Nonsinusodial wave function problem

In summary, the problem is trying to find the constants A and B in the Schrodinger equation for an E = 0 energy level of a particle in a box with boundary conditions at x = 0 and x = L. According to the problem, the boundaries conditions place constraints on the constants A and B, which determines whether or not the particle can be in the box.
  • #1

Homework Statement

I am having a problem with an example problem in my physics book. The example goes like so:

a.)Show that
[tex]\psi(x) = Ax + B[/tex]
[tex] A, B, constant [/tex]
is a solution of the Schrodinger equation for an E = 0 energy level of a particle in a box. b.) what constraints do the boundary conditions at x = 0 and x = L place on the constants A and B?

Homework Equations

[tex]\frac{-\hbar^{2}}{2m}\frac{d^{2}\psi(x)}{dx^{2}}= E\psi(x)[/tex]

The Attempt at a Solution

Part a i understand completely -- i just take the second derivative of the wave function and find its eigenvalue to be 0, which corresponds to the energy. However, for part b, I am not quite understanding how the book applies the boundary conditions. They claim the following:

"applying the boundary condition:
[tex] x = 0[/tex]
[tex]\psi(0) = A = 0[/tex]
[tex] A = 0, and \psi(x) = Bx[/tex].
Then applying the boundary condition:
[tex] x = L[/tex]
gives [tex] \psi(L) = BL = 0[/tex]
so B must be zero. How are they finding this for the IVP? If i plug zero into the wave function i get B = 0, not A = 0. I must be missing something. Could someone please tell me what I'm not seeing? Thank you!
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  • #2
Agreed. If psi is zero at x = 0, then there no constant term (the linear wavefunction starts at the origin). ==> B = 0.

The other boundary condition would give you AL = 0. ==> A = 0.

So, the wavefunction is identically zero. Which means that there is no chance of a particle being in the box. So what was the point of this problem exactly?

Edit: By this, what I mean is that, isn't this the TRIVIAL solution to the eigenvalue equation? If there is no particle in the box, the energy of the system is zero (inside the box).

Edit 2: In fact, I thought that a zero eigenfunction was not allowed as a valid solution to the eigenvalue equation, because it would have infinitely many possible eigenvalues.
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  • #3
The problem was intented to be trivial i think to show that you can't have a valid wave function of this form since you would get zero probability of finding your particle anywhere. But, I am glad that you also get AL = 0 and B = 0 instead of A = 0 and BL = 0 (they lead to the same thing but them getting it in that form is somewhat bothersome for me because I feel like I'm missing somehing). Thank you for the help!

FAQ: Nonsinusodial wave function problem

What is a nonsinusodial wave function problem?

A nonsinusodial wave function problem refers to a type of wave function that does not follow a sinusoidal pattern. In other words, it does not have a regular, repetitive oscillation like a typical sine wave.

What causes a nonsinusodial wave function?

A nonsinusodial wave function can be caused by a variety of factors, such as interference from other waves, non-linear effects, or boundary conditions. It can also arise from complex physical systems that do not exhibit simple harmonic motion.

How does a nonsinusodial wave function differ from a sinusoidal wave function?

The main difference between a nonsinusodial wave function and a sinusoidal wave function is their shape. A sinusoidal wave function follows a smooth, repetitive pattern, while a nonsinusodial wave function can have irregular or complex shapes.

What are some applications of nonsinusodial wave functions?

Nonsinusodial wave functions have many important applications in science and engineering. They are commonly used to describe complex systems, such as turbulent flows, electrical circuits, and quantum mechanical systems. They are also essential in fields like signal processing, optics, and acoustics.

How can nonsinusodial wave functions be solved?

Solving nonsinusodial wave function problems can be challenging, as they often involve complex mathematical equations. However, various techniques, such as Fourier analysis and numerical methods, can be used to approximate and solve these problems.
