Calculating the Closest Distance of a Proton from an Infinite Line of Charge

In summary, the question is asking how close a proton, with a charge of 1.60×10−19 C and a mass of 1.67×10−27 kg, will get to an infinitely long line of charge with a linear charge density of 8.00×10−12 C/m and a speed of 2700 m/s. The formula for electric field, E, is lambda/2*pi*epsilon*r, where lambda is the charge per unit length and epsilon is the permittivity of free space. Using the formula for force, F = E * q, and the linear acceleration formula, v^2 = u^2 + 2*a*s, the calculated value for the final distance, s
  • #1
The question I've been attempting:

An infinitely long line of charge has a linear charge density of 8.00×10−12 C/m. A proton is a distance of 17.5 cm from the line and moving directly toward the line with a speed of 2700 m/s.

How close does the proton get to the line of charge?
Use 1.60×10−19 C for the magnitude of the charge on an electron, 1.67×10−27 kg for the mass of a proton, and 8.85×10−12 F/m for the permittivity of free space

From my notes and working etc. I've got:

E = lambda/2*pi*epsilon*r (where lambda = charge per unit length and epsilon = permittivity of free space)

F = E * q (where q = the charge of the proton, -1.60*10^-19, as apparently defined by the question)

I've used the F calculated to get acceleration by

a = F/m (where m = mass of proton)

I get a value of -7.88*10^7

I then use the linear acceleration formula v^2 = u^2 + 2*a*s to try and calculate s.

I get 0.04627... (4.63*10^-2)

Apparently this is incorrect however. Can anyone see where I'm messing up?
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  • #2
The linear acceleration formula holds only when the acceleration is constant.

Try using energy conservation instead! :)
  • #3
Hmm, still having trouble,

1/2*m*v^2 + E*q*y = 0 + E*q*(unknown y value)

The formula for E that I'm using doesn't make sense to me but appears right in my notes and textbook: E = lambda (charge per unit length)/2*pi*r*epsilon(permittivity of free space)

I wouldn't think E relies on r (for a straight line of charge). Aren't field lines parallel for a line of charge? Meaning E is constant at any point in the field?

I'm not given the r value for the final state of the particle, so I can't work out either E or the unknown y on the right hand side of that formula.
  • #4
The "Electric Field Lines" are spread out more (1-dim), farther from the wire.
That means the E-field strength decreases as 1/r .
You need substripts to distinguish "E_final" from "E_initial" ... not equal!

You want to integrate E(r) from y_initial to y_final ...
or if this isn't for calc-based physics, use Potential.
  • #5
No, still confused out of my brain. Was doing it on Mastering, but exceeded attempts and failed the question. I tried a billion random different formulas. Worst thing is having no idea if they were even valid to use in an equation

The answer was apparently 0.134 m, but I still can't see how. I'll probably have to see tutorial teacher or something :confused::confused:

FAQ: Calculating the Closest Distance of a Proton from an Infinite Line of Charge

1. What is an infinite line of charge?

An infinite line of charge is a theoretical model used in physics to represent an infinitely long line or wire with a uniform distribution of electric charge along its length. It is a simplified representation of real-life situations, but it allows for easier mathematical calculations and analysis.

2. How does an infinite line of charge create an electric field?

An infinite line of charge creates an electric field in the surrounding space by the principle of superposition. Each point on the line can be considered as a point charge, and the electric field at any given point is the vector sum of the electric fields created by each point charge. The electric field lines are perpendicular to the line of charge and point away from positive charges and towards negative charges.

3. What is the mathematical equation for the electric field of an infinite line of charge?

The electric field of an infinite line of charge can be calculated using Coulomb's law, which states that the electric field (E) at a distance (r) from a point charge (q) is equal to E = kq/r^2, where k is the Coulomb's constant. For an infinite line of charge with linear charge density (λ), the electric field is given by E = 2kλ/r, with the field pointing in the direction perpendicular to the line of charge.

4. Can an infinite line of charge exist in reality?

No, an infinite line of charge is a theoretical concept and cannot exist in reality. It is used as a simplified model to analyze electric fields and does not accurately represent real-life situations.

5. How does the electric field of an infinite line of charge differ from that of a point charge?

The electric field of an infinite line of charge is different from that of a point charge in two main ways. Firstly, the electric field of a line of charge is not spherically symmetric like that of a point charge. Secondly, the electric field strength decreases with distance at a slower rate for an infinite line of charge compared to a point charge, as the distance from a line of charge is measured along its length rather than from a single point.
