How to Derive the Number of Components of a Rank-2A Tensor in Four Dimensions?

  • Thread starter ndung200790
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In summary, an (A,A) field with only integer spins corresponds to a traceless symmetric tensor of rank 2A. In four dimensions, the number of independent components of a symmetric tensor of rank 2A is given by {4.5...(4+2A-1)}/(2A)!=(3+2A)!/6(2A)!, and the tracelessness condition reduces this to {(3+2A)!/6(2A)!}-{(1+2A)!/6(2A-2)!}=(2A+1)^2, as expected for an (A,A) field. This is a simple combinatorics problem of partitioning r objects into N sets, and the
  • #1
In &5.6 writes:
"An (A,A) field (A is spin) contains terms with only integer spins 2A,2A-1,...,0, and corresponds to a traceless symmetric tensor of rank 2A.(Note that the number of independent components of a symmetric tensor of rank 2A in four(space-time) dimensions is:
and the tracelessness condition reduces this to:
as expected for an (A,A) field"

I can not derive the number of components of a tensor of rank 2A in four dimensions is
4.5...(4+2A-1) and the number of tracelessnes conditions is (1+2A)!/6(2A-2)!
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  • #2
And I do not understand why a (1,0) or (0,1) field corresponds to antisymmetric tensor
F[itex]^{\mu\nu}[/itex] and satisfies the condition:
for (1,0) and (0,1) fields,respectively.
  • #3
And I do not understand why a (1,0) or (0,1) field corresponds to antisymmetric tensor
In a footnote on the previous page, Weinberg mentions an "alternative formalism", in which the representations are written as symmetric SU(2) tensors with two-valued indices of two types - dotted and undotted. Thus, the (1,0) representation is the symmetric tensor φAB, while the (0, 1) representation is φA'B'. In addition we have available the antisymmetric symbol εAB which is used to raise and lower. From these quantities, a Lorentz vector index can be constructed by means of the Pauli matrices σμAB'

So, given a (1, 0) quantity FAB, we construct Fμν = σμAB' σνCD' FAC εB'D' which is the antisymmetric tensor that corresponds to it.
  • #4
In four dimensions a tensor of rank 2A means there are 2A indexes and each index runs on 0,1,2,3.Then there are all 4^2A components.But in Weinberg's there are 4.5...(4+2A-1) components in this tensor.Where is the wrong in my argument?
  • #5
ndung200790 said:
In four dimensions a tensor of rank 2A means there are 2A indexes and each index runs on 0,1,2,3.Then there are all 4^2A components.But in Weinberg's there are 4.5...(4+2A-1) components in this tensor.Where is the wrong in my argument?
It's a symmetric tensor. In n dimensions a symmetric tensor of rank r has nr components, but only some of them are independent. The number of independent components is given by the binomial coefficient, (n + r - 1)!/r!(n - 1)!
  • #6
And what is the difference (in tensor forms) between (1,0) field and (0,1) field?
  • #7
ndung200790 said:
And what is the difference (in tensor forms) between (1,0) field and (0,1) field?
A (1, 0) field is represented by a rank-two quantity FAB, which has three independent complex components. So does the Fμν that you can construct from it. See this earlier thread.
  • #8
ndung200790 said:
In &5.6 writes:
"An (A,A) field (A is spin) contains terms with only integer spins 2A,2A-1,...,0, and corresponds to a traceless symmetric tensor of rank 2A.(Note that the number of independent components of a symmetric tensor of rank 2A in four(space-time) dimensions is:
and the tracelessness condition reduces this to:
as expected for an (A,A) field"

I can not derive the number of components of a tensor of rank 2A in four dimensions is
4.5...(4+2A-1) and the number of tracelessnes conditions is (1+2A)!/6(2A-2)!
This is something you will not expect from Weinberg to explain because it is a simple combinatorics.Anyway,when you have a symmetric tensor of order say r into N dimensional space then you can simply specify it by how many indices are zero or 1 and so on.There order does not matter(if you want you can take an ascending order with repetition allowed to find it).So the problem is basically to partition r objects into N sets ignoring the relative positioning.It requires N-1 boundaries among r objects.This boundary and objects together can be arranged in N+r-1! ways and the object itself can be arranged in r! ways.Besides it the boundary can be permuted in N-1! ways.Hence the number of independent components are N+r-1!/(N-1!)(r!).(A simple intution is obtained from second rank tensor in which all the elements above or below the diagonal+diagonal elements are the numbers which is simply 6+4=10).
Also a traceless tensor will have the condition that if you chose any two indices for contraction,then the condition is simply
Tr(aabcd...) here the elements are now only (r-2) because first two indices are summed over for trace.So just put r-2 in place of r in the above formula and you have N+r-3!/(N-1!)(r-2!).Now this gives your result for N=4.
  • #9
Good explanation!

FAQ: How to Derive the Number of Components of a Rank-2A Tensor in Four Dimensions?

1. What is Weinberg's QFT?

Weinberg's QFT (Quantum Field Theory) is a theoretical framework that describes the behavior of elementary particles and their interactions. It combines principles from quantum mechanics and special relativity to understand the fundamental forces of nature.

2. Who is Steven Weinberg?

Steven Weinberg is an American theoretical physicist and Nobel laureate. He is best known for his contributions to the theory of elementary particles, including his work on Weinberg's QFT. He is also known for his contributions to the unification of the weak and electromagnetic forces.

3. What are the key concepts in Weinberg's QFT?

The key concepts in Weinberg's QFT include the idea of fields as the fundamental quantities of nature, the concept of quantum states and operators, and the use of Feynman diagrams to calculate particle interactions. Other important concepts include gauge theories, renormalization, and the Higgs mechanism.

4. How is Weinberg's QFT different from other quantum field theories?

Weinberg's QFT is different from other quantum field theories in its approach to unifying the fundamental forces of nature. It is also distinguished by its use of gauge theories and the Higgs mechanism to explain the origins of mass in particles. Additionally, Weinberg's QFT is known for its mathematical elegance and predictive power.

5. What are some practical applications of Weinberg's QFT?

Weinberg's QFT has played a significant role in the development of modern particle physics, particularly in understanding the behavior of subatomic particles. It has also been used to make predictions about the behavior of matter and energy at high energies, and has applications in fields such as cosmology and astrophysics. Additionally, the principles of Weinberg's QFT have been applied to the development of technologies such as particle accelerators and medical imaging devices.

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