N-D spring-mass damper total energy

In summary, the conversation discusses the derivation of the total energy for an n-dimensional linear spring-mass damper system, and showing that the total energy is either decreasing or constant. The conversation also includes equations for 1D and n-D spring-mass damper systems, as well as attempts to generalize the formulas for kinetic and potential energy to n-D. The need for a generalized force equation for an n-D vector is also mentioned.
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Homework Statement

I am trying to derive the total energy for an n-dimensional linear (Hookeian) spring-mass damper system and show that the total energy is either decreasing or constant.

Homework Equations

1D spring-mass damper equation
n-D spring-mass damper equation

The Attempt at a Solution

I started with the following force equation in 1D to describe the system:

(1) m[tex]\ddot{x}[/tex] + b[tex]\dot{x}[/tex] + kx = 0

m[tex]\ddot{x}[/tex] = Facc = m[itex]\frac{d^{2}x}{dt^{2}}[/itex]
b[tex]\dot{x}[/tex] = Fdamp (viscous friction) = C[itex]\frac{dx}{dt}[/itex]
kx = Fpotential (gradient of some potential) = [tex]\nabla[/tex]P(x)

So the equation becomes:

(2) -[tex]\nabla[/tex]P(x) - C[itex]\frac{dx}{dt}[/itex] = m[itex]\frac{d^{2}x}{dt^{2}}[/itex]

I then modeled the total energy as follows:

(3) Etot = P(x) + [itex]\frac{1}{2}[/itex]m[tex]\dot{x}[/tex]2


(4) [itex]\frac{dE}{dt}[/itex]= [tex]\nabla[/tex]P(x)[tex]\dot{x}[/tex] + m[tex]\dot{x}[/tex][tex]\ddot{x}[/tex]

In (4) I substituted m[tex]\ddot{x}[/tex] from (1) and got:

[itex]\frac{dE}{dt}[/itex]= [tex]\nabla[/tex]P(x)[tex]\dot{x}[/tex] + [tex]\dot{x}[/tex](-[tex]\nabla[/tex]P(x) - C[tex]\dot{x}[/tex])

=> -C[tex]\dot{x}[/tex]2

...which shows that total energy is either decreasing (|[tex]\dot{x}[/tex]| > 0) or constant ([tex]\dot{x}[/tex] = 0)

I then tried to derive the total energy for the n-dimensional case and relate it to an n-D force equation as I did above. To do this I looked at the 2D case and then generalized the formulas for kinetic and potential energy to n-D but I'm not sure if this was correct. Here are my kinetic and potential energy equations for 2D:
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
My latex seems to bug out sometimes so if it looks weird please click on the source but let me continue...

KEtot,2D = [itex]\frac{1}{2}[/itex](m11[tex]\dot{x}[/tex]12 + m22[tex]\dot{x}[/tex]22 + m12[tex]\dot{x}[/tex]1[tex]\dot{x}[/tex]2)PEtot = [itex]\frac{1}{2}[/itex](m11[tex]{x}[/tex]12 + m22[tex]{x}[/tex]22 + m12[tex]{x}[/tex]1[tex]{x}[/tex]2)

I took the generalized forms to be:

KEtot,nD = [itex]\sum_{i=1}^{n}[/itex] (mii)[tex]\dot{x}[/tex]i2 + [itex]\sum_{j=1}^{n-1}[/itex] [itex]\sum_{k=j+1}^n[/itex] (mjk)[tex]\dot{x}[/tex]j[tex]\dot{x}[/tex]k

...and the same for PE with [tex]{x}[/tex] replacing [tex]\dot{x}[/tex].

My plan was to take the derivatives of these and replace the m[tex]\ddot{x}[/tex] terms with the force equivalences (as above). Is this right? I also can't think of how to make a generalized form of the force equation for an n-D vector.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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FAQ: N-D spring-mass damper total energy

1. What is the definition of N-D spring-mass damper total energy?

The N-D spring-mass damper total energy refers to the total amount of energy present in a system consisting of multiple springs, masses, and dampers. It takes into account both the potential energy stored in the springs and the kinetic energy of the masses and considers the damping effect on the system's energy.

2. How is the total energy of an N-D spring-mass damper system calculated?

The total energy of an N-D spring-mass damper system is calculated by adding the potential energy of all the springs, the kinetic energy of all the masses, and the energy dissipated by the dampers. This can be expressed mathematically as: E = Ep + Ek - Ed, where E is the total energy, Ep is the potential energy, Ek is the kinetic energy, and Ed is the energy dissipated by the dampers.

3. What factors affect the total energy in an N-D spring-mass damper system?

The total energy in an N-D spring-mass damper system is affected by several factors, including the stiffness of the springs, the mass of the system, the damping coefficient of the dampers, and the initial conditions (i.e. the initial displacement and velocity of the masses).

4. How does the total energy change over time in an N-D spring-mass damper system?

The total energy in an N-D spring-mass damper system is conserved, meaning it remains constant over time. However, the distribution of energy between the potential and kinetic energy may change as the system oscillates and the dampers dissipate energy.

5. What is the significance of the total energy in an N-D spring-mass damper system?

The total energy in an N-D spring-mass damper system provides valuable insights into the behavior and stability of the system. It can help determine the amplitude and frequency of oscillations, the damping ratio, and the overall energy dissipation in the system. Additionally, it is a crucial factor in designing and optimizing N-D spring-mass damper systems for various applications.
