How Do I Use an Oscilloscope to Measure Voltage and Time?

In summary, an oscilloscope is a device that can be used to view a voltage as a function of time. It is a practical object that can be used to help with questions about signals.
  • #1
hi all
Though there are several model of oscilloscopes,their main working system is to use a oscilloscope? to take the reading of volt/div...what is the meaning of it? what is time/ to measure it?..please explain elaborately

N.B:I have given some sample pics of oscilloscopes as attachments..


  • _osc1.gif
    36.9 KB · Views: 510
  • 377px-Oscilloscope_diagram.svg.png
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  • #2
samieee said:
hi all
Though there are several model of oscilloscopes,their main working system is to use a oscilloscope? to take the reading of volt/div...what is the meaning of it? what is time/ to measure it?..please explain elaborately

N.B:I have given some sample pics of oscilloscopes as attachments..

Here you go. A tutorial from Tektronix, and it even looks to be available in several languages!

  • #3
Basically, an oscilloscope shows you a snap shot of a signal in a short time. The horizontal and vertical axis are divided into grids or divisions. There is usually 10 divisions for both axis. The horizontal axis is the time, and it is given in time/div.

Let's say you adjust the time base on the scope to 10 milliSec/div. That means that every horizontal division shows you a 10 milliSec time snap shot. Since there is 10 divisions, the total snap shot on the screen is 10 div * 10milliSec/div = 100 milliSecs. That means you are looking at a 100 milliSecs snap shot from left to right.

The vertical axis is the voltage and it is given in volts/div. If it is set to 10 mV/div, that means every vertical division is 10 mV/div, and since there is 10 vertical divisions, the total voltage as displayed on the screen is 10 div * 10mV/div = 100 mV from top to bottom.

That way, using the scope, you can view a snap shot of how a high frequency waveform behaves, and measure its frequency, and amplitude.
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  • #4
  • #5
samieee said:
sorry berkeman the link isn't valid now.:((

Worked for me.
  • #6
Yeah, works fine for me too. Maybe try copying the link and pasting it directly into your browser URL field...?
  • #7
samieee said:
hi all
Though there are several model of oscilloscopes,their main working system is to use a oscilloscope? to take the reading of volt/div...what is the meaning of it? what is time/ to measure it?..please explain elaborately

N.B:I have given some sample pics of oscilloscopes as attachments..

The oscilloscope basically show you a voltage as a function of time.
It is a practical object, once you'll have one on your table you'll soon learn how it works.
I use it evey day, if you have a spec question, ask me.
  • #8
yes, finally worked for me too in firefox..previously i was using opera .

FAQ: How Do I Use an Oscilloscope to Measure Voltage and Time?

What is an oscilloscope and how does it work?

An oscilloscope is a scientific instrument used to measure and display electrical signals. It works by receiving an input signal from a circuit, which is then amplified and displayed on a screen as a waveform.

How do I connect my circuit to the oscilloscope?

To connect your circuit to the oscilloscope, you will need a probe with a BNC connector. Connect the probe's ground clip to the circuit's ground, and the probe tip to the signal you want to measure. Then, connect the BNC connector to one of the oscilloscope's input channels.

What are the different controls on an oscilloscope and how do I use them?

There are several controls on an oscilloscope, including the timebase, vertical scale, trigger, and cursor controls. The timebase controls the horizontal scale of the waveform, while the vertical scale controls the amplitude. The trigger control allows you to stabilize the waveform, and the cursor controls can be used to measure specific points on the waveform.

What is the difference between analog and digital oscilloscopes?

Analog oscilloscopes use a cathode ray tube (CRT) to display the waveform, while digital oscilloscopes use a digital display. Analog oscilloscopes are better for displaying fast-changing signals, while digital oscilloscopes have more advanced features and can store and analyze data.

How do I interpret the waveform displayed on the oscilloscope?

The waveform displayed on the oscilloscope represents the voltage of the input signal over time. The horizontal axis represents time, while the vertical axis represents voltage. The shape of the waveform can provide information about the frequency, amplitude, and other characteristics of the signal.

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