Gravity and universe expansion could be caused by the same thing.

In summary, the conversation discusses the idea that gravity and the expansion of the universe may be caused by fluctuations in space, similar to virtual particles popping in and out of existence. These fluctuations create stable points in space, such as atoms, which attract each other and cause gravity on smaller scales. On a universal scale, these points are more vast and uniform, causing a perceived push away from objects. The idea is not backed by math or scientific evidence, but is simply a thought experiment.
  • #1
I've played with this idea for a while now so i thought it would be good to see what others think of it, this is just based off what i know being interested in science and questions on the nature of reality, I am no scientist or anything so please by nice, i just like to think about this sort of stuff in my free time so can't back it up with maths or anything too technical, anyway here goes...

The idea came while thinking about gravity and space, i remember reading that virtual particles pop in and out of existence throughout space, that space contains all sorts of stuff in the vacuum kind of bubbling away, what if gravity and the expansion of the universe are caused by the same thing, these fluctuations in space?

I imagine that where a particle exists these fluctuations can't, so something like an atom will be a stable or low point in space where there's a kind of hole to these fluctuations, as things tend to find balance these points become like attractors to each other, think a bit like" ), i believe space acts the same way, the only difference is that these points of stability can freely move being planets and the like, so we get gravity on the small scales like the distances between objects on earth, in the solar system or the galaxy, over universal distances the points between objects become more vast and uniform so it appears to act the opposite way from gravity and pushes things apart.

Hope it makes some sense even if the idea is far fetched. :smile:
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  • #2
No personal theories, please. That's in the PF rules.

FAQ: Gravity and universe expansion could be caused by the same thing.

What is the current understanding of gravity and the expansion of the universe?

The current understanding is that gravity is a fundamental force that causes objects with mass to attract each other, while the expansion of the universe is the theory that the universe is continuously expanding at an accelerating rate.

What is the proposed connection between gravity and the expansion of the universe?

The proposed connection is that both phenomena could be caused by the same underlying mechanism, known as dark energy. This is a hypothetical form of energy that is thought to be responsible for the accelerated expansion of the universe.

How does dark energy relate to gravity?

Dark energy is thought to have a repulsive effect, meaning it counteracts the gravitational forces that would normally cause the universe to collapse. This is what allows the universe to continue expanding at an accelerating rate.

What evidence supports the idea that gravity and the expansion of the universe are linked?

Several observations, including the discovery of the accelerated expansion of the universe and the measurement of the cosmic microwave background radiation, support the idea that dark energy is the common factor between gravity and the universe's expansion.

What are the implications of this connection between gravity and the expansion of the universe?

If the connection is confirmed, it would greatly advance our understanding of both gravity and the expansion of the universe. It could also potentially lead to new insights into the nature of dark energy and how it affects the universe on a large scale.

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