Miguel C. Alvarez thesis posted today (Baez student)

In summary, Miguel C. Alvarez has successfully completed his PhD dissertation and posted it online. Congratulations!
  • #1
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Miguel C. Alvarez is a PhD student of John Baez at UC Riverside

he posted his thesis today. congratulations!
(both to the student and teacher)

"Loop Quantization versus Fock Quantization of p-Form Electromagnetism on Static Spacetimes"

Here's the abstract:

"As a warmup for studying dynamics and gravitons in loop quantum gravity, Varadarajan showed that Wilson loops give operators on the Fock space for electromagnetism in Minkowski spacetime - but only after regularizing the loops by smearing them with a Gaussian. Unregularized Wilson loops are too singular to give densely defined operators. Here we present a rigorous treatment of unsmeared Wilson loops for vacuum electromagnetism on an arbitrary globally hyperbolic static spacetime. Our Wilson loops are not operators, but "quasioperators": sesquilinear forms on the dense subspace of Fock space spanned by coherent states corresponding to smooth classical solutions..."

this research can be seen as illustrating the difficulty LQG has in reproducing results in a static flat vacuum---Minkowski spacetime----which are almost taken for granted in that more conventional context. Several people are currently working on this and making gradual progress.

I cannot judge the thesis itself, but by outward appearances Miguel did not pick an easy problem but, instead, chose an important gnarly issue to tackle for this thesis.

Miguel has written some for Wikipedia. PF may have already been reading his encyclopedia articles with or without knowing of the author. he also does fencing---which I think is arivero's sport as well

Thanks to selfAdjoint for pointing out an error in the link as I first typed it. I have corrected it and it seems to be right now.
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Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Here are papers by two other researchers working on getting gravitons in LQG, i.e. approximating a flat vacuum

The graviton vacuum as a distributional state in kinematic Loop Quantum Gravity
Madhavan Varadarajan
44 pages
Free vacuum for loop quantum gravity
Florian Conrady (CPT, Marseille & Potsdam, Max Planck Inst.)
30 pages, 3 diagrams

that is 3 papers in one year (in a modest size field)
so maybe it is becoming something good to work on

Miguel C-A mentions Varadarajan, I don't know if he cites Conrady or not
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He is trying to quantize the electromagnetic field using Wison Loops in flat Minkowski background. The point is the Wilson Loops; they do not, as is known, correspond to operators in Foch space. But their matrix elements exist when they are linear combinations of "regular coherent states", and these regular coherent states span a dense subset of Foch space.

Does this strategy sound familiar to you? Recall cylinder functions? A different algebra, but the same strategy!
  • #5
marcus said:
Here are papers by two other researchers working on getting gravitons in LQG, i.e. approximating a flat vacuum

The graviton vacuum as a distributional state in kinematic Loop Quantum Gravity
Madhavan Varadarajan
44 pages
Free vacuum for loop quantum gravity
Florian Conrady (CPT, Marseille & Potsdam, Max Planck Inst.)
30 pages, 3 diagrams

that is 3 papers in one year (in a modest size field)
so maybe it is becoming something good to work on

Miguel C-A mentions Varadarajan, I don't know if he cites Conrady or not

Marcus thanks for the link, this paper is really interesting form my and Olias's and Ranyarts perspective!

Here: https://www.physicsforums.com/showthread.php?t=40814

I actually used a link by Varadarajan on 'Wik' site to convey a question relative to certain aspects of Fields, dimensionally:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Observable

Now it seems that the Miguel C. Alvarez thesis paper has some aspects for the Electro-Magnetic-Vacuum theory that I have been banding around on many forums for a long time, of course one can simply state,as admin often do its an unqualified personal theory and warrents a forum ban!

Again thanks.
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FAQ: Miguel C. Alvarez thesis posted today (Baez student)

What is the topic of Miguel C. Alvarez's thesis?

The topic of Miguel C. Alvarez's thesis, as posted by his student Baez, is currently unknown.

Who is Miguel C. Alvarez?

Miguel C. Alvarez is a person whose thesis was recently posted by their student Baez. Any other information about Miguel C. Alvarez is currently unknown.

What is the significance of Miguel C. Alvarez's thesis being posted?

The significance of Miguel C. Alvarez's thesis being posted by their student Baez may vary depending on the context and the content of the thesis. Without further information, it is difficult to determine the exact significance of the thesis being posted.

Where can I find Miguel C. Alvarez's thesis?

Miguel C. Alvarez's thesis, as posted by their student Baez, may be available through various sources such as online databases or university libraries. It is recommended to search for the thesis using specific keywords or to contact Baez directly for more information.

What can we learn from Miguel C. Alvarez's thesis?

The content of Miguel C. Alvarez's thesis, as posted by their student Baez, may provide insights and knowledge on a specific topic or field of study. However, without further information it is difficult to determine the exact lessons or insights that can be gained from the thesis.
