Measuring the physical quantity corresponding to an operator.

In summary, the conversation covers basic concepts in quantum mechanics, such as eigenvalues and eigenfunctions of a Hermitian operator, the probability of a measurement outcome, expectation values, and the collapse of a wavefunction after measurement. The main topics discussed are the normalisation constant, the possible outcomes and probabilities of measurements, and the calculation of the expectation value using the bra-ket notation.
  • #1

Homework Statement


Homework Equations


The Attempt at a Solution

I am having trouble getting my head around these questions, the first part a) wasn't too tricky, I used the fact that eigenfunctions of a Hermitian operator [itex]\hat{O}[/itex] are orthogonal and got my normalisation constant = 1/14.

However, I'm having trouble understanding what part b) c) and d) are talking about, here's my understanding:

b) So, I have three eigenfunction equations involving [itex]\hat{O}[/itex]: [itex]\hat{O} \phi_{1}(x) = \phi_{1}(x)[/itex], [itex]\hat{O} \phi_{2}(x) = 5\phi_{2}(x)[/itex], and [itex]\hat{O} \phi_{3}(x) = 9\phi_{3}(x)[/itex] but what does it mean by physical quantity corresponding to [itex]\hat{O}[/itex] in the state [itex]\phi (x)[/itex]? Does it mean the eigenvalues of each equation? If so, would the 'possible' results just be 1, 5, & 9? If so, why? Then how do I go about calculating the probability of each outcome? I am very confused!

c) Now, I understand that [itex]<\hat{O}> = \int_{-∞}^{∞} \psi^{*}(x) \hat{O} \psi (x)[/itex] but I don't understand how this will lead to what the question is asking for..

d) I just don't understand this.

Basically, I'm having trouble understanding the questions, what they mean, and what they're asking me to do! Any help would be much appreciated!

Thank you


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  • #2
These questions depend on what theory you've seen.

But for (b). Given an hermitian operator O that you want to observe. What are the possible outcomes for O? With what probabilities do these outcomes occur?? This is something that should be covered in the theory.

For (c), you essentially need to calculate ##<\psi|O|\psi>##. Use your knowledge of the bra-ket notation (for example, it is linear and so on).

For (d), what state do you collapse in after measuring ##O##. This should be covered in the theory.
  • #3
This question covers basic concepts in quantum mechanics. I'm sure your textbook has examples very similar to this, covering "taking a measurement" corresponds to mathematically.

By the way, the normalization constant should be ##1/\sqrt{14}##.
  • #4
micromass said:
These questions depend on what theory you've seen.

But for (b). Given an hermitian operator O that you want to observe. What are the possible outcomes for O? With what probabilities do these outcomes occur?? This is something that should be covered in the theory.

For (c), you essentially need to calculate ##<\psi|O|\psi>##. Use your knowledge of the bra-ket notation (for example, it is linear and so on).

For (d), what state do you collapse in after measuring ##O##. This should be covered in the theory.

vela said:
This question covers basic concepts in quantum mechanics. I'm sure your textbook has examples very similar to this, covering "taking a measurement" corresponds to mathematically.

By the way, the normalization constant should be ##1/\sqrt{14}##.

Thank you both for your replies, I can see I am out of my depth at the moment, the course notes don't provide very much information on this but I believe I have now found a relevant chapter in one of my textbooks which I will peruse. I don't think we've covered bra-ket notation yet but we've done inner products, operators and commutators.

vela, thank you, I haven't had much practice normalising wavefunctions and I can see now why you would have a constant^2 in front of the normalisation integral.

I will try these again after a read and see if I can do them.
  • #5
After some reading

So I feel silly for not properly researching this before resorting to PF, and for that I apologise. However, would anyone now be able to confirm what I have below?

a) I got (1/√14) as the normalisation coefficient for ψ(x).

b) So the eigenvalues of a Hermitian operator O^ represent the possible results of carrying out a measurement of the value of the dynamical variable that is being represented by O^, so we have 1,5, & 9. Then, I understand that ψ(x) = Ʃann(x) and that the probability of a result occurring is |an|2 so the probabilities = (1/14), (4/14), and (9/14).

c) Expectation value <O^> = ∫ψ* O^ ψ dx , sub in eigenfunction expansion and replace O^ ∅n with λnn and use orthonormality of eigenfunctions again to give <O^> = 7.29

d) If O^ is measured & λ2 = 5 obtained then the wavefunction collapses to the eigenfunction corresponding to the eigenvalue λ2 = 5, so ψ(x) = ∅2(x)

Any insight/nod of approval/pointing out flaws would be much appreciated thank you!
  • #6
FatPhysicsBoy said:
So I feel silly for not properly researching this before resorting to PF, and for that I apologise. However, would anyone now be able to confirm what I have below?

a) I got (1/√14) as the normalisation coefficient for ψ(x).

b) So the eigenvalues of a Hermitian operator O^ represent the possible results of carrying out a measurement of the value of the dynamical variable that is being represented by O^, so we have 1,5, & 9. Then, I understand that ψ(x) = Ʃann(x) and that the probability of a result occurring is |an|2 so the probabilities = (1/14), (4/14), and (9/14).

c) Expectation value <O^> = ∫ψ* O^ ψ dx , sub in eigenfunction expansion and replace O^ ∅n with λnn and use orthonormality of eigenfunctions again to give <O^> = 7.29

d) If O^ is measured & λ2 = 5 obtained then the wavefunction collapses to the eigenfunction corresponding to the eigenvalue λ2 = 5, so ψ(x) = ∅2(x)

Any insight/nod of approval/pointing out flaws would be much appreciated thank you!

I agree with everything except with (c). Could you provide more details for (c) perhaps?
  • #7
micromass said:
I agree with everything except with (c). Could you provide more details for (c) perhaps?

So [tex]<\hat{O}> =\int \psi^{*}(x) \hat{O} \psi(x) dx = \frac{1}{14}\int[\phi^{*}_{1}(x) + 2\phi^{*}_{2}(x)+3\phi^{*}_{3}(x)][\hat{O}\phi_{1}(x) + 2\hat{O}\phi_{2}(x)+3\hat{O}\phi_{3}(x)]dx [/tex]

Now since [itex]\hat{O}\phi_{n}(x) = λ_{n}\phi_{n}[/itex] I replace [itex]\hat{O}\phi_{1}(x)[/itex] with [itex]λ_{1}\phi_{1}[/itex], [itex]2\hat{O}\phi_{2}(x)[/itex] with [itex]2λ_{2}\phi_{2}[/itex] and [itex]3\hat{O}\phi_{1}(x)[/itex] with [itex]3λ_{3}\phi_{1}[/itex]

Which gives: [tex]\frac{1}{14}\int[\phi^{*}_{1}(x) + 2\phi^{*}_{2}(x)+3\phi^{*}_{3}(x)][\phi_{1}(x) + 10\phi_{2}(x)+27\phi_{3}(x)]dx [/tex]

Then using the orthogonality of the eigenfunctions we know that the integrals where [itex]n\not=m[/itex] will be 0 and those where [itex]n=m[/itex] will be 1 so we have:

[tex]\frac{1}{14}[1 + 20 + 81] = \frac{102}{14} \approx 7.29[/tex]
  • #8
Weird. I must have made some computation error somewhere. It looks like your solution is correct after all.
  • #9
For point d) you miss a numerical factor in front of phi_2. I think this is 2/sqrt(14).
  • #10
dextercioby said:
For point d) you miss a numerical factor in front of phi_2. I think this is 2/sqrt(14).

Ah I see, makes sense thank you!
  • #11
Given that ##\phi_2## is normalized, your original answer to (d) was fine. Including the constant would simply give you an unnormalized state. There's no reason to include it.

FAQ: Measuring the physical quantity corresponding to an operator.

1. What is an operator?

An operator in physics is a mathematical symbol that represents a physical quantity, such as position, momentum, or energy. It is used to describe the relationship between a physical system and the measurements that can be made on it.

2. Why do we need to measure physical quantities corresponding to operators?

In quantum mechanics, the state of a system is described by a wave function, which is a mathematical function of the physical quantities represented by operators. Therefore, in order to fully understand and manipulate a quantum system, we need to measure the physical quantities corresponding to the operators.

3. How do we measure physical quantities corresponding to operators?

There are various experimental techniques used to measure physical quantities corresponding to operators, depending on the specific quantity and system being studied. Some common methods include using detectors, interferometers, and spectroscopy.

4. What is the significance of measuring physical quantities corresponding to operators?

Measuring physical quantities corresponding to operators is crucial in order to understand and predict the behavior of quantum systems. It allows us to make precise measurements and gather data that can be used to test theories and make predictions about the behavior of matter and energy at the quantum level.

5. Are there any limitations to measuring physical quantities corresponding to operators?

While measuring physical quantities corresponding to operators is incredibly important in quantum mechanics, there are some limitations. For example, the act of measurement can often disturb the state of the system being studied, making it difficult to obtain accurate results. Additionally, some physical quantities may be impossible to measure precisely due to the inherent uncertainty of quantum systems.
