Why alloys are considered to be harder

  • Thread starter aek
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In summary, an alloy is a mixture of two or more metals that is stronger than the individual metals. Interstitial and solid solution alloying contribute to the strength of an alloy, while the presence of alloying elements can lead to the formation of different crystal structures.
  • #1
Hey all,

i'm trying to figure out why alloys are considered to be harder, stronger and tougher than their original metal...

what i can up is that maybe two metals can share electrons and be stronger? I'm not really sure as you see... if anyone can help me with the question i'd really appreciate it...

thanks in advance
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  • #2
Alloys are essentially impurities in metals.

If you imagine a pure metal as a load of marbles, packed together, all the same size, you can see how planes of marbles can easily slide over one another, and you can see how cracks can quite easily propagate. If you then put in an 'alloy', - try putting in a large marble for every 50 normal sized marbles, you will be able to see how these dislocations are 'pinned'. In a real metal, these larger particles can make the metal harder.

Wait for the resident experts to get here and explain properly, or do some googles! Depending on what level you're trying to learn at, http://www.schoolscience.co.uk/content/5/chemistry/steel/steelch2pg5.html may be useful.
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  • #3
Basically, Brewnog gave the answer.

The alloy can have substitutional elements, e.g. Sn in Zr, in which the atoms of the added element (Sn) actually displace/replace the atoms of the main element (Zr), while retaining the same crystal struction. This is also known as solid solution.

Or, the alloy can have interstitial elements, e.g. C in Fe, in which the atoms of the added element fit in between the lattice positions of the main element. In addition, these alloying elements may form areas of a different crystal structure, i.e. a different phase.

An extension of this latter phenomenon is the formation of intermetallic phases. In Zr, the elements Cr, Fe and Ni form intermetallic compounds, Zr(Fe,Cr)2 (Laves phase) and Zr2(Fe, Ni) (Zintl phase). In Ni-based superalloys, one will find Ti and Ni aluminides which have important properties affecting the strength and toughness of the superalloys.

One interesting paper to check out - PHASE DIAGRAM CALCULATIONS FOR NI-BASED SUPERALLOYS (1 page sample) - http://doc.tms.org/ezMerchant/prodt...1-352X-101/$FILE/01-352X-101F.pdf?OpenElement

which addresses the highly alloyed multi-component system Ni-Al-Co-Cr-Hf-Mo-Nb-Ta-Ti-W-Zr-B-C.

Anyway, as Brewnog pointed out, the different atoms (in substitution or interstitially) interfere with the slipping of atoms (and gliding of dislocations) when a metal is deformed.

BTW, strength and hardness go hand in hand, more or less.
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FAQ: Why alloys are considered to be harder

1. Why are alloys considered to be harder than pure metals?

Alloys are considered to be harder than pure metals because they are a combination of two or more metals, which creates a stronger and more durable material. The different types of atoms in alloys form a solid solution, making it difficult for the atoms to move past each other and increasing the overall strength of the material.

2. How do the different types of atoms in alloys contribute to their hardness?

The different types of atoms in alloys create a stronger bond between the atoms, which makes it more difficult for them to move past each other. This makes the material harder and more resistant to deformation.

3. Is the hardness of an alloy determined by the types of metals used?

Yes, the hardness of an alloy is determined by the types of metals used. Different metals have different properties, and when combined, they can create a material with unique characteristics, including hardness.

4. Can the structure of an alloy affect its hardness?

Yes, the structure of an alloy can affect its hardness. The arrangement of different types of atoms in an alloy can influence the strength and durability of the material. For example, a well-organized crystalline structure can make the alloy stronger and harder.

5. How does the manufacturing process impact the hardness of an alloy?

The manufacturing process can impact the hardness of an alloy in several ways. The temperature and pressure used during the process can affect the crystal structure and therefore, the hardness of the material. Additionally, the inclusion of impurities or other elements during the manufacturing process can also impact the hardness of the final product.
