Derivative with respect to a function

In summary, the conversation discusses an issue with taking the partial derivative of a function with respect to another function, specifically in the context of Lagrangian and Hamiltonian mechanics. The conversation also explores the concept of a Hamiltonian as a function-valued operator and the use of functional derivatives. The use of the chain rule is suggested as a possible solution, but the speaker is seeking a more type-consistent approach.
  • #1
I'm learning about Lagrangian and Hamiltonian mechanics and I'm running into issues with the math.

It seems like there are instances where you have to take a derivative or a partial derivative of a variable with respect to another variable. My issue is that the variable to which you pay respect is often a function itself.

For example, the Hamiltonian is a function of position and momentum. Position and momentum are both functions themselves, dependent on time. It seems very similar to the idea of a Riemann-Stieltjes integral. Only what I'm looking for would be differentiation, not integration.

So, in the general case, a Hamiltonian looks like this:

[tex]H(x, v, t) = V(x(t)) + K(v(t))[/tex]

where V is a function from position to (potential) energy and K is a function from velocity to (kinetic) energy.

So the partial derivative of H with respect to x is such an example.

It seems like there should be some method that looks just like the standard derivative. Something like:

[tex]\lim_{h \to 0} \frac{H(x + h, v, t)}{h}[/tex]

Where h is an function which approaches the zero function in the limit.

However, what I end up with is an expression

[tex]\lim_{h \to 0} \frac{V(x(t) + h(t)) - V(x(t))}{h}[/tex]

And I'm not sure how to take that limit. I can vaguely see the form of it. You let t be some constant, x(t) becomes a constant, and h(t) becomes a very small constant, infinitesimal in the limit. The answer should be V' or something like that. But I don't know how to word it to make the argument solid and rigorous (... or at least I don't know how to convince myself beyond a doubt this is correct).

EDIT: I found this inconsistency shortly afterwards. In the denominator, I'm dividing by a function. One might jump to the assumption that it should be h(t), not just h, but that doesn't follow from the definition of the derivative.

The hamiltonian as I've stated it has an unusual type: (R->R) -> (R->R) -> R -> R, and maybe the strange results I'm getting are a result of not treating it as a function-valued operator of two arguments instead: (R->R) -> (R->R) -> (R -> R).

Doing this, instead of saying H(x, v, t) = V(x(t)) + K(v(t)), I'd restate it as H(x, v) = V*x + K*v, where * is function composition, and addition and division are acting as they would in a function space. However, my algebra here is a bit weak.

\frac{\partial H}{\partial x}(x, v) &= \lim_{h \to 0} \frac{H(x+h, v) - H(x,v)}{h} \\
&= \lim_{h \to 0} \frac{V*(x+h) + K*v - (V*x + K*v)}{h} \\
&= \lim_{h \to 0} \frac{V*(x+h) - V*x}{h}

At this point, I'm a little lost. It seems that if V is differentiable and h is infinitesimal, V(x+h) = V(x) + V(h), but I don't know how to justify that completely using limits in the context of this equation. But assuming It's justified, that leaves me with:

[tex]\frac{\partial H}{\partial x}(x, v) = \lim_{h \to 0} \frac{V*h}{h}[/tex]

And I don't know what property allows me to reduce this to V'.
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  • #2
Your denominator should have h(t) and your limit should be as h(t) -> 0 right? (just as a notational issue)
  • #3
NoMoreExams said:
Your denominator should have h(t) and your limit should be as h(t) -> 0 right? (just as a notational issue)

Perhaps my update might make that more clear. What I intended was a limit as the function approached the zero of a real function space.

To be honest, all my qualms are notational issues when it comes to the mathematics in physics =-) Integrals are easy. Figuring out what kind of integral the author means is usually the hard part.
  • #5
There is nothing peculiar about differentiating one function with respect to another function- after all, "x" itself is a function.

Use the chain rule: If f and g are both functions of x, then
[tex]\frac{df}{dg}= \frac{df}{dx}\frac{dx}{dg}= \frac{\frac{df}{dx}}{\frac{dg}{dx}}[/tex]
  • #6
Hurkyl said:
Are you looking for functional derivatives?

This isn't quite a functional (the codomain is a function, not a scalar). I don't believe it has to do with directional derivatives.

HallsofIvy said:
There is nothing peculiar about differentiating one function with respect to another function- after all, "x" itself is a function.

I'm trying to formulate this in a type-consistent way, and I want to be very careful about that. I'm not just looking for the 'right answer' here. Otherwise, I'd be all over the chain rule =-)

FAQ: Derivative with respect to a function

What is a derivative with respect to a function?

A derivative with respect to a function is a measure of how a dependent variable changes with respect to its independent variable. It is represented by the mathematical notation f'(x) or dy/dx.

How is a derivative with respect to a function calculated?

A derivative with respect to a function can be calculated using the derivative rules, such as the power rule, product rule, quotient rule, and chain rule. These rules involve manipulating the function algebraically to find the rate of change at a specific point.

What is the purpose of finding a derivative with respect to a function?

Finding a derivative with respect to a function has several important applications, such as determining the slope of a curve, finding maximum and minimum values, and solving optimization problems. It also helps in understanding the behavior of a function and its relationship with its input.

Can a function have multiple derivatives with respect to different variables?

Yes, a function can have multiple derivatives with respect to different variables. For example, a function with two independent variables can have two partial derivatives, one with respect to each variable. This is known as the partial derivative.

What is the difference between a derivative with respect to a function and a derivative with respect to a variable?

A derivative with respect to a function is a measure of how the dependent variable changes with respect to a specific function, while a derivative with respect to a variable is a measure of how the dependent variable changes with respect to a specific independent variable. In other words, the former considers the function itself as the variable, while the latter considers only one variable in the function.
