What are you favorite to hated topics in Physics?

In summary, the conversation covered various topics in physics ranging from favorite to most hated. The topics discussed include kinematics, gravitation, relativity, conservation of energy, vectors, momentum, dynamics, waves, oscillations, magnetism, electric fields, optics, pressure, fluids, angular dynamics, mechanics, force diagrams, Lagrangian formalism, solid state physics, thermodynamics, creationism, fluid dynamics, atomic physics, and electromagnetism. Some participants expressed a dislike for certain subjects such as magnetism and electric fields, while others shared their favorite topics. The conversation ended with a mention of the difficulty of high school physics and the preference for certain topics.
  • #1
Matt Jacques
From favorite to hated:

1. Kinematics / Gravitation / Relativity
2. Conservation of Energy / Vectors
3. Momentum
4. Dynamics
5. Waves / Oscillations
6. Magnetism
7. Electric Fields / Optics
8. Pressure/Fluids...
9. Angular stuff...blech
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  • #2
I'm going to say:


Those force diagrams make me feel like Wile E. Coyote reading ACME Blueprint. For coyote an anvil drops on him, in my cases it some red ink on my exams.
  • #3
I beg to differ

?? That is the BEST part of mechanics.. makeing stupid diagrams and having what little 'fun' this topic of physics offers.. my fav was my 1st lesson of a-level physics determining if homer was going to make the jump across the vally on bart's skateboard.. [see pic]

MMMM <BIG GAP>-----------------

anyway..id say the worst is a combination of Magnetism and Electric Fields, they kinda go hand in hand

  • #4
H-bar, you'll be happy to know that from your second year of college on you'll never have to draw a force-chart again. The whole method is archaïc, time-consuming and very unpractical. Long live the Lagrangian formalism !

I don't know if I have a favourite subjest yet, but I know what I don't like. Solid state physics and thermdynamics.

Oh right, I have an exam on the second subject today :eek:
  • #5
blech! thermo!
  • #6
Long live the Lagrangian formalism !

I've been in class yet with this subject but I'm famliar with the subject. I'm weird in that diagrams and geometry confuse the hell out me.

I undertand the math models better. I took a Solid State class as an Electronics Engineering Tech student its alright. Thermo looks god-awful boring.
  • #7
My favorite topic in physics would be any I can understand (in my case, none of them), and my most hated are those that I cannot comprehend (almost all topics covered). :wink:

I'm sorry, but I've failed my physics class and have to retake it all again next semester. :frown:
  • #8
Most hated:
"please do my homework fr me!"

"Hey, this is interesting but not trying to naively overturn the major established theories of physics. Just figured I'd share."

  • #9
Most hated: Creationism.

I know it's not a subject which should be in this list, but there's always some fundy whacko who thinks physics is evil because it goes against the "lord's word", and wants to splash their nonsense all over a science forum.
  • #10
Fluid dynamics. It's great when you start, with that miraculous incompressible ideal fluid, but as soon as you get laminar flow and viscocity and turbulence and differential equations... I guess tha't why I'm not teaching in college.
  • #11
Angular, Optics, Vectors.
  • #12
I just finished high school and everything in high school is so ideal. Like we only need to deal with ideal gas, we always assume there's no air resistance, assume the gas is incompresible, assume no stray magnetic field, etc in our calculations. Also, most of the calculations are easy and involve only little and simple calculus. So on the whole, I like every topic in physics I encountered. :wink: The topics that I like MOST are atomic physics, electromagnetism and fluid dynamics.
  • #13
KLscilevothma said:
I just finished high school and everything in high school is so ideal. Like we only need to deal with ideal gas, we always assume there's no air resistance, assume the gas is incompresible, assume no stray magnetic field, etc in our calculations. Also, most of the calculations are easy and involve only little and simple calculus. So on the whole, I like every topic in physics I encountered. :wink: The topics that I like MOST are atomic physics, electromagnetism and fluid dynamics.

that's because those topics are the easiest in high school physics program.
  • #14
PrudensOptimus said:
that's because those topics are the easiest in high school physics program.
No, most of my classmates will give you a totally different response under this thread :wink:

FAQ: What are you favorite to hated topics in Physics?

What are your favorite topics in Physics?

As a scientist, I find all topics in Physics to be fascinating. However, some of my personal favorites include quantum mechanics, relativity, and astrophysics. These topics allow us to understand the fundamental laws and principles that govern the universe.

What are your least favorite topics in Physics?

While I find all topics in Physics to be important, some of the more challenging ones for me include thermodynamics and statistical mechanics. These fields involve complex mathematical concepts and require a lot of theoretical understanding.

Why are certain topics in Physics considered difficult?

Physics is a complex and ever-evolving field, and some topics may be considered difficult because they require a deep understanding of mathematical concepts and abstract thinking. Additionally, some topics may require the use of advanced technology and equipment, making them more challenging to study and conduct experiments.

Which topics in Physics have practical applications?

Nearly all topics in Physics have practical applications in our everyday lives. For example, understanding the principles of electromagnetism has led to the development of technology such as cell phones and computers. Quantum mechanics has also played a crucial role in the development of modern electronics and computing.

What advice do you have for someone struggling with understanding a topic in Physics?

My advice would be to not give up and to seek help from a teacher, mentor, or online resources. Physics can be challenging, but with dedication and perseverance, anyone can understand and apply its concepts. It's also helpful to break down the topic into smaller, manageable parts and to actively engage in problem-solving and experimentation.

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