Exploring the Equatorial Bulge: Understanding Gravity on a Rotating Sphere

In summary, on a rotating perfect sphere with uniform density, there is a difference in the gravitational field at the equator due to the presence of centrifugal force. This force is fictitious but must be accounted for in calculations. Objects at the equator experience a slightly higher downward resultant vector due to the combination of centrifugal force and gravitational acceleration.
  • #1
Assuming a perfect sphere,

mg - w' = m (v^2/r)

g' = g - (v^2/r)

I understand there's a constant radial acceleration because we're not flying off the planet. Theoretically, the difference should be 0.0337 m/s^2, but isn't because the Earth "bulges" at the equator. Why is there a difference on a rotating perfect sphere? It's not quite connecting intuitively or physically.
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  • #2
It's because of centrifugal force:

The centrifugal force exists when there is rotation in the observer's frame of reference, so the exact shape doesn't really matter, except to play a role in the magnitude of the effect, which is negligible for most purposes on earth. The bulge at the equator means that the mass of the Earth is not spread uniformly (topography affects this too), so this creates variations in the local gravity.

Here is something else interesting to consider. Suppose your at some latitude. As the Earth rotates on its axis, your motion traces out the circumference of the circle within a plane that is perpendicular to the Earth's rotational axis. Now the centrifugal force vector lies in the same plane and is directed radially outward. Now consider the acceleration vector for gravity. It points toward the center of the earth. So when you drop an object, it actually deviates by a small angle from the direction of the gravitational acceleration vector--the result is negligible but it is there. Draw a picture and construct the resultant vector from the two aforementioned vectors and you can see this result.
  • #3
On a rotating perfect sphere on uniform density, it's pretty easy to calculate the difference between g at the poles and g at the equator. Just subtract the centripetal acceleration. If the planet deforms, it's not. I'm not sure what's confusing you. The bulge is going to change the gravitational field and the radius. How depends on the rigidity of the material.
  • #4
buffordboy23 said:
It's because of centrifugal force:

The centrifugal force exists when there is rotation in the observer's frame of reference, so the exact shape doesn't really matter, except to play a role in the magnitude of the effect, which is negligible for most purposes on earth. The bulge at the equator means that the mass of the Earth is not spread uniformly (topography affects this too), so this creates variations in the local gravity.

Here is something else interesting to consider. Suppose your at some latitude. As the Earth rotates on its axis, your motion traces out the circumference of the circle within a plane that is perpendicular to the Earth's rotational axis. Now the centrifugal force vector lies in the same plane and is directed radially outward. Now consider the acceleration vector for gravity. It points toward the center of the earth. So when you drop an object, it actually deviates by a small angle from the direction of the gravitational acceleration vector--the result is negligible but it is there. Draw a picture and construct the resultant vector from the two aforementioned vectors and you can see this result.

Centrifugal force is another fictitious force. The misconception is usually cleared up with recognition of Newton's Second Law.
  • #5
It's fictitious in the sense that it's not a 'force', it's an acceleration. It's still there. You still have to factor it into F=ma, because that contains both forces and accelerations.
  • #6
Dick said:
On a rotating perfect sphere on uniform density, it's pretty easy to calculate the difference between g at the poles and g at the equator. Just subtract the centripetal acceleration. If the planet deforms, it's not. I'm not sure what's confusing you. The bulge is going to change the gravitational field and the radius. How depends on the rigidity of the material.

Why do you subtract the centripetal acceleration? How does the centripetal acceleration decrease the magnitude of gravitation at the equator? Obviously, I'm looking for more insight beyond the equations.
  • #7
Shackleford said:
Centrifugal force is another fictitious force. The misconception is usually cleared up with recognition of Newton's Second Law.

Although the centrifugal force (and even the coriolis force) are fictitious, they must be accounted for because we live on a rotating reference frame.
  • #8
Dick said:
It's fictitious in the sense that it's not a 'force', it's an acceleration. It's still there. You still have to factor it into F=ma, because that contains both forces and accelerations.

So, it's more of an effective or observed gravity compared to it at a non-rotating location without the constant centripetal acceleration?

And to echo someone else's input, say, above the equation, an object's downward resultant vector would be slightly higher than it would be without the rotational consideration.
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  • #9
Shackleford said:
Why do you subtract the centripetal acceleration? How does the centripetal acceleration decrease the magnitude of gravitation at the equator? Obviously, I'm looking for more insight beyond the equations.

It doesn't decrease the magnitude of gravitation at the equator. That's the same. If the Earth were spinning so fast that objects at the equator were being thrown off the Earth then you could call that a negative g. I wouldn't, but that's my opinion. That's what they are talking about.
  • #10
shackleford said:
so, it's more of an effective or observed gravity compared to it at a non-rotating location without the constant centripetal acceleration?

exactly. You move part of the 'a' of F=ma to the 'F' side. For convenience. Since it's a fiction.
  • #11
Dick said:

Cool. I got it now. I like to understand the logic behind the equations. Thanks for your help, guys.

FAQ: Exploring the Equatorial Bulge: Understanding Gravity on a Rotating Sphere

1. What is the value of gravity at the equator?

The value of gravity at the equator is approximately 9.78 m/s². This is slightly less than the standard value of 9.81 m/s² at sea level due to the centrifugal force caused by the Earth's rotation.

2. Does gravity act differently at the equator compared to other latitudes?

Yes, gravity does act differently at the equator compared to other latitudes. This is because the Earth bulges at the equator, making the distance from the center of the Earth to the equator slightly longer than at other latitudes. This results in a slightly weaker gravitational force at the equator.

3. How does the rotation of the Earth affect gravity at the equator?

The rotation of the Earth affects gravity at the equator by creating a centrifugal force that counteracts the gravitational force. This results in a slightly weaker gravitational pull at the equator compared to other latitudes.

4. Is the value of gravity at the equator constant?

No, the value of gravity at the equator is not constant. It varies slightly depending on the location on the equator due to factors such as the Earth's rotation and the mass distribution of the Earth's crust.

5. How does the value of gravity at the equator affect objects and people living there?

The slightly weaker gravitational force at the equator does not have a significant effect on objects or people living there. However, it may have a small impact on the weight of objects and the human body, but this is too small to be noticeable. Other factors such as altitude and local topography also play a role in the perceived effects of gravity.
