Biot–Savart law: the origin of chirality?

In summary, the right-hand rule is used in the Biot-Savart law because it gives the same direction as the vector product in the equation and it is easier for people to use with their dominant hand. However, this direction is arbitrary and could be reversed without changing any physical effects. Nature does not pick a specific direction for the electromagnetic field, but it does always have a consistent direction relative to the velocity vector. The direction of the force is the only aspect that is not arbitrary and does not exhibit any chirality.
  • #1
As we know Biot-Savart law follows right-hand rule, like this:

220px-Manoderecha.svg.png the question is why right-hand rule, why not left?

I suppose it must have something to do with electron's magnetic dipole moment or "spin", as that's the only source of asymmetry I am aware of in this scenario. It follows then the orientation of the spin axis could be what defines this magnetic rotational direction, which would imply then the spin axis orientation is defined by the velocity vector. But still, the question remains, how or why could velocity vector have any specific directional impact on either intrinsic electron spin axis orientation or Biot-Savart magnetic field rotation?
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  • #2
The right-hand rule works because it gives the same direction as the vector product in the Biot-Savart law:
\mathbf j(\mathbf x') \times |\mathbf x - \mathbf x'|
where ##\mathbf j## is current density at point ##\mathbf x'##, ##\mathbf x## is point where the magnetic field is sought.

The vector product chooses one direction for ##\mathbf B## from two possibilities. Direction of magnetic field could have been defined to be opposite. Then we would use left hand to get this opposite direction.
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  • #3
People use the right hand rule mostly because most people are right handed. It's easier to figure out the convention using the dominant hand. One can arbitrarily reverse all the fields and go by the left hand rule. The only physical effect is the motion of particles and forces on these particles inside these fields, so however direction you choose to define the fields is arbitrary as long as you get the motion correct in the end.
  • #4
carrz said: the question is why right-hand rule, why not left?
This is merely a matter of convention. Like why the electron is negative, why not positive? EM could work just fine if we picked different conventions (i.e. electrons positive, left hand rule, different units, etc.) Someone historically picked the right hand and established the convention and people have just used it ever since, there is no physical reason nor effect.
  • #5
DaleSpam said:
This is merely a matter of convention. Like why the electron is negative, why not positive? EM could work just fine if we picked different conventions (i.e. electrons positive, left hand rule, different units, etc.) Someone historically picked the right hand and established the convention and people have just used it ever since, there is no physical reason nor effect.

Convention is arbitrary, but the reason for nature to always stick with the same direction is not.
  • #6
Nature doesn't pick a direction for EM (I.e. there is no chirality observed in EM). Only our conventions do pick one, and we could pick the opposite convention without changing nature or experimental results in any way.
  • #7
DaleSpam said:
Nature doesn't pick a direction for EM (I.e. there is no chirality observed in EM). Only our conventions do pick one, and we could pick the opposite convention without changing nature or experimental results in any way.

Nature does pick always the same direction relative to velocity vector. This has nothing to do with convention or whether you are going to call it right, west, or clockwise. It's always the same.
  • #8
No, it doesn't.

Take any experiment you can think of, and any measurement you can devise. If we picked the opposite convention (left handed coordinates and cross products instead of right handed coordinates and cross products) then you would get all of the B fields reversing direction but none of the physically measurable results being altered in the least.

If you cannot think of an example, then work out the force between two current-carrying wires using both a left handed and a right handed convention. Don't forget to use the same handedness both for determining the direction of the field and the Lorentz force.

In other words, nature does not pick the handedness of the B field (and therefore the direction of the B field), our conventions do. Nature does pick the direction of the force, and that does not exhibit any chirality.
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  • #9
Nature does always pick the same direction relative to velocity vector.
  • #10
Work the exercise I suggested and see.

FAQ: Biot–Savart law: the origin of chirality?

1. What is the Biot-Savart law?

The Biot-Savart law is a mathematical equation that describes the magnetic field produced by a steady electric current. It was developed by French physicists Jean-Baptiste Biot and Félix Savart in the early 19th century.

2. How does the Biot-Savart law relate to chirality?

The Biot-Savart law is used to explain the origin of chirality in molecules. Chirality refers to the property of asymmetry in molecules, where a molecule and its mirror image are not superimposable. The Biot-Savart law helps to explain how this asymmetry arises at the molecular level.

3. Can you explain the origin of chirality using the Biot-Savart law?

Yes, the Biot-Savart law helps us understand how chirality arises in molecules through the interaction between electrical currents and magnetic fields. As electrons move around atoms, they create tiny magnetic fields, which interact with each other to create a chiral molecule.

4. How is the Biot-Savart law used in modern science?

The Biot-Savart law is used in a variety of scientific fields, including electromagnetism, fluid mechanics, and quantum mechanics. It is also used in the study of molecular biology and the origin of life, as it helps us understand the formation of chiral molecules in living organisms.

5. Are there any limitations or criticisms of the Biot-Savart law?

While the Biot-Savart law has been widely accepted and used in scientific research, there are some limitations and criticisms. For example, it does not fully explain the origin of chirality in all molecules and there are certain cases where it does not accurately predict magnetic fields. However, it remains an important and valuable tool in understanding the fundamental principles of electromagnetism and chirality.
