Gauge Transform: What Conditions Do We Need for $\psi$?

In summary: Yes, that's correct. The conditions ##\nabla \times \vec{\alpha} = 0## and ##\nabla \beta + \partial_{t}\alpha = 0## only give us information about the curl and divergence of the vector and scalar fields, but they can still depend on position and time respectively.
  • #1
I understand ##\vec A\rightarrow\vec A+\nabla \psi\;## as ##\;\nabla \times \nabla \psi=0##[tex]\Rightarrow\;\nabla\times(\vec A+\nabla \psi)=\nabla\times\vec A[/tex]

But what is the reason for
[tex]V\;\rightarrow\;V+\frac{\partial \psi}{\partial t}[/tex]

What is the condition of ##\psi## so

[tex]\nabla \left(V+\frac{\partial \psi}{\partial t}\right)=\nabla V[/tex]

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  • #2
Recall Faraday's law:

$$ \nabla \times \vec{E} = - \frac{\partial \vec{B}}{\partial t} = - \frac{\partial}{\partial t}\left( \nabla \times \vec{A} \right)$$

So it's tempting to make the definition

$$ \vec{E} = - \frac{\partial \vec{A}}{\partial t} $$

but now we make your transformation

$$ \vec A\rightarrow\vec A+\nabla \psi\ $$
$$ \vec{E} \rightarrow \vec{E} - \frac{\partial \nabla \psi}{\partial t} $$

so the electric field now fails to be gauge invariant. So we introduce another gauge-dependent parameter to "fix" this:

$$ V\;\rightarrow\;V-\frac{\partial \psi}{\partial t} $$

and change our definition of E

$$ \vec{E} = - \frac{\partial \vec{A}}{\partial t} - \nabla V $$

Now the electric and magnetic fields are gauge invariant, as required.
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  • #3
$$ \vec{E} \rightarrow \vec{E} - \frac{\partial \nabla \psi}{\partial t} $$
$$ V\;\rightarrow\;V-\frac{\partial \psi}{\partial t} $$
How do you get to
$$ \vec{E} = - \frac{\partial \vec{A}}{\partial t} - \nabla V $$
  • #4
Given a vector potential ##A##, we can write Faraday's law as ##\nabla \times (E + \partial_{t}A) = 0##. Now it is a fundamental result of differential topology that a curl free vector field in a 'nice enough region' (I'll spare you the details of what 'nice enough region' means) can be written as the gradient of some smooth scalar field ##V## i.e. ##E + \partial_{t}A = -\nabla V##; ##V## is of course the scalar potential. Hence the electric field can be written as ##E = -\nabla V - \partial_{t}A##.

Now there is a gauge freedom in the potential fields. Notice that if we define a new vector and scalar potential by ##A' = A + \alpha, V' = V + \beta##, where ##\alpha## is a vector field and ##\beta## a scalar field, such that the new pair gives us the same physical electromagnetic field then we must have that ##\nabla \times \alpha = 0## and ##\nabla \beta + \partial_{t}\alpha = 0##. The first condition implies that ##\alpha = \nabla \lambda## for some smooth scalar field ##\lambda##. The second condition consequently says that ##\nabla(\beta + \partial_{t}\lambda) = 0## meaning that the expression in the parenthesis is only a function of time ##\beta + \partial_{t}\lambda = \gamma(t)## i.e. ##\beta =- \partial_{t}\lambda ## where we have absorbed ##\gamma(t)## into ##\lambda##.

In other words, we can make a gauge transformation of the form ##A \rightarrow A + \nabla \lambda , V\rightarrow V - \partial_{t}\lambda## and still get the same physical electromagnetic field.
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  • #5

What is the meaning of Gauge? What is Gauge freedom, Gauge invariant?
  • #6
Hi. In the above context, a gauge is just a particular choice of ##A,V##. The potential fields have a gauge freedom in the sense that any two gauges ##A,V## and ##A',V'## such that ##A' = A + \nabla \lambda## and ##V' = V - \partial_{t}\lambda##, will result in the same physical EM field. A gauge invariant quantity is one that does not depend on the choice of gauge.
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  • #7
WannabeNewton said:
Given a vector potential ##A##, we can write Faraday's law as ##\nabla \times (E + \partial_{t}A) = 0##. Now it is a fundamental result of differential topology that a curl free vector field in a 'nice enough region' (I'll spare you the details of what 'nice enough region' means) can be written as the gradient of some smooth scalar field ##V## i.e. ##E + \partial_{t}A = -\nabla V##; ##V## is of course the scalar potential. Hence the electric field can be written as ##E = -\nabla V - \partial_{t}A##.

Now there is a gauge freedom in the potential fields. Notice that if we define a new vector and scalar potential by ##A' = A + \alpha, V' = V + \beta##, where ##\alpha## is a vector field and ##\beta## a scalar field, such that the new pair gives us the same physical electromagnetic field then we must have that ##\nabla \times \alpha = 0## and ##\nabla \beta + \partial_{t}\alpha = 0##. The first condition implies that ##\alpha = \nabla \lambda## for some smooth scalar field ##\lambda##. The second condition consequently says that ##\nabla(\beta + \partial_{t}\lambda) = 0## meaning that the expression in the parenthesis is only a function of time ##\beta + \partial_{t}\lambda = \gamma(t)## i.e. ##\beta =- \partial_{t}\lambda ## where we have absorbed ##\gamma(t)## into ##\lambda##.

Thanks for the detail reply

In other words, we can make a gauge transformation of the form ##A \rightarrow A + \nabla \lambda , V\rightarrow V - \partial_{t}\lambda## and still get the same physical electromagnetic field.

Do you mean ##\beta## is a function of time ONLY where we let ##\beta=-\frac{\partial \lambda}{\partial t}##. Since ##\beta## is a time function ONLY, ##\nabla \beta=0##?

Am I understanding this correctly?

So for ##\nabla \lambda\;\neq\;0\;and\;\beta=\frac{\partial\lambda}{\partial t}##, then ##\lambda=f(x,y,z)+g(t)## so ##\nabla \lambda=\nabla (f(x,y,z)),\; \beta=\frac{d g(t)}{d t}##

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  • #8
Nono I'm saying that since ##\nabla (\beta + \partial_{t} \lambda) = 0##, all of ##\beta + \partial_{t} \lambda## is a function of time only i.e. ##\beta + \partial_t \lambda = \gamma(t)## hence ##\beta = \partial_{t}\lambda - \gamma(t)##. Then I just absorbed ##\gamma(t)## into ##\lambda## i.e. I defined a new ##\lambda'## by ##\lambda' = \lambda + \int _{0}^{t}\gamma(t')dt'## then ##-\partial_{t}\lambda = -\partial_{t}\lambda'-\gamma(t)\Rightarrow \beta = -\partial_{t}\lambda'##.
  • #9
WannabeNewton said:
Nono I'm saying that since ##\nabla (\beta + \partial_{t} \lambda) = 0##, all of ##\beta + \partial_{t} \lambda## is a function of time only i.e. ##\beta + \partial_t \lambda = \gamma(t)## hence ##\beta = \partial_{t}\lambda - \gamma(t)##. Then I just absorbed ##\gamma(t)## into ##\lambda## i.e. I defined a new ##\lambda'## by ##\lambda' = \lambda + \int _{0}^{t}\gamma(t')dt'## then ##-\partial_{t}\lambda = -\partial_{t}\lambda'-\gamma(t)\Rightarrow \beta = -\partial_{t}\lambda'##.

I got it, I mistakenly thinking ##\nabla \times \vec \alpha=0\;\Rightarrow\; \vec \alpha## is position independent. But actually it only means ##\vec \alpha## is irrotational, but it can still be a function of 3 space coordinates.

  • #10
The electromagnetic field in terms of the four-potential reads (using Heaviside-Lorentz units with [itex]c=1[/itex])
[tex]\vec{E}=-\vec{\nabla} \Phi-\partial_t \vec{A}, \quad \vec{B}=\vec{\nabla} \times \vec{A}.[/tex]
From the second equation we see that the magnetic components don't change, if I use
[tex]\vec{A}'=\vec{A}-\vec{\nabla} \chi[/tex]
with an arbitrary scalar field [itex]\chi[/itex] instead of [itex]\vec{A}[/itex] as vector potential. Now we look for a scalar potential [itex]\Phi'[/itex] such that
[tex]\vec{E}=-\vec{\nabla} \Phi'-\partial_t \vec{A}'=-\vec{\nabla} (\Phi' -\partial_t \chi)-\partial_t \vec{A}.[/tex]
The expression in the parentheses must be [itex]\Phi[/itex], and thus
[tex]\Phi'=\Phi+\partial_t \chi.[/tex]
Thus the gauge transformation of the potentials must be
[tex]\Phi'=\Phi+\partial_t \chi, \quad \vec{A}'=\vec{A}-\vec{\nabla} \chi.[/tex]
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FAQ: Gauge Transform: What Conditions Do We Need for $\psi$?

1. What is the gauge transform in physics?

The gauge transform is a mathematical concept in physics that describes how certain quantities, such as the electric and magnetic fields, can be transformed without changing the physical laws or observable quantities. It is an important concept in fields such as electromagnetism and quantum mechanics.

2. What conditions do we need for the gauge transform?

To perform a gauge transform on a physical system, we need to have a gauge symmetry. This means that the physical laws and equations describing the system are invariant under certain transformations of the relevant quantities, such as the electric and magnetic fields. The specific conditions for a gauge transform may vary depending on the specific system being studied.

3. How does gauge transform relate to quantum mechanics?

In quantum mechanics, the gauge transform is used to relate different representations of the same physical system. This is important because it allows us to describe a system in different ways, which can be useful for solving problems or understanding different aspects of the system. Gauge transformations also play a crucial role in the theory of quantum electrodynamics, which describes the interactions between electrically charged particles.

4. Can gauge transformations change the physical properties of a system?

No, gauge transformations do not change the physical properties of a system. They only change the way we describe or represent the system. The physical laws and observable quantities of the system remain unchanged, even after a gauge transformation is applied.

5. Are there any limitations to gauge transformations?

While gauge transformations are a powerful tool in physics, there are some limitations to their use. One limitation is that gauge transformations cannot be arbitrary, but must satisfy certain conditions to be valid. Additionally, gauge transformations may not always be applicable to all physical systems, as some systems may not have the necessary gauge symmetry for a transformation to be meaningful.

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