Exponential Integral & Incomplete Gamma function

In summary, the conversation revolved around comparing an exponential integral to a Gamma function and discussing the behavior of their difference as k approaches infinity. The solution was found to be bounding the difference by a certain value.
  • #1
Pere Callahan

I need to compare an exponential integral [tex]-E_{-2k}(-m)[/tex] -where k is a positive integer and m just a real number- to a Gamma function [tex]\frac{1}{m^{2k+1}}\Gamma(2k+1)[/tex].

I am using the notation from Mathworld here

http://mathworld.wolfram.com/IncompleteGammaFunction.htmlI am interested in the behaviour of their difference as [tex]k\to\infty[/tex]. It seems to tend to zero, but are there any estimates as to how fast the difference goes to zero?

Thansk for any comments. -Pere
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  • #2
Maybe I ask should another question first.

How is the exponential integral function defined for real z less than zero...the integral representation clearly does not converge in that case... is it just analytic continuation or is there an explicit formula...?


  • #3
Ok. Solved. I bound the difference by


FAQ: Exponential Integral & Incomplete Gamma function

What is an exponential integral?

An exponential integral is a mathematical function that is defined as the integral of the exponential function over a specified range. It is often denoted as E(x) and is used in various areas of mathematics, physics, and engineering.

How is the exponential integral calculated?

The exponential integral can be calculated using various methods, such as numerical integration, series expansion, and continued fractions. It can also be expressed in terms of other mathematical functions, such as the incomplete gamma function.

What is the relationship between the exponential integral and the incomplete gamma function?

The exponential integral and the incomplete gamma function are closely related, as the former can be expressed in terms of the latter. Specifically, the exponential integral can be written as a special case of the incomplete gamma function with one of the parameters set to zero.

What are the applications of the exponential integral?

The exponential integral has many applications in mathematics and engineering. It is used in the analysis of heat transfer, electrical circuits, and radioactive decay, among other areas. It also has applications in probability theory and statistics, particularly in the field of queueing theory.

Are there any special properties of the exponential integral?

Yes, the exponential integral has several special properties, including its asymptotic behavior for large values of its argument and its relationship with other special functions, such as the complementary error function. It also has connections to other areas of mathematics, such as complex analysis and number theory.
