Solving Circuits with Kirchhoff's Rules

In summary, the book says that the currents in the circuit shown are: i3=12V, i2=6V + 12V, and i1=i2+i3.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Apply kirchhoffs rules to find the currents in the circuit shown

Homework Equations

here's what the book says

i3(25 ohms) = 12 V

i2(15 ohms) = 6.0V + 12 V

i1 = i2 + i3

The Attempt at a Solution

i have tried over and over again on hoow they got the equations from but i don't understand.

where did i3 come from there are only 2 resistors. so only 2 current.

i just don't understand kirchhoff loop rule, is there any place where i can a ismple explanation because the book DOES NOT HELP
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Physics news on
  • #2
You might review the lecture notes found here.

For this problem, a couple of observations:

the voltage change down the middle path must be 12V. It is in parallel with a a 12 Volt limb, so IR=12 where R=25.

Now along the outside loop, we have two batteries and a single resistance.
The drop must be zero so i2*15 must equal the sum of the two voltages. (Take everything else away except an 18 volt battery and the resistance.)
  • #3
hey thanks for the notes

but i still can't get understand it.

i think it's already built in in my head that i won't understand.

i just don't know how to get the equations.

how do you know if the current is positive or not, or if the voltage is positive or not, i just don't get t hose.
  • #4
well your attitude re physics probably isn't helping.

But don't give up. I certainly didn't get those rules at first, and for many of us here at PF, physics generally is a hard fought battle for small chunks of understandings that over time can grow into an actual appreciation and love of the subject. Yea, sure you say. I just want to get thru this friggin class and have nothing to do with it again. Hey that's OK as well.

The signs aren't that hard but can be at first and maybe why you are getting confused.

lets try the small loop from lowerleft corner of circuit, since the wide line is on top as we move upwards, this is positive voltage

so 12V-i3*25=0

When current flows across a resistor we call these voltage drops, hence the negative sign. The direction of i3 is chosen as clockwise but this is arbitrary. We could just as easily gone the other way round the loop,
then -i3*25-12V=0. Now since we are going the other way across the battery, its -12. So the answer is different but that only tells us that its going in the opposite direction we assumed, so no penalty for guessing.

The other big loop is treated the same, again starting from lower left

12V-i2*15+6V=0 Had the voltage signs of the 6V battery been different, would have had to count that as -6V.

For the current let's consider the area in common between the loops. The currrent in that last stretch before we get to the lower left hand corner consists of contributions from the inside and outside loop. Technically we consider nodes, but intuitively one can see the total current there consists of contributions from both loops which were both treated as clockwise positive. So i1=i2+i3.

Look here for some more examples

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FAQ: Solving Circuits with Kirchhoff's Rules

1. What are Kirchhoff's Rules?

Kirchhoff's Rules, also known as Kirchhoff's Laws, are a set of principles used to analyze and solve electrical circuits. These rules are based on the conservation of charge and energy, and they are essential for understanding and designing complex electrical systems.

2. How do Kirchhoff's Rules help in solving circuits?

Kirchhoff's Rules provide a systematic approach for solving circuits by applying the principles of conservation of charge and energy. They help in determining the current, voltage, and resistance at various points in a circuit, and can be used to analyze both series and parallel circuits.

3. What are the two main rules in Kirchhoff's Rules?

The two main rules in Kirchhoff's Rules are the Kirchhoff's Current Law (KCL) and Kirchhoff's Voltage Law (KVL). KCL states that the sum of currents entering a node in a circuit must equal the sum of currents leaving that node. KVL states that the sum of voltage drops in a closed loop must equal the sum of voltage sources in that loop.

4. What is the step-by-step process for solving circuits using Kirchhoff's Rules?

The step-by-step process for solving circuits using Kirchhoff's Rules involves the following steps:

  1. Identify the circuit components and their values.
  2. Apply KCL and KVL to determine the number of unknown variables and equations needed.
  3. Assign variables and directions for current and voltage in the circuit.
  4. Write out the KCL and KVL equations for each node and loop in the circuit.
  5. Solve the equations simultaneously to find the unknown variables.
  6. Check the solution by applying KCL and KVL again.

5. Can Kirchhoff's Rules be applied to any type of circuit?

Yes, Kirchhoff's Rules can be applied to any type of circuit, including both DC and AC circuits. However, the calculations may become more complex for circuits with multiple sources or non-linear components.
