Left brain vs. Right brain personalities

  • Thread starter Kerrie
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In summary: I forget how long it was but it was some number of minutes. Anyway I remember checking my watch to see if he would be able to do it in time and I asked him to tell me when the time was up. He was able to tell me within 10 seconds when the time was up even though it was something like an hour later.Anyways in summary, the conversation revolved around the topic of brain dominance and the differences in personality characteristics between people who use one half of the brain more than the other. There was also mention of studies on people who are able to use both halves somewhat equally and their level of intelligence. Some participants shared their own experiences and theories, including the observation of left-handed people being more dis
  • #1
Staff Emeritus
Gold Member
is there any kind of studies done on people who use one half of the brain more then the other and some of the differences in personality characteristics?

for example:
one of the first things i note about people i meet is what hand they dominantly use, and if it is the left hand, it seems that their personalities and the way the operate are completely "disorganized" yet manage to get things done (referring to a person i work with)...

and what about any studies of people who are able to use both halves somewhat equally and their level of intelligence?
Biology news on Phys.org
  • #2
Greetings !
Originally posted by Kerrie
one of the first things i note about people i meet is what hand they dominantly use, and if it is the left hand, it seems that their personalities and the way the operate are completely "disorganized" yet manage to get things done (referring to a person i work with)...

and what about any studies of people who are able to use both halves somewhat equally and their level of intelligence?
Now THAT is sick !
(Don't hit me ! I'm a right side dominant person !:wink:)

Seriosly though, I have no idea of what you're
talking about Kerrie. Never noticed any
difference (not that I really looked).

Live long and prosper.
  • #3
Actually, Kerrie, the person who gave me my first I.Q. test explained to me that I used both sides of my brain with equal facility (which would explain why I'm ambidextrous). He could tell this, because I was equally capable of calculatory reasoning as I was of creative reasoning. These are governed by different sides of the brain.

As far as personality goes, I'm not sure if there's a connection. I have noticed that a lot of left-handed people are basically slobs, but I've seen a lot of right-handed people who were just as disorganized.

However, there may be a connection, since someone who is more inclined toward calculatory reasoning (specifics, details, etc) would be more inclined toward organization (possibly even analy so); OTOH, someone who is dominated by their creative side, could think of the "disorganization" as an "organization" in it's own right, and just leave it alone. Plus, creatively oriented people are more inclined to look at the overall picture, and what "could be", so they are not likely to get a lot of the details worked out (at least "not right now").

Anyway, that's how it seems to me.
  • #4
i would think that those who use both halves of their brain are more "balanced" in general with their intellect, creativity, mentallity, etc...

someone who uses one half much more then the other though is what i was curious about...lefties to me are brilliant yet the way they go about things is odd to me...i suppose though that the lefties think right handed people are odd as well..

who in this forum is a leftie? i am right handed, but was left handed up until about age 7...
  • #5
I'm right handed, and my dominant brain half would be my left hemisphere.

I just listened to a Cassete series on Brain Mechanics and it had a lot of interesting stuff in it about, well, brain mechanics in general, and it also had one side dedicated to left and right brain dominance. As i remember it (I might have to listen to it all again now) it was more concerned with the effects of severing the link between the two hemispheres, and the effect that that has on people than it was interested in what having one side dominant did for you. (though it did mention this, I just can't remember the details)

Anyway, interestingly enough, if you have the communication between your two hemispheres severed, very little is changed, but certain funny things happen. Like when shown a picture of a comb, you can say the word and pick it up with your right hand, but if you try to pick it up with your left hand, you are completely unable to figure out what a comb actually is. (or something equally strange.)
  • #6
According to my teachers, I tend to both sides of my brain (I'm slightly ambidextrous. I'm right handed but I can write like a medical doctor with my left. Does that count? :wink:)
  • #7
Originally posted by Another God
it was more concerned with the effects of severing the link between the two hemispheres, and the effect that that has on people than it was interested in what having one side dominant did for you. (though it did mention this, I just can't remember the details)

Anyway, interestingly enough, if you have the communication between your two hemispheres severed, very little is changed, but certain funny things happen. Like when shown a picture of a comb, you can say the word and pick it up with your right hand, but if you try to pick it up with your left hand, you are completely unable to figure out what a comb actually is. (or something equally strange.)

Having the link between the two hemispheres of your brain severed is not a good thing. I have a friend whose little brother was born without the connecting link between the two halves of his brain, and he is very interesting for sure, and sometimes very hard to put up with.

He has an incredible capacity for annoyance. If you're in the middle of a discussion he will come up to you and begin tapping/hitting you and saying "chris, chris, chris, chris, chris, chris, ..." until you finally recognize him at which point he'll still continue to do this for about a minute longer before finally posing his question. However if you try to annoy him by using the same means it is completely innefective he has absolutely no problem with you doing it to him.

Also he has an amazing sense of time in his head. One time in particular I can remember I was hanging out with his brother and his mom told him he needed to do something in fiveteen minutes. He turned to his brother and said "in fiveteen minutes remind me of that ok" And in exactly fiveteen minutes after I'd forgotten he reminded him to do it, even though we were outside and nowhere near a clock. Its amazing you can just tell him in ten minutes do this, and in exactly ten minutes he'll do it.

Also he has a hard time reading math books. Reading and math are two different sides of the brain, so becuase he can use only one side of his brain at a time he can read okay and do math okay but if you try to combine them he has a very hard time.

It's interesting to see how he handles things, though its definitely not something I'd wish on anyone.
  • #8
I think that people who claim that a person is dominant on a certain side of the brain and are thus behaviorally/personality controlled by that side of the brain are full of ****.
I believe that only about 10% of the world's population are left-handed, meaning that only 10% of people are of a certain personality type? Bogus.
  • #9
KERRIE: I am left handed.

And I am open to answering any questions about how I have experienced that.
  • #10
wasn't there a link between lefthandness and schizophrenia? Something like you are 50% more likely...

i am left handed btw :smile:
  • #11
Originally posted by Entropia
KERRIE: I am left handed.

And I am open to answering any questions about how I have experienced that.
LOL. So...entropia... what's it like to be left handed? :wink:
  • #12
Originally posted by Jikx
wasn't there a link between lefthandness and schizophrenia? Something like you are 50% more likely...

i am left handed btw :smile:
We are right handed. So clearly your theory doesn't apply.
  • #13
Another lefty here.

I've read some interesting papers which outline the variances in the neurological make-up of left handers vs. right handers. For instance, a true left handed individual will be dominant in the right hemisphere, and all language functions (and additional functions, as well) will be relegated to a single hemisphere. The stress this causes on the brain may explain the disparity in the distribution of intelligence in the left handed demographic.

  • #14
Could this be a male versus female thing? Where the one side tends to be more intuitively inclined and the other intellecutal?
  • #15
Well, I think that my brother should be conclusive evidence that left-handed people have no sense of direction. In fact, I don't know anyone who is left-handed that has a good sense of direction, and I know quite a few lefties.
  • #16
Research is saying that testosteron has do to something with sense of direction. My brother is a left handed but he has no problem with direction but my mom's boyfriend is rigth and has no sense of direction at all.

FAQ: Left brain vs. Right brain personalities

1. What is the difference between left brain and right brain personalities?

The left and right hemispheres of the brain are responsible for different functions. The left side is associated with logical thinking, analytical skills, and language, while the right side is associated with creativity, intuition, and emotions. Therefore, a left brain personality tends to be more logical and organized, while a right brain personality tends to be more creative and emotional.

2. Can someone have a dominant left or right brain personality?

While everyone uses both sides of their brain, research suggests that some people may have a dominant hemisphere. This means that one side of their brain may be more active or developed than the other, leading to a dominant left or right brain personality.

3. How do left and right brain personalities affect behavior and personality traits?

Individuals with a dominant left brain tend to be more analytical, detail-oriented, and logical in their thinking and behavior. They may excel in subjects like math, science, and problem-solving. On the other hand, individuals with a dominant right brain tend to be more creative, intuitive, and emotionally expressive. They may excel in subjects like art, music, and writing.

4. Is it possible to strengthen the weaker side of the brain?

While it is not possible to change the dominant hemisphere of the brain, research suggests that certain activities and exercises can help improve the functioning of the weaker side. For example, engaging in creative activities can help strengthen the right hemisphere, while solving puzzles and practicing critical thinking can help strengthen the left hemisphere.

5. Do left and right brain personalities have any impact on career choices?

While it is not a determining factor, left and right brain personalities can influence career choices. For example, a person with a dominant left brain may excel in careers such as accounting, engineering, or law, while a person with a dominant right brain may excel in careers such as writing, designing, or counseling. However, it is important to note that a person's interests, skills, and values also play a significant role in their career choices.

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