Dark Matter need not be for a stable Universe Sez'an'amateur

In summary: The space expanding would account for both distance and speed ... A race car on the track ... the track is expanding and the car sits still ... u still observe a Doppler effect as the distance increases... from your own point of reference... It is known that the further the galaxies are from us the faster they move>>> the more red-shifted they are (so it could be that the space expansion increases with time)...Your theory is, alas, a delusion.
  • #1
There are several scientists (including Stephen Hawking) who made calculations about our Galaxy rotation and mass... The only stable Milky Way construct they were able to come up with had to include in it's calculation the so called "Dark Matter" ... As I am a realist I just can take seriously anything that strikes me as "Voodoo Magic" like "Dark Matter"... So I want to surmise to your judgment this speculation (that's all it is) ... It is said that without the "DM" the fringes of our MW would have been blown in the intergalactic space long ago... I say that I can ELIMINATE DM from their calculations if we would have instead of the Matter of the Universe expanding just The Space expanding ... How about instead of a quick Big Bang... A Slow (still continuing) Soft Bang of Space. And perhaps that would eliminate the singularity at the beginning as virtual particles would become real particles... I believe that we are now still Banging and the intervening space created thus could b used as a balancing power in many ways including against the ultimate collapse. Design for the "strong anthropic principle"? ...
I am an amateur... nothing serious here... just a thought... :blushing:
However it does strike me that we humans always detested (or afraid... or avoiding) darkness (we evolved and survived because of light) so there is no wonder that we would discount any conscious thinking about the Dark Expanding when we are enmeshed with the power of light and real-matter. Nevertheless we could give it a try in this forum…. I would love to hear your opinions pro or against such delusion… Bring it on !
Space news on Phys.org
  • #2

I say that I can ELIMINATE DM from their calculations if we would have instead of the Matter of the Universe expanding just The Space expanding ... How about instead of a quick Big Bang... A

So how do you account for red shift?
  • #3
Red shift is due to the doppler effect... not Dark Matter...
  • #4
The Doppler effect is based on 'distance and speed' (simple terms) The space expanding would account for both distance and speed ... A race car on the track ... the track is expanding and the car sits still ... u still observe a Doppler effect as the distance increases... from your own point of reference... It is known that the further the galaxies are from us the faster they move>>> the more red-shifted they are (so it could be that the space expansion increases with time)...
  • #5
Your theory is, alas, a delusion. The phenomena we know as "dark matter" is well constrained by experimental evidence. Hundreds of galaxies follow particular patterns. While there is more than theory that can explain those patterns, and not all involve dark matter itself, your theory doesn't come even close to fitting the data.
  • #6
timestill said:
There are several scientists (including Stephen Hawking) who made calculations about our Galaxy rotation and mass... The only stable Milky Way construct they were able to come up with had to include in it's calculation the so called "Dark Matter" ... As I am a realist I just can take seriously anything that strikes me as "Voodoo Magic" like "Dark Matter"... So I want to surmise to your judgment this speculation (that's all it is) ... It is said that without the "DM" the fringes of our MW would have been blown in the intergalactic space long ago... I say that I can ELIMINATE DM from their calculations if we would have instead of the Matter of the Universe expanding just The Space expanding ... How about instead of a quick Big Bang... A Slow (still continuing) Soft Bang of Space. And perhaps that would eliminate the singularity at the beginning as virtual particles would become real particles... I believe that we are now still Banging and the intervening space created thus could b used as a balancing power in many ways including against the ultimate collapse. Design for the "strong anthropic principle"? ...
I am an amateur... nothing serious here... just a thought... :blushing:
However it does strike me that we humans always detested (or afraid... or avoiding) darkness (we evolved and survived because of light) so there is no wonder that we would discount any conscious thinking about the Dark Expanding when we are enmeshed with the power of light and real-matter. Nevertheless we could give it a try in this forum…. I would love to hear your opinions pro or against such delusion… Bring it on !
How would space expanding explain why the stars and gas on the rim of a galaxy rotate at the same speed as matter near the hub without being expelled?
BTW I'm not personally too convinved by the DM halo theory surmised to account for this but how does your idea nullify it?
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  • #7
ohwilleke said:
The phenomena we know as "dark matter" is well constrained by experimental evidence.

What is the "Experimental Evidence" you were referring to ? I don't believe that anyone has yet found any evidence and in the least "experiment" with dark matter ... o:)
If someone would have had experimental evidence then it would not deserve the name of 'dark matter'...
  • #8
Art said:
How would space expanding explain why the stars and gas on the rim of a galaxy rotate at the same speed as matter near the hub without being expelled?
BTW I'm not personally too convinved by the DM halo theory surmised to account for this but how does your idea nullify it?

You can consider the "small universal constant" (notion that has been revived through mathematical calculation by Hawking) as being the effect of space expanding...
  • #9
Art said:
How would space expanding explain why the stars and gas on the rim of a galaxy rotate at the same speed as matter near the hub without being expelled?
BTW I'm not personally too convinved by the DM halo theory surmised to account for this but how does your idea nullify it?

As to your second point I could suggest that space expanding from all sides (4d space time) it would nullify it. Outside galaxy space expanding would cancel out the potential of clusters on the MW fringe from getting out of the spiral fringes. As a star creates a 'dimple' of curvature in space time continuum ... so would space expanding would create a 'bubble' in the same time-space pushing back ...
  • #10
Let's see the formal mathematics then. I don't make scientific physics judgements on prose.
  • #11
OK timestill, you seem to be saying that you have an idea that does away with not only dark matter in spiral galaxies, but also re-writes the concordance model within the Big Bang Theory.

Let's take your DM idea first. Instead of just waving your hands around, how about you show that your idea nicely reproduces the observed rotation curves for the spirals for which we have good data? Oh, and while you're at it, please show that your idea doesn't require 're-explaining' lots of stuff already well-accounted for, such as the motion of the Sun around the MW centre.

Next, you probably know that most of the DM in the universe is in rich clusters of galaxies, not the halos of spirals. How does your idea address this? Specifically, how does it account for the motions of galaxies in these clusters, X-rays data on temperature, pressure and composition of the IGM, and the Sunyaez-Zel'dovich effect?

Finally, since you're re-writing cosmology, please let us know how you account for:
- the CMBR, including the acoustic spectrum
- the Hubble relationship
- the abundance of light nuclides
- large scale structure.

If you have difficulty with just what any of these mean, please take the time and trouble to read some of the excellent threads in PF's General Astronomy and Cosmology section.

FAQ: Dark Matter need not be for a stable Universe Sez'an'amateur

What is dark matter and why is it important?

Dark matter is a type of matter that does not interact with light or other forms of electromagnetic radiation, making it invisible to traditional telescopes. It is believed to make up about 85% of the total matter in the universe and plays a crucial role in the formation and stability of galaxies.

How does dark matter affect the stability of the universe?

Dark matter is thought to play a crucial role in the stability of the universe by exerting a gravitational pull on visible matter and preventing it from flying apart. Without dark matter, galaxies would not have enough mass to hold together, and the universe as we know it would not exist.

Is dark matter necessary for a stable universe?

While dark matter is currently the leading explanation for the stability of the universe, there are alternative theories that do not rely on dark matter. However, these theories have not been able to fully explain the observations and evidence we have for dark matter's existence.

How is dark matter detected and studied?

Dark matter cannot be directly observed, but its presence can be inferred through its gravitational effects on visible matter. Scientists also study dark matter using techniques such as gravitational lensing and particle accelerators to try and understand its properties and composition.

What implications does the idea of dark matter not being necessary for a stable universe have?

If it is confirmed that dark matter is not necessary for a stable universe, it would require a major shift in our understanding of the universe and its formation. It would also open up new avenues for research and potentially lead to new breakthroughs in our understanding of the cosmos.

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