Faster than light communication

In summary, The conversation discusses a paper found on archive that claims the possibility of superluminal communication through the transformation of the environment by particles. However, the author's lack of published or cited papers and the use of informal language raise doubts about the validity of the claim. Additionally, the paper's argument that electromagnetic potentials are real is flawed. There is also a brief mention of the limit on the speed of data transmission and a mathematical statement regarding division by zero.
  • #1

I just found this on archive:

physics/0306073 [abs, pdf] :
Title: Information Field and Superluminal Communication
Authors: V.P.Oleinik
Comments: 14 pages, pdf
Subj-class: General Physics

Has anyone heard of this and do you think it is a valid claim?
Physics news on
  • #2
Probably not valid, but can you provide a link?
  • #4
An exerpt from the abstract sums it up:
...That superluminal communication is possible is seen from the fact that the own field, generated by particles and inseparable from them, transforms the environment into a special physical medium which is capable to instantaneously transfer a signal (information) about any changes, happening to a particle in the region of its basic localization, to arbitrarily large distances...
The author has submitted two other papers to arXiv, none of which have been published, or cited, in a respectable journal. The assertion "fact" tripped my cowpie alarm. A quick sniff halfway through the paper confirmed that suspicion to my satisfaction.
  • #5
Its wierd.

Why would anyone with such a seemingly advanced knowledge of physics (its looks like he's educated to at least phd level) spend time writing crap?
  • #6
Russia is famous for producing high quality math an notorious for producing high quality crackpottery.

I don't see anywere in there where it says the writer is a phd - generally that would be right after his name, right under the title.
  • #7
russ_watters said:
Probably not valid, but can you provide a link?
Not valid assumes that you read them all and judged them all by comoparison.

  • #8
russ_watters said:
I don't see anywere in there where it says the writer is a phd - generally that would be right after his name, right under the title.

I have never seen a physics paper where the author's credentials or titles were listed.

The assertion "fact" tripped my cowpie alarm.

This is a normal figure of speach used in formal writing.

Despite those little nits, this paper does indeed appear to be "cowpie." The author seems to be claiming that electromagnetic potentials are real. He cites the Ahanarov-Bohm effect as evidence, but this is a misunderstanding. Just because the potential is more meaningful in QM does not mean that it is entirely physical.
  • #9
I gues because there is a limit on the speed at which everything can travel (c), there is a finite amount of data which can be transmitted in any finite amount of time.


FAQ: Faster than light communication

1. What is faster than light communication?

Faster than light communication, also known as superluminal communication, is the hypothetical ability to send information or signals faster than the speed of light. This concept goes against the current understanding of physics and has not been proven to exist.

2. Is faster than light communication possible?

As of now, there is no scientific evidence that faster than light communication is possible. The theory of relativity, which has been extensively tested and proven, states that nothing can travel faster than the speed of light. Therefore, it is currently not possible to communicate faster than the speed of light.

3. Why do we need faster than light communication?

Faster than light communication is often portrayed in science fiction as a way to communicate instantaneously across vast distances. In reality, the speed of light is already incredibly fast and allows us to communicate with distant objects, such as satellites and other planets. Additionally, the laws of physics make it unlikely that faster than light communication will ever be possible.

4. How would faster than light communication impact society?

If faster than light communication were possible, it would completely revolutionize the way we communicate and share information. It could potentially allow for instantaneous communication across vast distances, making long-distance relationships and communication with astronauts and space probes much easier. It could also have significant implications for the fields of science and technology.

5. Are there any breakthroughs in faster than light communication research?

There have been various experiments and studies conducted to try and achieve faster than light communication, but none have been successful. Some theories propose the use of quantum entanglement or wormholes for faster than light communication, but these are still highly speculative and have not been proven to work. Currently, the research in this field is focused on understanding the fundamental principles of the universe and how communication at the speed of light can be improved.

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