How Do You Prepare When Class Starts in 2.5 Hours?

  • Thread starter Echo 6 Sierra
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In summary: Calculus II, Mechanics II, E&M II, Stats, Calc.In summary, the class starts in T-2.5 hours and the suspense is killing me.
  • #1
Echo 6 Sierra
Class starts in T-2.5 hours...the suspense is killing me!
Physics news on
  • #2
Yep. And like always, the break was way too short :smile:
  • #3
Too long for me, but I'm odd like that... we started last Monday and I have 830 classes this time around. :cry:
  • #4
Too short!

I only had a week!

I wanted to do some stuff that I wanted to do.

Note: I did programming today for the first time. I'm hooked.
  • #5
OMG! When the guy started talking the only thing that went through my mind was "Bueler...Bueler...Bueler...". :zzz: :zzz: :zzz:
  • #6
what does everybody have this term?
  • #7
Topics in Astrophysics
Calculus II
Math Integrated with Computers
Waves and Modern Physics
  • #8
Calculus II
Intro to Physics continued
Intro to Comp. Sci.
Intro to Economics continued
Earth Sci. - Evolution and Origin of Planet Earth

I think I declare my major soon. I want to do Honours Specialization in Planertary Science and a minor in Astronomy, but maybe I'll just Major in Planetary Sci. and minor in Astronomy insted.

What about everyone else?
  • #9
Philosophy of Mind :confused:
C++ programming :smile:
Also, maybe Philosophy of Religion o:) :devil: (if time permits)
  • #10
Calculus II
Mechanics II
Listening to Music
Intro to Anthropology

Good news is after spending 250 bucks on bucks last semester I'm only going to spend 20 this semester. And my earliest class is 12:30.

  • #11
JasonRox said:
Note: I did programming today for the first time. I'm hooked.

I took a Java course last semester. Most boring class ever. I wish I had had your enthusiasm. Maybe I would've done better than a C.

  • #12
This term, I study:

Maths for Physicists 3
Electromagnetism 2
Quantum Mechanics 2
Physics of Stars
Structure in the Universe
  • #13
ek said:
I took a Java course last semester. Most boring class ever. I wish I had had your enthusiasm. Maybe I would've done better than a C.

I have no clue what Java is, but I will look into it.

I'm actually just doing Visual Basics .NET and it is quite simple, for now anyways. :biggrin:
  • #14
Intro to Chemistry II
Chem (seperate course)
Calc II
Modern World History
On Being An Astronomer (affectionately known as "Baby Journal Club")
Physics Today and Tomorrow (a get to know the dept/subject seminar like the former)
Orchestra (not for credit but second violin's where it's at! so there I am)
  • #15
I was in skool since Jan 3...

Here's my class breakdown and hours this semester
Light - 51 hours
Electrical Measurement - 51 hours
Quantitative Analysis Theory - 51 hours
Quantitative Analysis Lab - 102 hours
Organic Chemistry - 34 hours
Organic Chemistry Lab - 68 hours
Physical Chemistry Theory - 34 hours
Physical Chemistry Lab - 51 hours

So far so good :biggrin:
  • #16
ShawnD said:
I was in skool since Jan 3...

Here's my class breakdown and hours this semester
Light - 51 hours
Electrical Measurement - 51 hours
Quantitative Analysis Theory - 51 hours
Quantitative Analysis Lab - 102 hours
Organic Chemistry - 34 hours
Organic Chemistry Lab - 68 hours
Physical Chemistry Theory - 34 hours
Physical Chemistry Lab - 51 hours

So far so good :biggrin:

I hate labs!
  • #17
The labs are fun when not much is expected of you. Analytical is totally hard-ass, you lose 10% for every 1% relative error you have. Today I spilled my powder product on the counter and the floor, then I skooped it up using my bank card... I'm going to hate that class.
  • #18
fourier jr said:
what does everybody have this term?

Quantum Phase Transitions
  • #19
ek said:
Calculus II
Mechanics II
Listening to Music
Intro to Anthropology

I wouldn't mind one of those every quarter.
  • #20
Ok, here's mine:

Calculus IV (Ordinary Differential Equations)
Computer Systems and Assembly Langauge Programming
Geography of East Asia
Discrete Math
Interpersonal Communications
  • #21
Ugh! Reading this makes me soo want to begin my studies full time again. The only thing I could manage beside my job was litterateur exams in:
Organic chemistry
Inorganic chemistry
  • #22
I'm done with classes on the first semester.I'll have a month of exams and from the middle of Feb:
*The Physics of the Chemical Bond.
*Particle Physics.
*Quantum Theory of Solids.
*General Theory of Relativity.
*Theoretical Nuclear Physics.
*Advanced Mathematical Physics.


PS.Yeah,u've seen it well,no experiments... :biggrin:
  • #23
Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Stats, Calc.

School starts on 2nd of feb as well. Aaaaahhhh time to relax in the sun :smile: o:)
  • #24
Lucky bastards, my new semester doesn't start until mid-february. My exams start in a week

This is what my next semester will look like :

Quantum Mechanics III
Quantum Electrodynamics (yay!)
Many-body Quantum Systems
Solid State Physics
Atomic & Molecular Physics
Advanced Labwork

Cool, huh :biggrin:
  • #25
^^Very Cool, actually. :smile:

I started Jan. 4

This semester

Complex Analysis
Partial Differential Equations
Probability with Physical Applications
Applications of EM Theory (E & M II, in other words)
Circuit Theory II
Fluid Mechanics
A Stupid Materials Eng. Lab.

It's a particularly "mathy" term this time...
  • #26
I'm taking:

Robust Multivariable Controls
Advanced Stuctural Dynamics

and of course the neverending research.

FAQ: How Do You Prepare When Class Starts in 2.5 Hours?

1. What is "Countdown to Class: T-2.5 Hours"?

"Countdown to Class: T-2.5 Hours" is a phrase used to signify the amount of time left before a class or event is scheduled to begin. It is typically used to create a sense of urgency and remind people to prepare for the upcoming class.

2. Why is a countdown to class necessary?

A countdown to class serves as a reminder for people to prepare for the class and ensure they arrive on time. It also helps create a sense of anticipation and excitement for the upcoming class.

3. Is "Countdown to Class: T-2.5 Hours" a common phrase?

Yes, "Countdown to Class: T-2.5 Hours" is a commonly used phrase, especially in academic settings. It can also be used for other events such as meetings, appointments, or parties.

4. Can a countdown to class be shorter or longer than 2.5 hours?

Yes, a countdown to class can be adjusted to fit the specific needs of the event. It can be shorter or longer than 2.5 hours, depending on the length of the class and the amount of time needed for preparation.

5. How can a countdown to class be displayed?

A countdown to class can be displayed in various ways, such as on a digital clock, a physical timer, or through a countdown app on a phone or computer. It can also be displayed on posters or announcements to remind people of the upcoming class.

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