Frequency Response: Inputs & Effects

In summary, inputting a single frequency into an LTI system will result in a sinusoid with the amplitude and phase determined by the system's frequency response. Nonlinear systems are less predictable, and it's hard to interpret what the question was.
  • #1
Hi everybody,

I had a simple question that I've never really thought about until I actually had to do it...

If you input a single one frequency signal, will you get a whole new different frequency response? How would it effect the system? Or would it make sense if you inputed like a white noise (all frequency) signal to get a good result of a system's frequency response? Thanks.. :blushing:
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  • #2
It depends on the system. The simplest systems are Linear, Time-Invariant (LTI) systems. For LTI systems, no, when you put in a single frequency, the output can only be different in amplitude and phase, not a different frequency.

To get the full transfer function of an LTI system, you either need to sweep the input frequency and observe the gain and phase shift of the output response, or you need to put in an impulse, and infer the transfer function from the impulse response of the LTI system.

For non-linear systems, all bets are off.
  • #3
It's hard to interpret your question. If you send a single frequency (sinusoidal) signal into a linear system, the output will be a sinusoid whose amplitude and phase is determined by the frequency response. If you are trying to measure the frequency response, then I suppose you could send in sinusoids of various different frequencies and then plot the amplitude and phase of the resulting output to get a general idea. Or you could send in a single impulse (spike), and measure the output (the system's impulse response). The frequency response is then given by the Fourier transform of the impulse response.

Edit: they say great minds think alike berkeman, but I guess you beat me to it. :)
  • #4
Yeah, it's fun to work in pairs. I think the OP believes it now! Duplicate simultaneous answers. :smile:

I always wished there were semaphores or something in the reply mechanism... but where's the fun in that? :biggrin:
  • #5
HMM interesting. Thanks guys. You know, its hard to match the things you read in textbooks with everything in the real world. This gave me more insight.

FAQ: Frequency Response: Inputs & Effects

1. What is frequency response?

Frequency response refers to the range of frequencies that a system or device can accurately reproduce or transmit. It is typically measured in Hertz (Hz) and can vary depending on the type of system or device.

2. Why is frequency response important?

Frequency response is important because it affects the quality of the signal or sound being reproduced or transmitted. A system with a wider frequency response will be able to accurately reproduce a wider range of frequencies, resulting in a more accurate and balanced sound.

3. What factors can affect frequency response?

Several factors can affect frequency response, including the type and quality of equipment being used, the environment in which the equipment is being used, and any external interference or noise.

4. How is frequency response measured?

Frequency response is typically measured using a frequency response curve, which plots the magnitude of the signal at each frequency. This curve can be created through various methods, including using a spectrum analyzer or performing frequency response tests.

5. How can frequency response be adjusted?

Frequency response can be adjusted by using equalization (EQ) techniques, which involve boosting or attenuating specific frequencies to achieve the desired response. Additionally, using higher quality equipment and minimizing external interference can also help improve frequency response.
