Ethanol (=alcohol) added to gasoline

In summary, it appears that ethanol is being added to gasoline in the United States at a concentration of up to 5%. To purify ethanol to 99%, it can be done through simple distillation, although it may be difficult to achieve due to ethanol's tendency to absorb water from the air. High purity ethanol can be purchased from lab supply companies, but may not stay pure for long once the bottle is opened. Ethanol is used as an additive to raise the effective Octane number of gasoline, replacing MTBE and tetra-ethyl lead, which have toxic and carcinogenic effects. However, the controversy surrounding the use of bio-ethanol in fuel remains.
  • #1
1. Incredibly it appears that in the United States gasoline may have ethanol in it as an additive. Up to 5% can be ethanol in the fuel sold there. Does anyone know if this is accurate?

2. How do I purify ethanol (=alcohol) to 99%?

3. Where do I buy 99.9% pure ethanol?
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  • #2
Gasoline is a mixture of all sorts of hydrocarbons typically around 5-8 C long so a bit of ethanol isn't going to make a lot of difference.

You can purify ethanol by simple distillation although it's hard to get above 90% because ethanol readily absorbs water from the air.

You can buy high purity ethanol from the normal lab supply companies, sigma-aldritch etc but it isn't going to be high purity for long once you open the bottle.
  • #3
There's nothing particularly shocking about oil companies adding ethanol to the fuel you buy. More curiously, incentive/legislation is made such that bio-ethanol is added to pump fuel in many countries, which is understandably controversial.
  • #4
Ulysees said:
Incredibly it appears that in the United States gasoline may have ethanol in it as an additive. Up to 5% can be ethanol in the fuel sold there. Does anyone know if this is accurate?

In modern days, Ethanol is being added to gasoline to raise its effective Octane number. It is basically a replacement for MTBE and tetra-ethyl lead. tetra-ethyl lead was originally used for raising a fuel's resistance to spark knock, followed by MTBE which didn't contain lead, but turns out to be carcinogenic. Basically, Ethanol is one of the only additives that can be used with gasoline that is easy to manufacture and does not have heavily toxic or carcinogenic effects like tetra-ethyl lead or MTBE. Still, I think that many toxic properties of gasoline additives such as MTBE are blown far out of proportion.
  • #5
Ulysees said:
1. Incredibly it appears that in the United States gasoline may have ethanol in it as an additive. Up to 5% can be ethanol in the fuel sold there. Does anyone know if this is accurate?

2. How do I purify ethanol (=alcohol) to 99%?

3. Where do I buy 99.9% pure ethanol?

Your local liquor store has pure grain alcohol which is 98% alcohol.

On the other note, with the United States requiring 10% ethanol in gasoline, it is setting up the infrastructure to switch to E85 in the distant future.
  • #6
sirzerp said:
Your local liquor store has pure grain alcohol which is 98% alcohol.
That would be a special liquor store. Alcohol forms an azeotrope at lower concentrations, so stuff above 96% is going to be hard to find. The usual methods for getting higher concentrations are discussed in fuel distillation sites.
  • #7
sirzerp said:
Your local liquor store has pure grain alcohol which is 98% alcohol.

Not in Ohio you won't. Kentucky on the other hand...:devil:
  • #8
Lightest diesel engine known to man

Sorry, wrong thread, ignore this.

FAQ: Ethanol (=alcohol) added to gasoline

1. What is ethanol and why is it added to gasoline?

Ethanol is a type of alcohol that is primarily made from corn or sugar cane. It is added to gasoline in order to increase the octane rating, which helps the fuel burn more efficiently and reduce emissions.

2. How much ethanol is typically added to gasoline?

The amount of ethanol added to gasoline varies by country and region, but in the United States, the standard is 10% ethanol in regular gasoline, also known as E10. Some areas also offer E15, which contains 15% ethanol.

3. What are the benefits of using gasoline with ethanol?

Using gasoline with ethanol can have several benefits. It can reduce the reliance on fossil fuels, which helps to decrease greenhouse gas emissions. Ethanol also has a higher octane rating, which can improve engine performance and reduce harmful emissions.

4. Are there any drawbacks to using gasoline with ethanol?

One potential drawback is that ethanol can be corrosive to certain engine parts, such as rubber or plastic components. It can also decrease fuel efficiency, as ethanol contains less energy per volume compared to gasoline. Additionally, some argue that using crops for ethanol production can drive up food prices and have negative impacts on the environment.

5. Is ethanol added to gasoline required by law?

In some countries, such as Brazil and the United States, there are laws mandating the use of ethanol in gasoline. However, in other countries, it is not required but may be used as a voluntary additive. Additionally, some countries have policies in place to encourage the use of ethanol, such as tax incentives or subsidies.
