Charged Particle Oscillating in External Constant Electric Field

In summary, the mass oscillates on one end of a spring, which is anchored, in an electric field. Someone then swirls on the field, which changes the equilibrium position.
  • #1

Homework Statement

A mass m that has net electric charge Q is oscillating along the x-direction on one end of a spring (whose other end is anchored) of relaxed length s0. Suppose that someone then swirches on an electric field E  that is uniform in space, constant in time, and which points in the +x direction. The entire system is then immersed in this electric field.

a. Set up the governing differential equation of motion for the mass in a coordinate system
with origin at the “anchored” end of the spring. Ignore gravity.

b. Without actually deriving it, what do you anticipate that the governing differential
equation in a “smart” coordinate system would be?

c. Go through steps analogous to those we went through in our text discussion to show that
the equivalent differential equation expressed in terms of the “right” variable is
independent ofE 

Hint: As part of this, you will need to find the equilibrium position with the field “on.”

Any idea of where to start would be greatly appreciated, thanks!
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  • #2
hi scarletx09! :wink:
scarletx09 said:
A mass m that has net electric charge Q is oscillating along the x-direction on one end of a spring (whose other end is anchored) of relaxed length s0. Suppose that someone then swirches on an electric field E  that is uniform in space, constant in time, and which points in the +x direction. The entire system is then immersed in this electric field.

a. Set up the governing differential equation of motion for the mass in a coordinate system with origin at the “anchored” end of the spring. Ignore gravity.

put mass times acceleration on the LHS, and all the forces on the RHS (as a function of x) …

what do you you get? :smile:
  • #3
Using F=ma I got:

Net force = Force of the electric field + Force of spring
F = -QE - K(x-S0) = ma

(x-s0) = the displaced length from equilibrium

that resulted in:

a = (-QE -Kx + K(s0))/m

Does that seem correct? can i set up the equation of motion from this?
  • #4
scarletx09 said:
a = (-QE -Kx + K(s0))/m

Does that seem correct? can i set up the equation of motion from this?

(isn't it +QE ?)

yes, the question ask for a differential equation, so use d2x/dt2 instead of a :wink:

(for part b, you may need to use the "hint")
  • #5
Thanks so much for your guidance with part a!

From my understanding of Part B:
the first equilibrium position was at s0 which led to that diff eq. and now its asking for a different (smater i guess?) diff. eq. based on a new equilibrium position with the electric field "on"

I am confused about how the equilibrium position would change with the electric field on. Didn't I take it into account in Part A?
  • #6
scarletx09 said:
From my understanding of Part B:
the first equilibrium position was at s0 which led to that diff eq. and now its asking for a different (smater i guess?) diff. eq. based on a new equilibrium position with the electric field "on"

I am confused about how the equilibrium position would change with the electric field on. Didn't I take it into account in Part A?

you need somehow to squeeze QE inside that bracket :wink:
scarletx09 said:
F = -QE - K(x-S0) = ma
  • #7
ok. the equilibrium position would occur when Fspring = Fefield
--> -K(x-s0) = QE
(x-s0) = (QE)/-k
plugged that into my first diff. eq., the K canceled and i got:

d^2t/dt^2 = (2QE)/m
  • #8
scarletx09 said:
ok. the equilibrium position would occur when Fspring = Fefield
--> -K(x-s0) = QE
(x-s0) = (QE)/-k

yes that certainly works

but easier would be to rewrite F = -QE - K(x-S0)

as F = - K(x-S0 + QE/K) :wink:
plugged that into my first diff. eq., the K canceled and i got:

d^2t/dt^2 = (2QE)/m

i'm confused :confused:

FAQ: Charged Particle Oscillating in External Constant Electric Field

What is a charged particle oscillating in an external constant electric field?

A charged particle oscillating in an external constant electric field refers to a scenario where a charged particle, such as an electron, is subjected to a constant electric field and experiences a back-and-forth motion due to the opposing forces acting on it.

What causes a charged particle to oscillate in an external electric field?

A charged particle oscillates in an external electric field due to the presence of two opposing forces, the electric force exerted by the external field and the restoring force caused by the particle's own electric charge. As the particle moves under the influence of these forces, it undergoes repeated oscillations.

What factors affect the oscillation of a charged particle in an external electric field?

The oscillation of a charged particle in an external electric field is affected by several factors, including the strength of the external field, the charge and mass of the particle, and the initial conditions of the particle's motion.

What is the equation that describes the motion of a charged particle in an external electric field?

The motion of a charged particle in an external electric field can be described by the equation of motion, which is a differential equation known as the "equation of motion for a charged particle in an electric field." This equation takes into account the forces acting on the particle and its initial conditions, and can be solved to determine the particle's position and velocity at any given time.

What are some real-world applications of charged particle oscillation in external electric fields?

Charged particle oscillation in external electric fields has several applications in various fields, such as particle accelerators, mass spectrometers, and electron microscopy. It is also used in the study of plasma physics and in the development of electronic devices such as capacitors and transistors.
