Magnetic Field in Natural Units: Expressing \hbar

In summary: Rajini natural units]This is the essence of natural units: you define the numerical value of one unit of a quantity to be 1, and then the numerical value of any other quantity can be calculated in terms of that unit. In summary, the conversation is about the concept of natural units and how they can be used to express physical quantities, particularly the magnetic field. The units of the magnetic field in natural units are dependent on the choice of natural unit system used.
  • #1
Dear PF members,
In terms of natural units the reduced Planck's constant ([tex]\hbar[/tex]) is 1 ML2T-1. Now in this terminology how a magnetic field can be expressed?
thanks for your reply,
Physics news on
  • #2
what has this to do with quantum physics?

You are asking what the units of the magnetic field (SI units: Tesla) would have in Natural Units? ) ??
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  • #3
from wiki i can't find any information on the natural unit of magnetic field!
since h bar is related to QM---i posted here..
  • #4
but the QUESTION is related to magnetic field and units...

Now why can't you find the units yourself? Have you tried?

Hint: look at wiki article for the different formulations of Tesla.

Hint: What is SI units of Electric Charge? (Q in natural units).
  • #5
still i am confused..
is it 1.9^-18 C..pls. explain..
  • #6
Tesla = kg/(C*s) {SI units} = Mass/(Charge * Time) = M/(Q*T) {natural units}
  • #7
So if h bar =1 ML^2T^-1; then Magnetic field = (1 or ?) MT^-1Q^-1.
  • #8
Magnetic field is not a physical CONSTANT ...
  • #9
So one Tesla = 5.33178088*1017 M/T
  • #10
you forgot the Q...

But I don't think that 1M = 1kg, and 1T = 1second etc... that is not dictated in the WIKI article on natural units.

In order to obtain numerical values, you have to specify WHICH natural unit choice to employ. e.g. Planck units or other-

The table in the wiki article is just giving the Dimensions, not the numerical values, since such assignment needs further definitions.

Using "Rajini" natural units, where 1Q = 1.6E-19C, 1M = 1kg, and 1T = 1second,

1Tesla then equals 6.24E21 [M/(T*Q)]

FAQ: Magnetic Field in Natural Units: Expressing \hbar

1. What are natural units?

Natural units are a system of measurement in physics where fundamental physical constants, such as the speed of light and Planck's constant, are set to equal 1. This simplifies equations and removes the need for conversion factors.

2. How is the magnetic field expressed in natural units?

In natural units, the magnetic field is expressed as a dimensionless quantity, since the speed of light and Planck's constant are both equal to 1. This means that the units for magnetic field are simply 1/length, or the inverse of a length unit.

3. What is the significance of using natural units in expressing the magnetic field?

Using natural units allows for a more elegant and simplified representation of physical laws, as the dependence on fundamental constants is removed. This can make calculations and equations easier to work with and understand.

4. How does expressing \hbar in natural units affect the value of the magnetic field?

Expressing \hbar, the reduced Planck's constant, in natural units does not affect the value of the magnetic field itself. It simply removes the need to use the constant in equations as it is already equal to 1.

5. Are natural units commonly used in scientific research?

Yes, natural units are commonly used in theoretical physics, particularly in quantum mechanics and particle physics. They provide a more concise and elegant way of expressing fundamental physical laws and calculations.

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