Measure the speed of electron wave

In summary, the physicist believes that it is not possible to measure the speed of an electron wave because it is faster than the speed of light. However, by using the theory of electron wave, they were able to calculate the speed of the electron wave to be greater than the speed of light. The experiment that was performed showed that the speed of the electron wave is indeed greater than the speed of light.
  • #1
Measure the speed of electron wave
By theory of electron wave(E=hv=mcc,P=h/λ=mV),we can get the speed of electron wave
but physicist consider it is not possible.I think it should proved by experiment.The follow experiment may gave us some new information.,Please look at picture
There are three holes(A,B,C) in two boards(E F).,A switch is put in hole C.
electron wave transmit from left to right
1)At first ,the switch is closed.. Diffractive stripe will appear on board G,
2)At T1, ,the switch is opened.
3) At T2, diffractive stripe is changed.I don’t know what will happen.
4) speed of electron wave=L(CG)/(T2-T1).We can let L(CG) long enough to insure exact measure.
Physics news on
  • #2
This is the difference between the phase velocity and the signal or group velocity. You can do a computer simulation if you want to. The velocity you cite, v = c^2/V is the phase velocity. It is valid for each individual Fourier component, but as such, does not "propagate" anything, because a single Fourier component is present everywhere, at constant density. However, to simulate the "closure of the slit", you will have to introduce several Fourier components in your wave (to make up something that looks like a step function). Although each individual Fourier component will still rotate and "simulate" the phase velocity for each one, the movement of the "blob", or front of the step function will move at a totally different velocity: the group velocity.

Look up concepts such as "wave packet".
Or have a look at wikipedia: and the links therein.

  • #3
zbl1905 said:
Measure the speed of electron wave
By theory of electron wave(E=hv=mcc,P=h/λ=mV),we can get the speed of electron wave
but physicist consider it is not possible.I think it should proved by experiment.

The phase speed [itex]\frac{c^2}{v}[/itex] is not the physical speed of the particle. There is a simularity
between classical phase speed and group speed but that's only part of the story.

If you want to understand the nature of the de Broglie wave then it's
mandatory to look at it with Special Relativity in mind. It actually becomes
quite simple then. A localized wave packet at rest does have the same phase
everywhere. If you look at it from a different reference frame then the phase
becomes [itex]e^{ipx/\hbar}[/itex], that is, The wave packet becomes modulated with a sinusoidal
function with a wave length depending on the speed. This phase then moves
again with a speed of [itex]c^2/v[/itex].

This is however the effect of the non-simultaneity of special relativity.
I've gone through some effort to explain these effects here:
with images from computer simulations.Regards, Hans
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FAQ: Measure the speed of electron wave

1. What is the speed of an electron wave?

The speed of an electron wave, also known as the drift velocity, can vary depending on the material it is passing through. In a vacuum, the speed of an electron wave is approximately 2.2 million meters per second.

2. How is the speed of an electron wave measured?

The speed of an electron wave can be measured using various methods such as the electron mobility measurement technique or the time-of-flight method. These methods involve using specialized equipment to track the movement of electrons and calculate their speed.

3. What factors can affect the speed of an electron wave?

The speed of an electron wave can be affected by factors such as temperature, electric field strength, and the properties of the material it is travelling through. In general, higher temperatures and stronger electric fields can increase the speed of an electron wave.

4. Can the speed of an electron wave be faster than the speed of light?

No, according to the theory of relativity, the speed of light is the ultimate speed limit in the universe. Therefore, the speed of an electron wave cannot exceed the speed of light.

5. Why is measuring the speed of an electron wave important?

Measuring the speed of an electron wave is important in understanding the behavior of electrons in different materials and devices. It can also help in the development of new technologies and improving existing ones, such as in the field of electronics and semiconductors.

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