Calculate stopping distance on level ground

In summary, the conversation discusses the concept of stopping distance and how to calculate it. It explains that stopping a moving object requires a change in kinetic energy, and this change can be found using the Work-Energy theorem. The formula for finding stopping distance is delta(x) = (-1/2m*v^2)/F, where m is mass, v is initial velocity, and F is the force acting on the object. An example is given to demonstrate how to use the formula.
  • #1
I don't actually have a specific homework question, but I'm wondering if anyone could explain to me how you solve a stopping distance problem. I've encountered these questions in very different ways, once with very little information given, and one with a considerable amount of calculating to do. I'm still not understanding how to calculate stopping distance on level ground (ie, where the angle is zero). If anyone could give me some general information, I'd appreciate it.
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  • #2
For a body in movement to stop means there has been a change in its Kinetic Energy. Kinetic energy is given by 1/2mv(f)^2-1/2mb(i)^2, where m = mass of object, (f) is final speed, which is zero, and (i) is the initial speed at which the object is traveling. Therefore, the change in Kinetic energy = -1/2mv(i)^2. However, Newton's 1st Law states that a body in movement tends to stay in motion, and his second law, F = ma states that if all the forces (which are vectors) acting on the object cancel out, then the body does not accelerate and therefore stays in constant motion. So, if an object comes to a stop, that means there is a force causing it to stop. In other words, there is a force acting on the object.

Now, the Work-Enery theorem states that the total work on an object equals its change in kinetic energy (dW = dK). And, remember that work is given by the force times the displacement in the direction of the force. Then, we can set the formula:

F•delta(x) = -1/2m*v^2.

So, to find the stopping distance, simply divide both sides by the force magnitude (F).

delta(x) = (-1/2m*v^2)/F

As an example, pretend there is a toy car of mass 10kg traveling at 5 m/s, and that the wind exerts a force of 3N on the car. Since the force of wind is going against the displacement, its sign is negative.

so, we have

delta(x) = (-1/2*10kg*5m/s^2)/-3N.

You can check to see if this makes sense by cancelling out your units. Notice you get meters, which is what we're looking for.

By solving for x, we get that the stopping distance = 41.67m.

Hope this helps.
  • #3

Stopping distance on level ground can be calculated by using the formula: stopping distance = reaction distance + braking distance. The reaction distance is the distance the vehicle travels during the driver's reaction time, while the braking distance is the distance the vehicle travels while coming to a complete stop after the brakes are applied.

To calculate the reaction distance, we can use the formula: reaction distance = initial speed x reaction time. The initial speed is the speed at which the vehicle is traveling before the brakes are applied, and the reaction time is the time it takes for the driver to react to a potential hazard. The average reaction time for a driver is about 1-2 seconds.

The braking distance can be calculated by using the formula: braking distance = (initial speed)^2 / 2 x braking deceleration. The initial speed is the same as the one used in the reaction distance formula, and the braking deceleration is the rate at which the vehicle slows down when the brakes are applied. This value can vary depending on factors such as road conditions, tire quality, and vehicle weight.

Once you have calculated the reaction distance and braking distance, you can add them together to get the total stopping distance. For example, if a car is traveling at a speed of 50 mph and the driver's reaction time is 1.5 seconds, the reaction distance would be (50 mph x 1.5 seconds) = 75 feet. If the braking deceleration is 10 ft/s^2, the braking distance would be [(50 mph)^2 / (2 x 10 ft/s^2)] = 125 feet. Therefore, the total stopping distance would be 75 feet + 125 feet = 200 feet.

It is important to note that this is a simplified formula and there may be other factors that can affect the stopping distance, such as weather conditions, tire pressure, and vehicle maintenance. It is always best to follow safe driving practices and maintain your vehicle to ensure safe stopping distances.

FAQ: Calculate stopping distance on level ground

What is stopping distance and why is it important?

Stopping distance is the distance that a vehicle travels from the moment the brakes are applied until it comes to a complete stop. It is important because it helps determine the safe following distance between vehicles and allows drivers to adjust their speed accordingly to avoid collisions.

What factors affect the stopping distance of a vehicle?

The stopping distance of a vehicle is affected by several factors including speed, weight of the vehicle, road conditions, brake condition, and reaction time of the driver. Higher speeds, heavier vehicles, wet or icy roads, worn out brakes, and slower reaction times can all increase the stopping distance.

How is the stopping distance calculated?

The stopping distance can be calculated by adding the thinking distance and braking distance. Thinking distance is the distance travelled by the vehicle while the driver reacts to a potential hazard and applies the brakes. Braking distance is the distance travelled by the vehicle while the brakes are applied until it comes to a complete stop. Both of these distances can be affected by the factors mentioned above.

What is the average stopping distance for a car on level ground?

The average stopping distance for a car on level ground is approximately 120 feet at a speed of 60 miles per hour. However, this can vary depending on the factors mentioned above. It is important for drivers to always maintain a safe speed and following distance to allow for enough stopping distance in case of emergencies.

How can drivers reduce their stopping distance?

Drivers can reduce their stopping distance by maintaining their vehicle in good condition, such as regularly checking and replacing worn out brakes. They can also increase their following distance and avoid distractions while driving to allow for a quicker reaction time. Additionally, driving at a safe speed and adjusting it according to road and weather conditions can also help reduce stopping distance.
