I just registered before I go to work so I hope I'm allowed to ask this question here. If not I apologise, I'm quite in a hurry before work.

Homework Statement

I am completing my bachelors in Telecommunication through a distance education University from my home country. Why don't I study in the states? Well it will be more expense and have to transfer subjects etc etc.

I'm doing Engineering Mathematics IV and haven't done math in a while. Please if someone knows of some good resources on the web where I can learn the below sections it will be appreciated. I have a textbook but they use "higher english" if that makes sense. English is my second language and I'm fluent but the way the textbook is written is confusing.

I'm not looking for a spoon feed or anything, I study at least 3hrs a day and watch a lot of videos on subjects. The below ones I can't really seem to find any good sources that explain what they are and how to compute them.
Maybe if it's possibe, can you tell me what I need to know before I attempt these type of questions? I'm not totally lost but it takes time to tackle a new subject so if I can know what I need to know before hand then it will speed things up. I love math, just not when I'm stuck. :)

Here are some sections I need info on.

Complex Anaysis - mapping onto the w-plane from z-plane
Laurent Expansion
Show that the integral has a contour integral for a suitable path
How to find the transfer function of a given differential equation
The state space model using Laplace
How to determine the response of a system if a forcing function is applied at t=0
Write down the transfer function of a system initially in a quiescent state, and
show that it is not stable using the Ruth-Hurwitz criterion.
What is the state space model ex. x= AX + Bu; y = Cx
Method of convolution
Write down the difference equation if given a z-transform
How to solve state space equations by taking z-transforms and inverse matrix

Sorry I know it's a lot and probably confusing, I'm trying to finish this before work. It feels like I'm in over my head even though I'm studying every day like a book worm. I have to do a lot of catching up regarding simple calculus too coz I haven't done it in 6years.

Any advice would help. Thanks guys.

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

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  • #2
For complex analysis, you can try looking at resources from Khan Academy, they have some helpful videos that explain the basics of complex analysis. For Laurent Expansion, you can check out the wikipedia page on Laurent Series, which will provide a good overview of the topic. For finding the transfer function of a differential equation, you can check out some online tutorials and videos that will explain the concept in detail. For the state space model using Laplace, you can refer to the textbook that you have or take a look at some online tutorials and videos that explain the concept in detail. For determining the response of a system if a forcing function is applied at t=0, you can refer to some online tutorials or videos that explain the concept in detail. You can also refer to your textbook for this topic. For the transfer function of a system initially in a quiescent state, you can refer to some online tutorials or videos that explain the concept in detail. You can also use the Ruth-Hurwitz criterion to determine the stability of the system. For the state space model, you can refer to the equation x= AX + Bu; y = Cx and understand how it works by referring to some online tutorials or videos. For the method of convolution, you can refer to some online tutorials or videos that explain the concept in detail. For writing down the difference equation if given a z-transform, you can refer to some online tutorials or videos that explain the concept in detail. For solving state space equations by taking z-transforms and inverse matrix, you can refer to some online tutorials or videos that explain the concept in detail.

FAQ: Help me understand Math by studying on my own without a lecturer

1. How can I effectively study math on my own without a lecturer?

There are several strategies you can use to effectively study math on your own without a lecturer. First, make sure you have a clear understanding of the fundamentals and concepts before moving on to more complex topics. This will help you build a strong foundation for future learning. Additionally, practice regularly and actively engage with the material by solving problems and explaining concepts to yourself. Utilize online resources, such as video tutorials and practice problems, to supplement your learning. Finally, don't be afraid to ask for help from a tutor or study group if you need it.

2. What resources can I use to study math on my own?

There are many resources available for self-study in math. Some popular options include textbooks, online courses, video lectures, practice problems, and study groups. You can also find many free resources online, such as Khan Academy and YouTube tutorials. Additionally, many universities offer open courseware or free lectures on their websites.

3. How can I stay motivated while studying math on my own?

Staying motivated while studying math on your own can be challenging, but there are a few strategies you can use. Set specific goals for what you want to accomplish and track your progress. This will help you stay focused and motivated as you see yourself making progress. Additionally, try to find real-world applications for the math you are learning to make it more relevant and interesting. Finally, take breaks when you need them and reward yourself for your hard work.

4. How can I track my progress when studying math on my own?

Tracking your progress is an important part of self-study in math. One way to do this is to set specific goals for what you want to achieve and track your progress towards those goals. You can also use practice problems and quizzes to assess your understanding and see areas where you need to improve. Additionally, keeping a record of the topics you have covered and the problems you have solved can help you see how far you have come.

5. How can I ensure I am understanding the material correctly when studying math on my own?

It can be challenging to know if you are understanding the material correctly when studying math on your own. One way to ensure your understanding is to actively engage with the material by solving problems and explaining concepts to yourself. Additionally, seeking feedback from a tutor or study group can help you identify any misunderstandings or gaps in your understanding. You can also use resources like online quizzes and practice exams to test your knowledge and see if you have any areas that need improvement.

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