Quantum computing (Why is it important?)

In summary, quantum computing is just another way to compute things, but it is important because it is faster than classical computing.
  • #1
Alright, I'm just getting my feet wet in the world of physics, but, I've taken a particular interest in quantum mechanics/physics. And, my first question is, what is the point of quantum computing? It's my understanding (Though it's probably seriously flawed) that quantum computations are used to study extremely small units of matter (I.E Quarks).
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
You have misunderstood it. Quantum computing takes advantage of the quantum property "superposition" in order to make calculations faster and faster in contrast to classical computing with bits.
So, quantum computation doesn't "study extremely small units of matter (I.E Quarks)." in the sense you say it.
Look it up in wikipedia
  • #3
JK423 said:
You have misunderstood it. Quantum computing takes advantage of the quantum property "superposition" in order to make calculations faster and faster in contrast to classical computing with bits.
So, quantum computation doesn't "study extremely small units of matter (I.E Quarks)." in the sense you say it.
Look it up in wikipedia
So, using Quantum comptuing, would it essentially be possible to compute the entire atomic make-up of a human being without using a massive amount of space to store the data? I've heard that the individual paths that electrons, protons, and neutrons take when revolving around the Nuclei, is almost an inordinate amount of data by even todays standards.
  • #4
Quantum computing is just another way to compute things! What you can compute with a classical computer (classical computing) you can also cumpute with a quantum computer (quantum computing). The only difference is that quantum computing is much faster than classical computing. What you are computing is irrelevant. You can compute anything you want, from 3+4 and differential equations to whatever you like. It`s just a matter of how fast you`re going to do that
  • #5
JK423 said:
Quantum computing is just another way to compute things! What you can compute with a classical computer (classical computing) you can also cumpute with a quantum computer (quantum computing). The only difference is that quantum computing is much faster than classical computing. What you are computing is irrelevant. You can compute anything you want, from 3+4 and differential equations to whatever you like. It`s just a matter of how fast you`re going to do that
Meh, alright, nvm then. Then if that's all it is used for (In general), then why is it important? I mean computing equations at faster speeds doesn't exactly seem all that important to me. (But, I'm still a noob when it comes to physics, so yeah.)
  • #6
It`s very important.
When it comes to modern theories like quantum chromodynamics (the theory that describes quarks) the only way to get a solution from the equations is by using your computer. But it`s so demanding in computational power that physicists use supercomputers in order to get a solution "in this century" :P
A quantum computer would compute such things a looooooot faster, so we would be able to compute things that we weren't able before. Thats important, isn't it?
  • #7
In computer science, one of the classic problems is called P vs. NP. The basic idea is that P is the class of problems where the answer can be computed in time that is less than some polynomial of the length of the input, and NP is the class of problems where an answer can be guessed and verified in polynomial time. (It is not known if these classes are identical or not.)

For example, suppose we wanted to know if the minimum of a list is less than a constant C. We could simply scan the list, and report if we find an item less than C or not. This requires looking at each item once, so the time is linear in the length of the list, so this problem is in P.

Similarly, suppose we are given a list of cities and distances between them, and want to know if there is a path that visits each city exactly once that has a total length less than C. If we make a lucky guess of a path, it is a simple matter to add up the total length of the path and verify that it is less than C. The number of additions is linear in the number of cities, so this "travelling salesman" problem is in NP.

If you want to solve one of the hardest problems in NP with a computer program, there are few options besides guessing each possible answer in turn and then attempting to verify it. Since the number of possible answers is exponential in the length of the input, this procedure will be exponential in the input, not polynomial.

However, the hope is that by using superposition, we can use superposition to do a calculation on *all* of the possible guesses at the same time, and as a result, we would have a method of solving NP-hard problems in polynomial time.
  • #8
JK423 said:
Quantum computing is just another way to compute things! What you can compute with a classical computer (classical computing) you can also cumpute with a quantum computer (quantum computing). The only difference is that quantum computing is much faster than classical computing.

That is not quite correct, a quantum computer is only faster than a classical computer for some problems, not all.
So far only a handful of algorithms have been developed that benefit from being run on a quantum computer. the most famous being Shor's algorithm for factorizing numbers.
Hence, it is extremely unlikely that quantum computers will ever be more than a compliment to classical computers. That said. more algorithms are being developed all the time (there was a new one in PRL a couple of weeks ago) so this might of course change in the future.
  • #9
f95toli said:
That is not quite correct, a quantum computer is only faster than a classical computer for some problems, not all.

A quantum computer (or at least a computer using quantum logic) should be faster at any calculation that can be done by a classical computer. Using entangled states and applying schrodingers equation to determine how the system evolves, you should be able to disregard one bit of information going through a logic gate, whereas with a classical computer you have to perform an action on 2 bits.

Related to Quantum computing (Why is it important?)

1. What is quantum computing?

Quantum computing is a type of computing technology that uses the principles of quantum mechanics to process and store information. Unlike classical computing, which uses bits to represent either a 0 or 1, quantum computing uses quantum bits (qubits) that can represent a 0, 1, or a superposition of both states at the same time.

2. Why is quantum computing important?

Quantum computing has the potential to greatly accelerate computational speed and solve complex problems that are currently impossible for classical computers to solve. This could have a huge impact on fields such as medicine, finance, and cryptography, as well as advancing scientific research and development.

3. How does quantum computing work?

Quantum computing works by manipulating the quantum states of qubits through quantum operations such as superposition and entanglement. These operations allow for multiple calculations to be performed simultaneously, resulting in faster processing and increased computational power.

4. What are some current applications of quantum computing?

Currently, quantum computing is being used in various industries for tasks such as optimizing logistics, simulating complex chemical reactions, and analyzing financial data. It is also being used in research for areas such as drug discovery, weather forecasting, and artificial intelligence.

5. What are the challenges facing quantum computing?

One of the main challenges facing quantum computing is the fragility of qubits. They are highly sensitive to external interference, making it difficult to maintain their quantum states for long periods of time. Additionally, the technology is still in its early stages and there is a lack of standardized tools and programming languages for quantum computing. There are also security concerns surrounding the potential impact of quantum computing on current encryption methods.

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