Equation of state for electron degenerate matter

In summary, the change from the non-relativistic equation of state to the relativistic case in the study of white dwarfs is due to the concept of degeneracy pressure. This is caused by the Heisenberg uncertainty principle and the deBroglie wavelength, which states that confining an electron in a small space requires a large momentum. As density increases, electrons become more confined and have larger momentum and kinetic energy, resulting in higher pressure. The specific equations used depend on whether the particles are relativistic or non-relativistic.
  • #1
Gold Member
Hi, this may be a silly question. In the study of white dwarfs, why we change from the non-relativistic equation of state, P(ρ)=K.ρ^(5/3), to the relativistic case, P(ρ)=K'.ρ^(4/3), when there is an increase in the central density of the star, i.e., why the electrons, which compose the Fermi gas, become relativistic in the high density regime?. Thanks in advance.
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  • #2
That's not a silly question, it's a question that would have seemed unthinkably bizarre to anyone before the year 1920. But it all has to do with the surprising fact that to contain an electron into a small space requires that the electron have a lot of momentum. This is the heart of the concept of "degeneracy pressure", which is what you are talking about.

Now, at first glance it seems completely crazy that the electron should have a lot of momentum if it is contained in a small space (by high density)-- shouldn't being highly localized be the opposite of having lots of momentum? Not according to the Heisenberg uncertainty principle, which says that momentum and position are complementary so to know the second to high precision requires that the first might be very high, and not according to the deBroglie wavelength, which says that to confine an electron in a small space requires a short deBroglie wavelength, which in turn requires a large momentum (the deBroglie wavelength is deeply connected with the uncertainty principle).

Now, mind you the momentum can't have a particular direction, because to be tightly confined the particle can't shoot off in some direction. So we are really talking about the magnitude of the momentum, or the momentum squared, which are the two ways of talking about kinetic energy (the first for highly relativistic particles, the second for nonrelativistic particles, and that's the difference you refer to above).

So we have that, if the density is high, then indistinguishable Fermions that are not allowed to occupy the same state must be highly confined, meaning that they must have very small deBroglie wavelengths (which scale inversely to the cube root of the density, that's the interparticle spacing), meaning that they must have proportionately large expected momentum, meaning that they must have large kinetic energy, meaning that they must exert high pressure. How you make the connection is different for relativistic or non-relativistic-- if relativistic, the pressure is 1/3 the kinetic energy density, and if nonrelativistic, the pressure is 2/3 the kinetic energy density. Also, if relativistic, the kinetic energy density scales with the density times the momentum per particle, and if nonrelativistic, the kinetic energy density scales with the density times the square of the momentum per particle. That's it, that's all you need, to get the dependences you cited above.

FAQ: Equation of state for electron degenerate matter

1. What is the equation of state for electron degenerate matter?

The equation of state for electron degenerate matter is a mathematical relationship that describes the relationship between the pressure, density, and temperature of matter composed of degenerate electrons. This equation takes into account the quantum mechanical effects that occur when electrons are densely packed and have high kinetic energies.

2. How is the equation of state for electron degenerate matter different from other equations of state?

The equation of state for electron degenerate matter is different from other equations of state because it takes into account the quantum mechanical effects of degenerate electrons. This includes the Pauli exclusion principle, which states that no two electrons can occupy the same quantum state, and the Fermi-Dirac statistics, which describe the probability of finding a particle in a particular energy state.

3. What are the applications of the equation of state for electron degenerate matter?

The equation of state for electron degenerate matter is used in astrophysics to describe the properties of white dwarfs, neutron stars, and other compact objects. It is also used in the study of high-energy density physics and in the development of fusion energy technologies.

4. How is the equation of state for electron degenerate matter derived?

The equation of state for electron degenerate matter is derived using statistical mechanics and quantum mechanics principles. It takes into account the energy levels of electrons and their probabilities of occupation. This equation is often derived for a specific type of electron degenerate matter, such as a fully degenerate Fermi gas or a partially degenerate Fermi gas.

5. How does the equation of state for electron degenerate matter change with temperature and density?

The equation of state for electron degenerate matter changes with temperature and density due to the effects of quantum mechanics. As the temperature increases, the average kinetic energy of the electrons also increases, leading to a change in the pressure and density of the matter. Similarly, as the density increases, the electrons become more tightly packed, leading to changes in their energy levels and probabilities of occupation, which affect the equation of state.

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