Questions About Things in Orbit and Why They Don't Descend

  • Thread starter oneamp
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In summary, the artificial satellites in space will eventually run out of batteries and plummet to Earth, while asteroids in the asteroid belt do not drift from their orbits due to the lack of drag and gravitational interactions.
  • #1
Hello. I asked a question a couple of weeks back about things in orbit. Now, I am watching a video on youtube about when mankind disappears, and they mentioned that the artificial satellites in space will 'run out of batteries and plummet to earth'.

So, I am curious again. Why will these things come back to earth, yet asteroid belts can exist without batteries, and not descend? What is the difference? The moon? Why do they not require maintenance to maintain their orbits, but artificial things do?

Thank you
Astronomy news on
  • #2
Can you link the video?

If I had to guess, I'd guess they mean that without power the satellites will be unable to do stationkeeping and will eventually drift from their normal orbits due to drag and gravitational interactions. Some will likely fall to Earth eventually, but I don't know if ALL will.
  • #3
Why do rocks in asteroid belts not drift from their orbits due to drag and gravitational interactions? Really this is confusing me.
  • #4
oneamp said:
Why do rocks in asteroid belts not drift from their orbits due to drag and gravitational interactions? Really this is confusing me.

Satellites near the Earth experience drag because there is still a small amount of air extending into space. For example, the International Space Station and Hubble Space Telescope have to regularly receive boosts to keep themselves in orbit because of this drag. The asteroid belt is very, very far from anything with an atmosphere, so the density of gas and dust in the interplanetary medium is extremely low, far too low to have any noticeable effects on orbits. (We're talking a couple of atoms per cubic meter on average)

As for why gravitational interactions don't cause asteroids to drift from their orbits, I don't think I know the answer to that well enough to explain it. I'll let someone else tackle that.
  • #5
oneamp said:
Why do rocks in asteroid belts not drift from their orbits due to drag and gravitational interactions? Really this is confusing me.

Who says that asteroids don't drift from their orbits? They do it all the time, but we don't take special notice because they are usually small and very far from earth. However, an occasional asteroid does come close to the earth. A very small one (about 3 m long) just came between the Earth and the moon only three months ago.

One asteroid about 15 m long entered the atmosphere in February 2013 over Chelyabinsk in Siberia and detonated with the force of a nuclear weapon. At the same time, there was a much larger asteroid which passed within 18,000 miles of the earth.

The gravitational interactions between the various planets in the Solar System are complicated due to their varying masses and distances from one another. It is thought that having a massive planet like Jupiter is essential for clearing out most of the asteroids between Jupiter's orbit and the sun and keeping the remaining asteroids in their present orbits. It is thought that life was able to obtain a foothold on the Earth and begin to evolve because Jupiter kept many asteroids from hitting the Earth due to its gravitational influence.
  • #6
Drakkith said:
As for why gravitational interactions don't cause asteroids to drift from their orbits, I don't think I know the answer to that well enough to explain it. I'll let someone else tackle that.

They do, but the asteroids (or anything else) sort of have to be in the wrong place, and it only happens over long time scales. Most of the crud in the Solar System to which this kind of thing could happen has already been either 1) ejected from the system 2) pushed into a stable orbit, where the gravitational interactions sort of cancel out and they remain in place long term. This is why asteroids occur in well defined belts.
  • #7
Objects orbiting very close to the surface of objects can be destabilized by gravitational interactions because the object they are orbiting is not perfectly spherical. But the farther you get from an object, the more it behaves like a perfect sphere. Although the Moon has no atmosphere, objects orbiting the Moon in low orbits get destabilized and crash to the Moon quickly because of mass concentrations (mascons).
  • #8
Thank you for the information.

FAQ: Questions About Things in Orbit and Why They Don't Descend

1. What is orbit?

An orbit is the curved path that an object takes around another object due to the force of gravity. In space, objects often orbit around planets, stars, or other celestial bodies.

2. Why don't objects in orbit fall back to Earth?

Objects in orbit, such as satellites, are constantly falling towards Earth due to the force of gravity. However, they are also moving forward at a fast enough speed that they continue to "miss" the Earth and stay in orbit.

3. How do scientists calculate the orbit of an object?

Scientists use mathematical equations, such as Newton's laws of motion and the law of universal gravitation, to calculate the orbit of an object. They also take into account the mass and velocity of the object, as well as the gravitational pull of other nearby objects.

4. Can objects in orbit change their orbit?

Yes, objects in orbit can change their orbit through the use of thrusters or other propulsion methods. This is often done to avoid collisions with other objects or to change the altitude of the orbit.

5. What causes objects in orbit to eventually fall back to Earth?

Objects in orbit can eventually fall back to Earth due to atmospheric drag, which causes the object to slow down and lose its forward momentum. This can also be caused by gravitational forces from other objects or the natural decay of an object's orbit over time.
