Proving Automorphism of Z_n with r in U(n)

  • Thread starter johnnyboy2005
  • Start date
In summary, the conversation discusses a question about proving that a mapping is an automorphism of Zn, given that r is an element of U(n). The conversation includes suggestions for how to approach the proof, such as showing that the mapping is a homomorphism and one-to-one and onto. The conversation also discusses the importance of explicitly stating and proving the map's invertibility in the proof.
  • #1
hey, was just hoping i could get a little help getting started on this one...

Let r be an element in U(n). Prove that the mapping (alpha):Zn-->Zn defined by (alpha)(s) = sr mod n for all s in Zn is an automorphism of Zn.

not expecting the answer, maybe to just push me in the right direction...thanks so much:approve:
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  • #2
This is simply treating Zn as an additive group, right? (You should right Z/n or Z/nZ or Z/(n))

Show it is a homomorphism and show it is either invertible (easy given the other use of the word invertible in the question) or just show it is a bijection.
  • #3
Show that its 1-1 onto and operation preserving. since r is in U(n) then r^-1 exists and you will need that little tid bit to show 1-1 then since Zn are finite you get onto.
  • #4
so i actually left this question for a bit. This is my soln' so far...

to show it is an automorphism the groups must be one to one and onto (easy to show) and to show that the function is map preserving I'm saying that for any a and b in Z(n) you will have
(alpha)(a+b) = (alpha)(a) + (alpha)(b) = (a)r mod n + (b)r mod n = (a + b)rmodn which is in the automorphism
  • #5
johnnyboy2005 said:
so i actually left this question for a bit. This is my soln' so far...
to show it is an automorphism the groups must be one to one and onto

groups are not one to one and onto, even if we assume that you mean are in bijective correspondence this does not mean any map between them is an isomorphism. if you are proving a map is an isomorphism it might behove you to mention the map in the alleged proof.

(easy to show) and to show that the function is map preserving I'm saying that for any a and b in Z(n) you will have
(alpha)(a+b) = (alpha)(a) + (alpha)(b) = (a)r mod n + (b)r mod n = (a + b)rmodn which is in the automorphism

what do you mean by "in the automorphism"? Surely you aren't treating maps as sets.

It is a one line proof: (a+b)r=ar+br, and -ar=-(ar) are just general facts of mulitiplying numbers, so trivially it is a homomorphism, now why is it an isomorphism?
  • #6
it is an isomorphism because it is one to one and onto...
  • #7
and have you proved that? i don't think you can get away with saying it is easy to show without showing it; i would be sceptical that you had done so given the presentation of your argument, and the fact that if it were so easy why didn't you write it out? it'd be good if you didn't show one to one and onto but actually pointed out that the map is invertible.

FAQ: Proving Automorphism of Z_n with r in U(n)

1. What is an automorphism of Z_n with r in U(n)?

An automorphism of Z_n with r in U(n) is a bijective function that maps the integers modulo n to itself while preserving the group operation. In other words, it is a function that maintains the structure and properties of the group Z_n.

2. How is an automorphism of Z_n with r in U(n) proved?

To prove that a function is an automorphism of Z_n with r in U(n), it must satisfy two conditions: it must be bijective, and it must preserve the group operation. This means that for any elements a and b in Z_n, the function must satisfy the following properties: f(a+b) = f(a) + f(b) and f(ab) = f(a)f(b). If these conditions are met, the function is considered an automorphism of Z_n with r in U(n).

3. What is the significance of r being in U(n) in proving an automorphism of Z_n?

The condition that r must be in U(n) is important because it ensures that the function is a bijection. This means that every element in the group Z_n has a unique image under the function, and every element in the group has a preimage. Without this condition, the function may not be bijective, and thus may not be an automorphism of Z_n.

4. Can there be more than one automorphism of Z_n with r in U(n)?

Yes, there can be multiple automorphisms of Z_n with r in U(n). In fact, the set of all automorphisms of Z_n with r in U(n) forms a group under composition, called the automorphism group of Z_n. This group has n-1 elements, and each element represents a different automorphism of Z_n with r in U(n).

5. How is the automorphism group of Z_n with r in U(n) related to other mathematical concepts?

The automorphism group of Z_n with r in U(n) is related to various other mathematical concepts, such as group theory, abstract algebra, and number theory. It is also closely connected to the concept of isomorphism, which refers to a structure-preserving mapping between two mathematical objects. The study of automorphisms of mathematical structures is a fundamental part of many areas of mathematics.
