What courses are available on Youtube through NPTEL?

In summary, NPTEL (National Programme on Technology Enhanced Learning) offers a wide range of courses on Youtube in various fields such as engineering, management, science, humanities, and more. These courses are created by top professors from prestigious Indian institutes and provide high-quality content for free to learners around the world. The courses include video lectures, assignments, and exams, and upon completion, learners can also receive a certificate from NPTEL. This initiative by the Indian government aims to make quality education accessible to all and has gained widespread popularity on Youtube.
  • #1
Homework Helper
Gold Member
The http://nptel.iitm.ac.in/" is an initiative funded by the Government of India.

They've put up video lectures from various courses in engineering and science which were taught at the Indian Institute of Science or the various Indian Institute of Technologies on youtube. This is analogous to the video lectures of the MIT OCW program.

I've linked to some of the courses below. Each link has a series of lectures. For the entire list, http://www.youtube.com/profile_play_list?user=nptelhrd".

Note that each individual lecture is about 1 hour, and a complete course has around 40 lectures.

- http://www.youtube.com/view_play_list?p=35EBF66D99E7A0EC"

- http://www.youtube.com/view_play_list?p=7987F30C41A9ADCB"

- http://www.youtube.com/view_play_list?p=06FB41A69C7D618D"

- http://www.youtube.com/view_play_list?p=338D19C40D6D1732"

- http://www.youtube.com/view_play_list?p=803563859BF7ED8C"

- http://www.youtube.com/view_play_list?p=D2350A83B752C861"

- http://www.youtube.com/view_play_list?p=0862D1A947252D20"

- http://www.youtube.com/view_play_list?p=1CE5B4FFFA997E5D"

- http://www.youtube.com/view_play_list?p=A4CBD0C55B9C3878"

- http://www.youtube.com/view_play_list?p=3F50D04B70A5B935"

- http://www.youtube.com/view_play_list?p=080F1A848428C3FD"

- http://www.youtube.com/view_play_list?p=112A527F83F7A5E4"

- http://www.youtube.com/view_play_list?p=CA944605A8EDE42A"

- http://www.youtube.com/view_play_list?p=F178600D851B098F"

This is an ongoing project, so check http://www.youtube.com/profile_play_list?user=nptelhrd" for additional content which may have been added.
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Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Awesome collection siddharth :approve:
  • #3
Yes very good, I've been following the prestressed concrete courses. There are sitll more i want to check.
  • #4
stream lecture videos

can anyone give me a website were i could stream recorded lectures. specially on optics and electromagnetic wave theory.
anything but youtube i know that ofcourse.
i would preffer a website dedicated for physics or scieance
  • #5
@tmaon: Have you had a look at the 'Introductory Physics Tutorials' forum link above ?
Hopefully there should be a link to Walter Lewin's physics courses (there is emag and some optics topics) taught at MIT, my favourites.
  • #6
These look really good but it's really hard to actually understand them because of both the poor audio quality and their accents..
  • #7
Walter Lewin rocks! i hav attended every single lecture. They are available at ocw.mit.edu
  • #8
.mp3 physics lectures`

anyone have a link
  • #9
Thanks great share

FAQ: What courses are available on Youtube through NPTEL?

1. What is the purpose of video lectures on Youtube?

The purpose of video lectures on Youtube is to provide a platform for educational content and to make learning more accessible and convenient for students. Youtube allows educators to share their knowledge and expertise with a wider audience, and for students to access educational material at any time and from anywhere with an internet connection.

2. How are video lectures on Youtube different from traditional lectures?

Video lectures on Youtube differ from traditional lectures in that they are pre-recorded and uploaded to a platform for on-demand viewing. This allows students to pause, rewind, and re-watch the lecture as needed, making it easier to understand and retain the material. Additionally, video lectures on Youtube often incorporate visuals, animations, and other multimedia elements that can enhance the learning experience.

3. Are video lectures on Youtube considered a credible source of information?

The credibility of video lectures on Youtube depends on the source and content of the lecture. While there are many reputable and knowledgeable educators who share valuable information on the platform, there are also videos that may not be fact-checked or verified. It is important to critically evaluate the source and content of each video lecture before considering it a credible source of information.

4. Can video lectures on Youtube be used for all subjects and levels of education?

Yes, video lectures on Youtube can be used for a wide range of subjects and levels of education. Many educators and institutions use Youtube as a platform to share lectures on various topics, from elementary school to higher education. However, the effectiveness of video lectures may vary based on the subject and the individual's learning style.

5. Are there any downsides to using video lectures on Youtube?

One potential downside of using video lectures on Youtube is the lack of personal interaction and engagement between the educator and students. As the lectures are pre-recorded, students may not have the opportunity to ask questions or participate in discussions. Additionally, there may be technical issues such as poor internet connection or audio/visual quality that can affect the learning experience. It is also important to consider the reliability of the information presented in the video and to supplement it with additional resources if needed.
