What is the required energy for positron emission?

In summary: The reason it's 511 MeV is because using nuclear masses, the mass of an electron and positron don't cancel out. The mass of the electron is the same, but the mass of the positron is different because of the nuclear binding energy. It's still an electron and positron that are made, so they have the same mass, but since the positron came from a different source, it has a different mass than the electron. This is why the Q-value for positron emission isn't always the same, while it is for beta- decay.In summary, positron emission occurs when a proton is converted into a neutron, a positron, and a neutrino. This conversion only takes place in
  • #1
Jon Snow
In positron emission, a proton is converted into a neutron, a positron, and a neutrino:

p --> n + e + v

this conversion occures only in a nucleus, because this process consumes energy (the neutron and positron have a higher mass than the proton).

The energy needed is twice the rest mass energy of the electron: 1.022 MeV.

Why exactly 2*mass(electron).
I would excpect it to be something like
(mass of neutron + mass of electron)-mass of proton.

Thanks in advance
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  • #2
I am not so sure that you haven't mixed apples with oranges.

If a positron is emitted via nuclear decay, such as those used as the positron source in PET scans, for example, there is no need for an "energy needed" to initiate such an event. The nuclear is unstable, and it'll decay when it wants to.

However, if the positron is generated from pair production, then the energy of the photon needed would require a minimum twice the electron's rest mass energy, for obvious reason.

  • #3
We studied this in a pretty good bit of detail this earlier this semester, so I think I can shed a little light on your question. For a positron emission to happen, the parent atom must mass at least 1.022 MeV (= 2 X me) greater than the daughter atom. This seems like a strange result, and indeed it is.

The 2 X me comes in because we use atomic masses rather than nuclear masses most of the time. This is partly because the nuclear mass is difficult to calculate exactly, but mainly because it's accurate enough most of the time. If you look at regular beta (electron) decay, you'll see that the difference cancels out. For example,

60Co -> 60Ni + electron + antineutrino.

The mass of cobalt atom includes 27 electrons and the mass of the nickel atom includes 28, *but* since an electron doesn't magically appear in the outer shell when the atom decays, we've got to account for the discrepancy. Fortunately, since there's another electron on that side of the equation, it cancels out the discrepancy and the Q-value is just the difference between the mass of the two atoms.

In positron decay, the situation is reversed. If 26Al decays into 26Mg, the mass of the Aluminum atom accounts for 13 electrons, but the mass of the Magnesium only accounts for 12. There's an extra electron from the Aluminum atom we have to account for. So when calculating the Q-value for the decay, you have to add the mass of the positron *and* the mass of the extra electron on the daughter side of the equation. So the Q-Value for this equation would be:

Q = {mAl - mMg - 2 X me}c2

So, when using atomic masses, the parent must mass at least 1.022 MeV greater than the daughter, or a positron decay is impossible. In that case, the atom can still decay by electron capture, which is a competing process.
  • #4
thank you grogs, things are clearer to me now :smile:

Do i understand it correctly : When i would use nuclear masses for my computation, a difference of 511 MeV would be sufficient for positron emission?

good bye...
  • #5
Jon Snow said:
Do i understand it correctly : When i would use nuclear masses for my computation, a difference of 511 MeV would be sufficient for positron emission?
Exactly. As long as what's on the left side (the parent) had more mass than the products (daughter nucleus + positron), it would be sufficient. You would also see the same restriction on the beta- decay, which makes sense.

FAQ: What is the required energy for positron emission?

1. What is positron emission?

Positron emission is a type of radioactive decay in which a proton in the nucleus of an atom is converted into a neutron, and a positron (a positively charged particle with the same mass as an electron) is emitted from the nucleus.

2. What is the role of energy in positron emission?

Energy is an essential component of positron emission. During the decay process, a small amount of mass is converted into energy in accordance with Einstein's famous equation, E=mc^2. This energy is released in the form of gamma rays and the kinetic energy of the emitted positron.

3. How is energy calculated in positron emission?

The energy released in positron emission can be calculated using the mass deficit, which is the difference between the mass of the parent nucleus and the combined mass of the daughter nucleus and the emitted positron. This mass deficit is then multiplied by the speed of light squared to determine the total energy released.

4. What is the significance of energy in positron emission?

The amount of energy released in positron emission is a crucial factor in determining the stability of a nucleus. If the energy released is high enough, the decay process will occur spontaneously. This energy also plays a role in medical imaging techniques, such as positron emission tomography (PET), where the detection of the emitted gamma rays can provide information about the body's metabolism and function.

5. Can the energy released in positron emission be harnessed for practical use?

Yes, the energy released in positron emission can be harnessed for practical use in the form of positron emission tomography (PET) scans and in the production of radioisotopes for medical and industrial purposes. However, the energy released is relatively small and is not currently a viable source of energy for everyday use.

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