Motor Torque, Starting Torque, Stall Torque, Load Torque

In summary, the conversation discusses the differences between starting torque, running torque, and stall torque for an electric motor. Starting torque is the initial torque needed to overcome friction and accelerate the load, while running torque maintains the steady state speed. Stall torque is the maximum torque that can slow down and stop the motor and load. If the motor torque equals the load torque, the mass will either move up with constant speed or remain stationary, depending on the specific torque values. The conversation also mentions the importance of properly wiring motor protection devices to prevent overheating or potential fire hazards. Lastly, the conversation briefly mentions a specific 7.5 HP electric DC motor and inquires about the torque produced at 1000rpm.
  • #1
Hi, I am new here.

I have some problems with the engine motor. What is the difference between starting torque (or locked up torque) and stall torque?

What happen if motor torque = load torque? Will the mass move up with constant speed or stay stanionary? motor torque = stall torque = load torque?

Thanks for any help and suggestion! :smile:

Engineering news on
  • #2
I hope this works


  • AG09 (Speed Torque Curves).pdf
    135.4 KB · Views: 3,469
  • #3
Assuming you are asking about an electric motor...

Starting torque = torque reqd to overcome friction, load inertia, stiction, etc., and accelerate the load inertia. This is meant to be a transient value.

Running torque or load torque = less than starting torque, keeps the previously accelerated inertia + load at steady state speed.

Stall torque = torque value that will slow down and stop your motor + load. Hopefully you have properly wired your motor protection devices and they will kick in. Otherwise the motor will draw a lot of current, heat up, catch fire, burn your building down.
  • #4
i have a 7.5 hp electric dc motor
what is the torque produced at 1000rpm

FAQ: Motor Torque, Starting Torque, Stall Torque, Load Torque

What is motor torque?

Motor torque refers to the rotational force produced by a motor. It is typically measured in units of Newton-meters (Nm) and is a key factor in determining the performance and capabilities of a motor.

What is starting torque?

Starting torque is the amount of torque required to start a motor from rest. It is typically higher than the running torque of a motor and is important in applications where the motor needs to overcome inertia or resistance to start moving.

What is stall torque?

Stall torque is the maximum amount of torque that a motor can produce before it stops rotating. This is typically the point at which the motor is operating at its maximum capacity and cannot produce any more torque.

What is load torque?

Load torque refers to the external torque applied to a motor by the load it is driving. It is the resistance that the motor must overcome in order to maintain its speed and rotation. Load torque is typically measured in units of Nm and is an important consideration in motor selection and sizing.

How do motor torque, starting torque, stall torque, and load torque relate to each other?

Motor torque, starting torque, stall torque, and load torque are all related to the rotational force produced by a motor. Motor torque is the overall measurement of this force, starting torque is the amount of force required to start the motor, stall torque is the maximum force the motor can produce, and load torque is the external force applied to the motor. These factors are all important in determining the performance and capabilities of a motor in different applications.
