Ethanol for drinking, Ethanol for fuel.

In summary, ethanol is a highly versatile substance that can be used for both drinking and fuel purposes. When produced for drinking, it must follow strict regulations and is typically consumed in the form of alcoholic beverages. On the other hand, ethanol for fuel is produced in a different manner and is primarily used as a renewable and cleaner alternative to traditional fossil fuels. While both types of ethanol have their own distinct production processes and uses, they share the common goal of providing a sustainable and efficient source of energy.
  • #1
When Ethanol is talked about as a fuel, it's the same exact molecule in alcoholic beverages, right?

If that's the case, what is it about Ethanol that makes it preferable as a fuel to other alcohols? Is it just that we already have the capacity to ferment ethanol from sugars easily, or is ethanol somehow preferable to other alcohols?

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  • #2
According to me, there are two reasons : firstly, important, ethanol can be made from fermentation of sugar and other biomass materials. Secondly, ethanol's properties are about the same to gasoline, i mean viscority, density, vapour pressure, etc..
  • #3
wasteofo2 said:
When Ethanol is talked about as a fuel, it's the same exact molecule in alcoholic beverages, right?
Yes, it is the same ethyl alchohol ( CH3CH2OH) that one finds in alcoholic beverages like beer, wine, and liquors, all the way up to Everclear.

If that's the case, what is it about Ethanol that makes it preferable as a fuel to other alcohols? Is it just that we already have the capacity to ferment ethanol from sugars easily, or is ethanol somehow preferable to other alcohols?
As haiha mentioned, one factor is the raw material used to produce ethanol - sugar (from corn primarily) and biomass, which must be digested or converted to sugars and then sugars fermented.

Another key factor is that ethanol is the least toxic alcohol. All others, e.g. methanol (wood alcohol), propyl/isopropyl alcohol (rubbing alcohol) and others are exceedingly toxic to humans and other lifeforms.

Methanol is produced by hydrolyzing CO, although is can be obtained from distructive distillation of wood.
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  • #4
Ethanol has more energy per gallon than methanol

ethanol 75,500 BTU/gal
methanol 64,500 BTU/gal (14.5% less energy than ethanol)

Why is ethanol the most popular alternative alcohol fuel? You cannot discount the influence that special interest groups have on this question. Most methanol is made by controlled oxidation of methane. Much more expensive isopropanol is made by the oxidation of propene. They are petroleum products fed into a chemical industry.

Ethanol can be made from plant products and fermented biologically. The farming interests have significant influence on the availability/price of fuel from this source as this industry receives huge government subsidies.
  • #5
chemisttree said:
Most methanol is made by controlled oxidation of methane. ...
Are you sure about that? what you mean by controlled oxidation? I thought methanol is made from mixture H2 / CO.
  • #6
wasteofo2 said:
When Ethanol is talked about as a fuel, it's the same exact molecule in alcoholic beverages, right?
As an alcoholic beverage it's also a pretty good fuel!

Cycling at 20mph uses around 1000calories/hour.
A shot of vodka is 64 calories.
So 15 shots/hour would get you 20miles on a bike (Most countries don't have DUI laws for bicycles).

If your SUV does 20mpg, it would need 1 gallon (128 shots) of Ethanol85 to do 20miles.
  • #7
In addition to what has been said, ethanol is preferable as fuel for internal combustion engines, with respect to other longer chain alcohols, because it has a lower boiling point and an higher O.N. (at least with respect to linear chain primary alcohols) and has a cleaner combustion (less HC and particulates).
The best (concerning engine performance) however is methanol: higher O.N, lower boiling point, higher vaporization enthalpy (this means low temperature of the fuel/air mix and so higher density of the mix and less engine heat problems), higher energy per unit volume of the air/fuel mix.
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  • #8
mishagam said:
Are you sure about that? what you mean by controlled oxidation? I thought methanol is made from mixture H2 / CO.

You are referring to the syngas route. Both syngas (CH4 + H20 <---> CO + 3H2) and partially oxidized methane (CH4 + O2 <----> CO2 + H2) are used in that process to feed the water gas shift reaction.

FAQ: Ethanol for drinking, Ethanol for fuel.

1. What is ethanol?

Ethanol is a type of alcohol that is produced through the fermentation of sugars by yeast. It is also known as ethyl alcohol or grain alcohol.

2. Is ethanol safe for drinking?

Yes, ethanol is safe for drinking in moderation. It is the main type of alcohol found in alcoholic beverages and is generally recognized as safe by the FDA.

3. How is ethanol used as a fuel?

Ethanol is commonly used as a fuel additive in gasoline, and can also be used as a standalone fuel in vehicles. It is produced through the fermentation and distillation of crops such as corn, sugarcane, and wheat.

4. What are the benefits of using ethanol as a fuel?

Ethanol is a renewable fuel source and can reduce greenhouse gas emissions compared to traditional fossil fuels. It can also help reduce dependence on foreign oil and support domestic agriculture.

5. Are there any drawbacks to using ethanol as a fuel?

One potential drawback is that ethanol can be corrosive to certain types of engines and may decrease fuel efficiency. There are also concerns about the environmental impact of producing large quantities of crops for ethanol production.

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